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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Quote from squid4680

    Out of Character:
    IGN: squid4680
    have you read all the rules: yes because this sounds like the server for me so i dont want to get banned.
    Why us?: Because I was recently accepted onto a star wars RP server and all the admins loved me and i made it to be the first non admin sith lord. I love Fallout more than star wars so this will be an even better experience.
    How have you found out about us?: I was looking for a greate server with amazing staff that was based off of fallout on mminecraft and i have finally found it
    Roleplay Experience: As i stated before I have played on a major roleplay server before and made it very far as well as playing falout2-new vegas.

    In Character:
    Name:chase gunther
    Age: 23
    Sex: male
    Personality:nice bust hastey when it comes to his trigger finger.
    Race: Human
    Backstory: Chase was born to a group of scavengers that had found pre-war tech. He grew up using laser rifles instead of shotguns and got used to having a set of power armor nearby. He grew to feel it comforting to have old war tech near him. When he was 14 the Brotherhood of Steel raided his scavenging camp and took all of the scavengers, including Chase back to their outpost. They used the scavengers only to learn how to use the pre-war tech then when they were through they became slaves. They noticed that Chase had a natural talent for Pre-War tech so they showed him to the Elder. The Elder stated to them that he be aprrenticized imediatly with one of the paladins. This begins the Chases long story with the Brotherhood.
    Chase began to help hunt supermutants with the Brotherhood and grew to like his partner. He became like a father to Chase. One day when they were cleaningf their armor they got a call from the outpost saying the Enclave was forcing them to open their doors and lay down their weapons. Chase and his parter came running to the base only to find it obliterated with vertabirds flying off in the distance. Chase and his partner set out a search for any other chapters of the brotherhood thus begins their story.

    My partner's IGN is merlin101 and he should be sending an applictaion very soon.

    *Faction Leader Application:Brotherhood
    Out of Character name: squid4680
    In Character name: Chase
    Have you made a whitelist Applictaion: yes
    Was it accepted: pending
    Are you active on the forums: yes
    Why do you want to be the leader of this faction?: I have played almost every fallout game there is and always sided with the brotherhood. I have also put the brotherhood in my character's description. I have lead multiple brotherhood factions on different servers such as this and my faction always turned out to be the most succesful. I want to make this a good experience for everyone and create and ideal Brotherhood.
    How much can you be active on the server?: Almost all the time. I can stay on for hours on end. You tell me or need me to get on the server and i will find a way to make it happen. I even have many friends who want to join the server who could help as they could come on when im not.

    my next WL application :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Quote from FalloutNewRussia

    Both can be accepted IF you just carefully read all of the RP rules man...

    I have read all the rules twice and had to explain to my friends what rule number 5 is but now that i have will you accept my FL and my player request or do i need to make a new one because I will if need be
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Out of Caracter:
    Have you read all the rules?: yes
    Why us?: I've been searching for a great server to play on ever since i started minecraft. Fallout is also my most favorite game of all itme so i thought an RP Fallout server? I was born for this.
    how have you found out about us?: hours of searching minecraft.net
    Roleplay Experience: I have played on many RP servers such as the RP star wars server and im very friendly to any and all staff members even though i can go way too deep into character.

    In character:
    Name:Bjork Bounderhof
    Personality: kind until somebody pulls a gun
    Race: human
    Subrace: Citizen
    Backstory: Bjork was born in Germany to a group of nomads. They were traveling the wastes to find some hope of survival as Germany's once green fields for plowing had all gone bad as the radiation levels were too high. They traveled day on end. It was not long until the wound up in Russia. They unkowingly crossed the border and as they did they saw a vertibird fly overhead. It was strange as it didn't come back for them. The nomads crossed Russia much faster as Germany was one of the most mountanous regions anyone in the wastes had seen. After two years they reached a small settlement where they thought they might settle.
    As the nomads began laying down tents and settling in they quickly relized something, all the current occupants were cannibals. They found out after two of their members went missing. Luckily for Bjork it wasn't his parents or him. They tried to leave the camp but the occupants put up a strugle. There was a gun fight at the gates. This is where bjork learned how to use a pistol. His father handed him a 9mm and he slipped from cover and immediatly shot one cannibal in the leg and another in the head. He went back to cover only to hear his dad say wow i should have shown you this ealier.
    The nomads escaped with only three dead and two wonded. While in the town they had heard of a city called Moscow that held many oppertunities. This is where Bjorks next chapter begins.

    Faction Leader application:
    Out of character name: squid4680
    In character name: Bjork
    Have you made a whitelist applictaion: yes
    was it accepted: no and pending
    Why do you want to be the leader of this faction: I have always thought the Brotherhood had the right idea when they were taking the technology first. I mean if we don't have the technology we turn back into primeval apes. The brotherhood deserves a greate leader, now if that leader is to be me is up to you. I also know advanced tactics to help out the brotherhood.
    How active can you be on the server: All the time. Anytime I'm needed i can stay on.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Out of Character:
    IGN: squid4680
    have you read all the rules: yes because this sounds like the server for me so i dont want to get banned.
    Why us?: Because I was recently accepted onto a star wars RP server and all the admins loved me and i made it to be the first non admin sith lord. I love Fallout more than star wars so this will be an even better experience.
    How have you found out about us?: I was looking for a greate server with amazing staff that was based off of fallout on mminecraft and i have finally found it
    Roleplay Experience: As i stated before I have played on a major roleplay server before and made it very far as well as playing falout2-new vegas.

    In Character:
    Name:chase gunther
    Age: 23
    Sex: male
    Personality:nice bust hastey when it comes to his trigger finger.
    Race: Human
    Backstory: Chase was born to a group of scavengers that had found pre-war tech. He grew up using laser rifles instead of shotguns and got used to having a set of power armor nearby. He grew to feel it comforting to have old war tech near him. When he was 14 the Brotherhood of Steel raided his scavenging camp and took all of the scavengers, including Chase back to their outpost. They used the scavengers only to learn how to use the pre-war tech then when they were through they became slaves. They noticed that Chase had a natural talent for Pre-War tech so they showed him to the Elder. The Elder stated to them that he be aprrenticized imediatly with one of the paladins. This begins the Chases long story with the Brotherhood.
    Chase began to help hunt supermutants with the Brotherhood and grew to like his partner. He became like a father to Chase. One day when they were cleaningf their armor they got a call from the outpost saying the Enclave was forcing them to open their doors and lay down their weapons. Chase and his parter came running to the base only to find it obliterated with vertabirds flying off in the distance. Chase and his partner set out a search for any other chapters of the brotherhood thus begins their story.

    My partner's IGN is merlin101 and he should be sending an applictaion very soon.

    *Faction Leader Application:Brotherhood
    Out of Character name: squid4680
    In Character name: Chase
    Have you made a whitelist Applictaion: yes
    Was it accepted: pending
    Are you active on the forums: yes
    Why do you want to be the leader of this faction?: I have played almost every fallout game there is and always sided with the brotherhood. I have also put the brotherhood in my character's description. I have lead multiple brotherhood factions on different servers such as this and my faction always turned out to be the most succesful. I want to make this a good experience for everyone and create and ideal Brotherhood.
    How much can you be active on the server?: Almost all the time. I can stay on for hours on end. You tell me or need me to get on the server and i will find a way to make it happen. I even have many friends who want to join the server who could help as they could come on when im not.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Epic Tekkit Server
    the server will now be up 24/7 so you can join as long as my computer doesn't give out again lol.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Epic Tekkit Server
    The server is currently down because my computers flash card broke not 5 minutes ago. If you want to be an op just reply why you should and i will ponder it. P.S. have you downloaded tekkit?
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Epic Tekkit Server
    In this amazing tekkit server you can build a house in one of our many towns such as squidville and still recieve a good PvP experience without the threat of having all of ur work destroyed overnight. We already use tekkit, Boseeconomy, and residence. We hope u pick us for ur ultimate economy, faction, and town server! :DORE:

    our server IP is
    our current max player level is 50
    our current town are only squidville but u can also start ur own town if approved by an op
    we r looking for good ops, do you think you have what it takes?\

    Oh and since this is a tekkit server you will need to download tekkit from this link:
    Please choose the standered tekkit launcher not the more advanced choice called technic.

    We wish to see you on the server!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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