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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Quote from BJBoyG7

    he didn't put the "I hope I get accepted" at the end of his app. Did you read the rules squid4680? obviously not!

    i read the rules and ik he didn't
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Quote from Kyrin999

    Thanks! I have a few questions though,
    1: Is there a specific texture pack required?
    2: Is the ip sent to the people that get whitelisted or is it going to be on the front page?

    if u want to help build PM me but other than that ull just have to wait
    Quote from Yocast4

    Lol doubt it

    just cause u can't have any fun doesn't mean you should keep other people from having it....
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Quote from Kyrin999

    Out Of Character: I will type with brackets like this (*insert text here)
    IGN?: Kyrin999
    Age: 19
    Sex (Optional): Male
    Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes.
    Why Us?: Because I feel like minecraft and Fallout would do well together.
    How Have You Found About Us?: I was derping about the minecraft survival servers section and thought I should apply.
    RolePlaying Experiance?: I've played on Savage RP before but that's it.

    In Character:....... Hello.
    Name: Victor
    Age: 220 Years old.
    Personality: Bad socially, quiet.
    Race: Ghoul.
    SubRace: Pre-War Ghoul.
    BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): I was raised in a small house in the back woods of Russia. I was in my college dorm when the bombs fell. I looked out side and saw a massive mushroom cloud miles in the distance, at that moment my heart skipped a beat. I instantly reached for my phone to call my mum and dad. When I got no answer I started to weep. I ran out of the building with no care for radiation what did I have to live for anyways? My feet brought me to a small super-market were I searched for food. Thankfully I had reached the store before the other looters did. I grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed as much food and water in as I could. I heard a plane and Instantly panicked. I looked to the road and saw a sewer grate and entered it. It smelled like rotting ****, but it was a better shelter than anything above ground. I looked to my left and right and decided I'd better go left. I walked a few yards when all of a sudden I started getting a headache, I ignored it for a few minutes but then it grew unbearable. I fell unconscious, and woke up to find all my hair missing, as well as some skin. I was terrified to say the least, I looked like a rotting corpse for gods sake! After a few minutes I pulled myself together and walked a few more yards. It took 3 days to get out of the city, but it was worth it. I set off into the wasteland, beginning my life anew.

    accepted I hope you have fun on the server
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    hello to all builders the server is back up! so get on when u can!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    lol yes wahoo!!!! thanks guys!
    Quote from nick131998

    Out Of Character:

    IGN?: nick131998


    Sex (Optional):male

    Have You Read All The Rules?:yes

    Why Us?:im russian, it seems like a great server and i like to always help out new people

    How Have You Found About Us?:Minecraft Fourms

    RolePlaying Experiance?:not much

    In Character:




    Personality:Helpful, intelligent, loyal, patient, i am 100% russian was born in Solikamsk russia.



    BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): I was born into communism in solikamsk russia, when i was12 i got into gang buisness working as a russian secrete service man. i was then drafted into russia's communist party for a final annitiation for become a soilder to fight for my country and the great motherland!
    За Сталина!

    denied, longer backstory and intelligent isn't personality but other than that I'd accept
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Ok I'm here for all your questions as fallout is away now u join a faction in game and only builders get to see the map presently but you can join up by PMing me ur IGN and i can get u in as soon as fallout gets the server back up
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    ok sorry for posting these posts but the server seems to be down so any builder apps can come but u wont be able to get on until further notice.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    If anyone needs any help in learing about builders i am head architect so PM me or post ur question on this thread. either works
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Quote from Forgiven

    How can we get into the server to help build?

    PM me ur IGN and i can Temp WL u and give u the IP
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    i forgot to mention that the more people who join and become builders the faster the server get up :) -squid4680, don't worry I'ma trusted member of this server
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    To anyone who reads this WE NEED BUILDERS we are undertaking a map stratifacation and let's just say it's going to be epic. To build epic stuff we need epic builders. PM me or fallout to join up. Builders will get in game perks. So join up.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Quote from squid4680

    Out of Caracter:
    Have you read all the rules?: yes
    Why us?: I've been searching for a great server to play on ever since i started minecraft. Fallout is also my most favorite game of all itme so i thought an RP Fallout server? I was born for this.
    how have you found out about us?: hours of searching minecraft.net
    Roleplay Experience: I have played on many RP servers such as the RP star wars server and im very friendly to any and all staff members even though i can go way too deep into character.

    In character:
    Name:Bjork Bounderhof
    Personality: kind until somebody pulls a gun
    Race: human
    Subrace: Citizen
    Backstory: Bjork was born in Germany to a group of nomads. They were traveling the wastes to find some hope of survival as Germany's once green fields for plowing had all gone bad as the radiation levels were too high. They traveled day on end. It was not long until the wound up in Russia. They unkowingly crossed the border and as they did they saw a vertibird fly overhead. It was strange as it didn't come back for them. The nomads crossed Russia much faster as Germany was one of the most mountanous regions anyone in the wastes had seen. After two years they reached a small settlement where they thought they might settle.
    As the nomads began laying down tents and settling in they quickly relized something, all the current occupants were cannibals. They found out after two of their members went missing. Luckily for Bjork it wasn't his parents or him. They tried to leave the camp but the occupants put up a strugle. There was a gun fight at the gates. This is where bjork learned how to use a pistol. His father handed him a 9mm and he slipped from cover and immediatly shot one cannibal in the leg and another in the head. He went back to cover only to hear his dad say wow i should have shown you this ealier.
    The nomads escaped with only three dead and two wonded. While in the town they had heard of a city called Moscow that held many oppertunities. This is where Bjorks next chapter begins.

    Faction Leader application:
    Out of character name: squid4680
    In character name: Bjork
    Have you made a whitelist applictaion: yes
    was it accepted: no and pending
    Why do you want to be the leader of this faction: I have always thought the Brotherhood had the right idea when they were taking the technology first. I mean if we don't have the technology we turn back into primeval apes. The brotherhood deserves a greate leader, now if that leader is to be me is up to you. I also know advanced tactics to help out the brotherhood.
    How active can you be on the server: All the time. Anytime I'm needed i can stay on.

    I have re-quoeted this for you in the hopes you can forgive me for my past trials and see that I understand the rules as I don't want liberty to kill me
    I hope i get accepted
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on STAR WARS SERVER STAFF WANTED
    MC NAME:squid4680

    NAME(Optional, I Understand):paolo canova

    AGE(Optional, I Understand):14

    RANK I'M GOING FOR:sith council member

    WHY I WANT IT: I have always loved star wars and the sith have always appealed to me. They always seem to have a greate edge over the jedi and ik how to RP as a sith easily. I played on an RP starr wars server but they shut down due to money issues. I was the first non-admin sith on the game as I put in so much time and effort. I would love to be part of another server similar to this

    ACCOMPLISHMENTS/PREVIOUS WORK(Need Proof, Screenshots Or Videos):

    This is just what I can do on a survival server. If given the right tools I can make anything.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    hey I reread all the rules and most are commen sense RP rules if there are any you want to specificly add tell me
    P.S. I'm very sorry about my past posts and I hope you can forgive me I am just very excited about this server and rules are always my first priority as I have never been "banned" from a server.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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