I've thought of this before but never bothered to do it! But you can do something along the lines of..
function converToTick(seconds){//a function to convert seconds into game ticks!
return seconds *= 20;
function modTick(){
var grown = false;
i = 0;
//add some code here like when the seed is placed make placed = true or something... And then
i++;//add 1 to i
while(i != 0){//this is a loop
i++;//keep adding 1 to i
if(i >= convertToTick(20)){//if i == our amount of seconds
grown = true;//grown will == true!
if(grown == true){
i = 0;//reset the loop!
//code to do more stuffs here
Now you can edit the seconds to however long you want, then add more code so that when, grown = true; the crops are ready!! If you need more help just pm me
Yes the PC version. And thank you Frosty Sticks that helps alot! One question though. In adventure mode no one can break blocks unless they have the proper tool. Is there a way to keep players from using a shovel to mine through grass?
i didnt realise you could break any blocks in a/m i thought that was the whole point of it (to not break blocks) what you could use is barriers though /give minecraft: barrier
Ok lol thanks turns out u can turn a .bin mod into .js mod with as file
There are actually 5 ways .js (javascript/ModPE (also some java)), .mod (patch), .apk (application), .zip (texturepack) and .png (skin), mod is just short for modification but when we talk about mods for games it is usually just the first 3
Ummm well most mods I get don't work and some mods end in .bin so how do I install that and the texture packs I get usually just crash my game plz help
There are three ways to mod mcpe, with ModPE which is JavaScript and its extension is .js, patches, their extension is .mod, and addons, their extension is .apk, I'm not sure what .bin is, and for the texture packs, make sure you use one that's compatible for your Minecraft version, like, don't use a 0.8.1 texture pack if you're running 0.11.1
No problem! Happy to help, I might actually use this for something too....
Mcpe already does this... I think you're meaning with servers, however most servers do not allow mods so this can't really be done sorry
I've thought of this before but never bothered to do it! But you can do something along the lines of..
function converToTick(seconds){//a function to convert seconds into game ticks!
return seconds *= 20;
function modTick(){
var grown = false;
i = 0;
//add some code here like when the seed is placed make placed = true or something... And then
i++;//add 1 to i
while(i != 0){//this is a loop
i++;//keep adding 1 to i
if(i >= convertToTick(20)){//if i == our amount of seconds
grown = true;//grown will == true!
if(grown == true){
i = 0;//reset the loop!
//code to do more stuffs here
Now you can edit the seconds to however long you want, then add more code so that when, grown = true; the crops are ready!! If you need more help just pm me
Firstly s isn't defined so I can't help you unless I know what it is!
i didnt realise you could break any blocks in a/m i thought that was the whole point of it (to not break blocks) what you could use is barriers though /give minecraft: barrier
For the PC version?
i can do that
just pm me what you need me to do, or ideas and stuff
psst click me
Do you still need help? Or want help
There are actually 5 ways
.js (javascript/ModPE (also some java)), .mod (patch), .apk (application), .zip (texturepack) and .png (skin), mod is just short for modification but when we talk about mods for games it is usually just the first 3
Cool idea
There are three ways to mod mcpe, with ModPE which is JavaScript and its extension is .js, patches, their extension is .mod, and addons, their extension is .apk, I'm not sure what .bin is, and for the texture packs, make sure you use one that's compatible for your Minecraft version, like, don't use a 0.8.1 texture pack if you're running 0.11.1
function vol(r) {
var pi = 3.14;
return (4/3)*pi*(r*r*r);
Thanks man 😂😘
Wow great work 👍