I am not here to accuse you but all of these posts look like fake, out of the water vouches:
Not fake bud. I am a friend of the creators behind the server host, and I know not one other person in this thread besides the account. Understandable mistake, but those are actually people
Server banner almost done. We're getting a YouTuber to record on the server hopefully this weekend. Lots of players should be on, so this weekend would be a good time to join and play!
Updates coming shortly. Bug fixes with scoreboards and KitPvP statistics moving to a new database. Prison server will shortly be underway, as well as a nice server banner.
I've been looking to find development work on a new server for a bit now. I left my old server because I was unhappy there. I can code most ideas you throw at me. If you're interested you can PM me, reply to this thread, or add my skype, spiderking220.
This is what im guessing happened.I just changed ip of my host bungeecord server and i changed it on my dns (dns propagation so i had to wait) i guess a lot of people were getting that i think it should be working now but if it isnt and you would like to try our server our base ip is This is only if you want, if you do not want to spend the time i will not blame you.
Hey, I'm Greenapple an admin on play.mcmcraft.com this server has many different game types from SG, factions, and kit pvp, to FunLand with tons of Mini Games. The server normally gets about 5-15 players on at a time, all depending on what time it is. So I would love if you could review the server, thanks for your time
The server is very laggy for me, I keep timing out :/
Hello i am the owner of RhaizenCraft our server is a hub server with many different gameplay options for the members to play and enjoy. as well as as balanced amount of gametypes we have 1 of the only servers (that i know of) that does not have p2w donation ranks all members have the same chance to get op weather they donate or not.
Edit - Our server ip is RhaizenCraft.tk if you are interested in checking us out.
I'll take a look!
EDIT: Apparently the server IP isn't working. Tried using it with the correct port and still not working. Unknown host error.
More updates coming shortly Network-wide!
Not fake bud. I am a friend of the creators behind the server host, and I know not one other person in this thread besides the account. Understandable mistake, but those are actually people
We are looking for YouTubers! If you're interested in recording for the server we'll need to know a few things about you:
YouTube username:
Sub count:
Average video views:
Most popular series:
Good luck!
IP: mc.placebopvp.com
Your Minecraft username: Spider_MC
Skype username (to contact you): spiderking220
Product (ie. chibi, avatar, chnl art, other; w/ or w/o vid): Server Logo
Spec prices (ie. $30): $35-50 (Would rather discuss the topic)
Your Twitter username: @spiderking220
EDIT: Apparently the server IP isn't working. Tried using it with the correct port and still not working. Unknown host error.