I'm trying to make it so if the player is holding a torch then the block below the players feet and 1 block in each direction (x+1,x-1,y-1,z+1,z-1) lights up, using the Block. setLightLevel(blockId, light level); but I cant select this blocks without there ids so idk how to select them, this is all done in the modTick function so its updated every 1/20 of a second, can you help? Or anyone else who can figure it out, I would really appreciate it but this is not magorly urgent
Aldo I'm looking for 6 people interedsted in being beta testers for my mod if you're interested please PM me
Are you, or are you wanting to be a beta tester? Then PM me, I'm looking for 6 people who are interested in being beta testers for my mod and its many updates to come so if you ar
e interested let me know! You don't even have to be a modder just someone who is interested in testing mods before they are released to the rest of the world!! Sounds pretty exciting huh? Well what are you waiting for PM me before its too late, stop reading this just click my profile picture and PM me!!!!
Yea i dunno if its possible for me to do yet, i made a loop so it destroys all the wood blocks but then doing it for like 10 different directions (for all the leaves) is just to complicate, of course i will try another way of doing it but this may take a while so please just wait a bit longer, and to rhe guy who wantedmthe little creeper pet thingy itll probs be best if someone else did it as i am still learning how to make custom mods sorry
Sorry for all my perf spelling btw
So I'm gonna put up two mod ideas and whichever gets the most votes by the 26th september I will make and upload to this thread
For more info about them just pm me
Aldo I'm looking for 6 people interedsted in being beta testers for my mod if you're interested please PM me
e interested let me know! You don't even have to be a modder just someone who is interested in testing mods before they are released to the rest of the world!! Sounds pretty exciting huh? Well what are you waiting for PM me before its too late, stop reading this just click my profile picture and PM me!!!!
Sorry for all my perf spelling btw
var entity = Player;
var player = getPlayer.ent();
//now in the use item hook
entity.setHealth(player, 20)}
And it works
Thanks heaps minecraftmuse3
Yea there is a variable for its
var a = 504;
ModPE.setItem......ya know?
And I'll try the entity.setHealth thanks
//in the use item hook
For more info about them just pm me