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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)

    Text Formatting updated for 1.8. Sign lines are now limited by width instead of a strict 16 characters. Also, sign formatting works a bit differently now, but should be more convenient(?). Eventually I'll move this system to books and command blocks as well.

    Apparently, using the mod on a server kinda works now. It just strips out the formatting, leaving the text itself intact.

    Survival wings had a small update, 1.2.7. It (hopefully) fixes mod compatibility mentioned ^. I also fixed a bug where wings degrade faster when more people are flying.

    Quote from hekimitsuru»

    Hi, recently while I was playing Thaumcraft together with Survival Wings Mod, i experienced a problem with flying on the Thaumostatic Harness which after some googling and experimenting, it seems to be related to the Survival Wings Mod.

    I am playing on 1.7.10 and i am wondering if the bug have been fixed in this version?

    I backported it to 1.7.10, so there's a version of this new release for that as well. Try that?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)
    Quote from dobkey»

    Yay! Update! :creeperdance: by Alvoria I absolutely love your mods!
    Btw, are you going to update the Text Formatting mod anytime soon?

    Yeah, at some point.
    Quote from theland10»

    I'm having a problem that I think is being caused by Survival Wings on 1.8. It's kind of hard to explain. It's not crashing. Basically shortly after getting wings the internal server stops working. I can still walk around and break blocks, but nothing drops, I can't open any sort of containers when i click them, and mobs stop moving in place. It's really odd, and if I try to save and quit it stops responding and I have to end task out of the program. Once the glitch happens, it doesn't matter if I remove the mod, the game save the error happened on is screwed and must be rolled back to a backup (if available). I had a lot of issues with this glitch and couldn't figure out what was causing it. I'm only fairly certain it's survival wings now because I made a new game, and played on it for a good 3-4 days without getting wings, and not 10min after I got around to crafting wings I encountered the glitch again. I've since removed the mod and loaded a backup and not had any problems since.

    That's... bizarre. I can't think of anything that would cause that. Are there any errors, stack traces, etc. in the log file?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)

    Working (tested!) builds of SpaceCore, Survival Wings, and Biome Wand for 1.8 are up.

    SpaceCore had a bunch of useless stuff removed (the buggy/laggy light display thing for instance).

    Survival Wings had no changes.

    Biome Wand works different now, but it should be fairly obvious how to use it (I hope), especially since I added instructions to the item tooltips. (I might have forgotten to upload the item recipes somewhere... Oops. Just use this for now, I guess. I also meant to add more recipes for the wand itself, using other biome things like snowballs instead of vines, but I forgot.)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)
    Quote from _Czar»


    I really like some of these mods, especially the Pets and Biome ones, and I was wondering: Do you allow use of your mods in modpacks? I understand that some mod makers don't freely give permission for inclusion of their mods, so I figured I'd ask first before including yours in one.

    Yeah, that's fine.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)

    So apparently it was that easy to get forge actually compiling again... Oops. I thought that would be silly.


    Stuff will probably come around slower than it used to be since I don't have nearly as much free time as before.

    Quote from FullThrottle98»

    Hi! First off, I would like to say great mod, better than doggy talents (what I was previously using.) Second, I have a request. Could you update this page to include crafting recipes for things in the mod, including the optional pet armor? I can't seem to figure a few of them out in game. Thanks!

    Edit: I should probably mention I am talking about the useful pets mod. Sorry, I was tired when I first commented.

    Sure, I'll try to remember that.

    Quote from IceGliz»

    Hi! I downloaded Survival Wings 1.7.10 with other mods and got this error:

    Forge Mod Loader has found a problem with your minecraft installation

    The mods and versions listed below could not be found

    SC0_SpaceCore : any

    The file 'logs/fml-client-latest.log' contains more information

    Uh, did you read the error? :P You don't have SpaceCore.

    Quote from OnlineID43»

    hi i just found out that your useful pets mod is incompatible with the smart moving mod i getting very low fps with both mods installed can you please fix that if it is possible

    Um... That's odd. Are you sure that it is because of those two mods?

    Remind me again after the 1.8 one is out (assuming it is still an issue).

    Quote from Vulpixy»

    Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to add additional mobs to the list of creatures you can make into pets. Do you have plans to add mobs like chickens, cows, etc to the list of tamable mobs?

    At the moment, no.

    Quote from SwagMasterIV»

    I downloaded the core and useful pets mod and when I try to access the GUI of my wolf, it crashes. Help me.

    Error logs? :P

    Quote from ders360»

    In the pets mod can you add horeses and and add a way to increase the level cap in

    the configs so i can get all the skills

    in 1.7.10 so i can use it in my magic mod pack i do with my frends

    Horses, no. :P

    I believe in the config file there is a way to change the level cap? Starting in 1.2.2.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)

    Yes, latest.log in that folder.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)

    I don't have the slightest clue. If you could get me the full log file I might be able to figure something out, but otherwise I'm not sure.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)
    Quote from BlackBasan»

    Hi, when i downloaded your useful pets mod and core mod (for 1.7.10), i got this error:


    That's a weird error. It doesn't seem to be happening for me.

    It might be a conflict with another mod you have installed. Could you try to figure out which one it might be?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)

    Text Formatting 2.2.3 released, fixes this:

    Quote from Apple433»

    The formatting code mod is epic, but it's not letting me apply code to any line on the sign other than the first one. Help?:huh:

    Quote from llr123»

    I'm having the same issue with the sign formatting mod. It seems that it only registers the first line of the sign (the counter for the characters only counts the characters on the first line). Is there a simple fix to this, or is it a bug with the mod itself?


    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)

    Useful Pets 1.3 has the silverfish. :) I may have had to get creative for the sitting animation again...

    The Painterly addon for it is updated as well (1.0.4).

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)
    Quote from Akitori»

    My friend wants silverfish pets :P

    Quote from BioMasterZap»

    Hey, I was chatting with a friend earlier about silverfish and the idea of a silverfish pet came up. Think silverfish could possibly work its way into useful pets? It seems about the right size and is about as feasible for the abilities (e.g. mount) as most the others.

    That should be pretty easy to do. What do you think the default skills for it should be? (I could add new ones, but I don't have any more ideas. :P)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)
    Quote from DJCherryTempo»

    When I install Minetweaker, a folder under my saves folder called 'scripts' is formed. I drag and drop the text file that contains your Minetweaker script into this folder and then I launch the game. I then load up a Creative world to test it out, I place a weapon in the middle and the items in the correct spots and nothing shows up. I switch to a tool and still nothing. I'm honestly about to just give up on this, but I really love Everlasting Tools back in the day.

    Is there anything in your minetweaker.log?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)
    Quote from DJCherryTempo»

    Minetweaker is just really confusing to use for me. I might add it back in and give this another shot. But I had used a Golden Sword to test the waters and the recipe never showed up.

    Quote from DJCherryTempo»

    OK, I reinstalled Minetweaker, I let the mod load up, closed Minecraft, I downloaded the text file with the script and put it in the script folder, loaded up a Creative world to test it out, and it still doesnt work.

    I'm not really sure then (assuming you mean the scripts folder, not script). :( Sorry.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)
    Quote from DJCherryTempo»

    I gave that Minetweaker thing a shot, and it apparently didnt register. I dont really use Minetweaker to begin with though, so I was flying blind using it.

    You just put the script in the scripts folder. You can see the recipes under Shapeless Recipes if you check item usage with NEI (such as for a diamond block).

    One thing I should point out is it is a whitelist, by default only for vanilla items. If you need it to work for mod items, you have to add them to the tools array. Maybe that is why it didn't work for you?

    I did slightly update the script to make the display in NEI look better (and so you can see what the recipe actually does :P).

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on spacechase0's Mods (Updated 11/18/2015)

    For anyone who wants a replacement for Everlasting Tools in 1.7+, you can use this MineTweaker3 script. The recipe is the same as before, and enchantments are kept. Unlike the mod, I believe you can still enchant and/or use an anvil with it though.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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