Please keep this mod alive! I can't believe pibear stopped updating it, i loved this mod. I wish you the best of luck, i know its some hard shoes to fill - keep up the good work and i look forward to the 1.4.6 release
Nice! Though I'd suggest A: taking screenshots during the day and B: turning off NEI ("O" by default) . What mod is that displaying the daytime/biome/etc info? I've never seen that before and it looks good.
How to use IDResolver and Mo' Creatures ( and GUIAPI.jar )
Was wanting Mo' Creatures ( which has its own gui api version ) and ID Resolver ( and all the new mods that use the coremods version ) to work together. It's actually rather simple.
1. Download ( the one you get on the first page of this thread which is the zip )
2. Download GUIAPI from its official forum post ( which is the coremods version )
3. Extract the contents of the ZIP into minecraft.jar directly.
4. Extract the folder 'sharose' into minecraft.jar directly.
5. Reap the benefits of Mo' Creatures + All the mods that require the newer GUIapi coremods verion.
Also a side note in your options menu there are two "Global mod Options" buttons. The top one should contain the Mo' Creatures options, while the second all the other mods which require the coremods version of GuiAPI.
EDIT: Also i had a post a few pages back reporting black screen problem, it turned out to be IDResolver needed the coremods version.
EDIT-2: After some testing i noticed the options for the coremods and zip modsjumping between the buttons. But i don't consider it a problem as everything seems to work fine.
I got it to work by taking the sharose folder from GUI-API 0.52 and adding it to the and sticking that in the "instMods" folder"(where forge and optifine go; is which goes in the jar) and also still add the GUI-API 0..2 in the coremods folder. Worked like a charm.
here is forge stack trace.
wrong thread
DaftPVF's IngameInfo mod.
I got it to work by taking the sharose folder from GUI-API 0.52 and adding it to the and sticking that in the "instMods" folder"(where forge and optifine go; is which goes in the jar) and also still add the GUI-API 0..2 in the coremods folder. Worked like a charm.