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    posted a message on The Nations [Nation RP]
    You are accepted. What colour would you like to be on the map?
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on The Nations [Nation RP]
    Quote from Meritania»

    - Does this take place with real world geography?

    Quote from Meritania»

    Has there been a world war or is it just changing politics over time?

    There was a war, although it is entirely possible that your country stayed out of it.
    Quote from Meritania»

    Can we NPC local nations that are not in the territories of other players?

    All nations that aren't controlled by players are NPCs controlled by me, although you'll only be updated on what they're doing if it's important or in response to a player action.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on The Nations [Nation RP]
    Yes everyone, it's a nation RP! Perhaps the most original, hard hitting and compelling one you will ever see (with a great title to boot.)

    It's the year 2035 and the world was devastated by a global war. I am very flexible about the history and will leave it up to you to decide through your app, on one condition. THERE WAS NO NUCLEAR EXCHANGE. That's the only thing I'm fussed about.
    (I'll make sure to give updates on the history once it starts getting made. Maybe put a timeline together?)
    If one player's canon opposes an another's, I'll make the decision based on which one makes the most sense.

    1- No godmodding.
    2- No powerplaying.
    3- No, you cannot play as all of Afro-Eurasia. Try to keep your nation not too OP at the start, please.
    4- Use common sense, please.
    5- NPC nations are controlled by me.

    Nation App
    Name Of Nation: Self-explanatory
    Location: Try to specify the modern day nations that you encompass. It makes it easier to fill the map.
    Leader: Who leads your nation? Are you a monarchy, dictatorship, republic?
    History: What lead up to your nation being founded?
    Military Capacity: How many troops do you have? How advanced are they?

    Organisation/Faction App:
    Name Of Organisation/Faction: Self-explanatory
    Assets: How many people work/support you? How many facilities do you own? Any land you claim as yours?

    -THE MAP-

    -History will go here-
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread
    Wait, you guys don't want to read about the history of the land that will NEVER be bought up? You must be crazy!
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread
    You want more roleplays? The problem here is the complete flood of roleplays. Everyone wants to be a GM these days.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread
    I think it's time to let this place die. Or wait for the messiah to come down from the clouds and usher in a new age of roleplaying (which is exactly what happened when the preci-bobbly-boos came along)

    We need a Viking Funeral.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Star Empires [Reboot]
    I've PM'ed you.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Star Empires [Reboot]
    You and me Rogue, we're going to restore the light of nation RPs to MCF.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on General Roleplaying Discussion and Information Thread
    God, I've been here since when roleplays were put under the 'Forum Games' section. I'll never forget you MCF. Never.

    Well, pack your bags everyone. Leave the casuals to wallow in their filth. Maybe it'll fertilize the ground for future generations?
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Star Empires [Reboot]
    -Diplomacy Is Good Fun-
    The Changeling's have sent requests for meetings with security officials in both the Equestrian Empire and Earth Alliance. (( Plz respond ))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Star Empires [Reboot]
    (( Please, the Changeling's would destroy the Dracs with the power of harmony, friendship and shape shifting. ))

    -It Begins-
    The Colony ship has landed and begun building an outpost on an uninhabited planet. The Changelings have yet to name the planet, however. The Changeling command estimates that two new ships will be built soon and ready for further colonization.

    (( Bigger posts come later. ))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Star Empires [Reboot]
    Launch Station Alpha, Dracmoor.

    Yxalt stared at the colony ship. A medium sized vessel, built mainly with Equestrian metals, it was the biggest thing the Changelings had ever seen. The cannons on the ship gleamed brightly, the Starmetal reflecting, causing it to shine harshly in the eyes of onlookers. The day was truly historic, the first time that the Changeling Empire would ever expand their territory.

    Around the launchpad, Changelings lined up and boarded the ship, preparing for their journey. As they boarded the ship, another Changeling stood at a podium, looking down at the crowd. His eyes began to glow blue and he used magic to augment his voice. "My people! Today our glorious nation will expand. We will take to the sky and secure our destiny. Thanks to the help of the Equestrian's, we are able to colonize a fertile planet. Soon, the Changeling's will control the skies! The Saviour guides us!" The crowd all threw up their hooves and cheered, screaming "The Saviour guides us."

    The ground began shaking terribly, as the ship slowly lifted up and into the sky. The pilot began broadcasting. "This is the Starship Horizons of the Changeling Empire. We have liftoff."

    (( And Starmetal spreads. Which is bad. ))

    -Alliance Proposal-
    A document has been sent to the Equestrian Empire, proposing an alliance. The terms were simple, "That neither nation would act against the interests of another, and that in all crises, military or otherwise, assistance will be offered.

    (( This alliance would give the Equestrians the universe's greatest spies. Which is a pretty good thing. ))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Star Empires [Reboot]
    -The Mighty Changelings-
    The Changeling Empires sends a message to the Equestrian's asking if they could help build their ships. Pretty please?
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Ulti's Bar & Grill (Hangout Roleplay) [Moved to Discord]
    (( My John, not your John, ))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Ulti's Bar & Grill (Hangout Roleplay) [Moved to Discord]
    John sits at the bar, downing a round trip. He coughs a little before smiling. "Good stuff." THEN HE DIES. R.I.P John.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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