Banned because no, I understand that much of the notation. Unless you're arguing that you can take the intersection of 5 and {{5},5}, which I guess might be possible depending on the set-theoretic definition of "5".
EDIT: Ok, so if you pretend that everything is sets, then yes, your signature seems to be true, since if your chosen y contains elements already in x, then you can just change your y to one of those elements, which cannot contain your initial y because your initial y contained your current y, and a set cannot contain itself without being infinite and infinite recursive sets are complete bullshît. If your current y contains elements x already contains, switch y to one of those elements, and so on until you run out of possible y's in x.
EDIT AGAIN: QED bîtches.
EDIT THE THIRD: God damn censorship.
EDIT THE FOURTH: Hah, suck on that, Minecraft Forums, learn to normalize Unicode you PHP-loving nerds.
Banned for censoring the word "gay", using homosexuality as an insult, making assumptions about my gender identity, and calling an image gay despite it not even featuring 2 people, let alone 2 people of the same gender engaging in romantic or sexual activity.
EDIT: Ok, so if you pretend that everything is sets, then yes, your signature seems to be true, since if your chosen y contains elements already in x, then you can just change your y to one of those elements, which cannot contain your initial y because your initial y contained your current y, and a set cannot contain itself without being infinite and infinite recursive sets are complete bullshît. If your current y contains elements x already contains, switch y to one of those elements, and so on until you run out of possible y's in x.
EDIT AGAIN: QED bîtches.
EDIT THE THIRD: God damn censorship.
EDIT THE FOURTH: Hah, suck on that, Minecraft Forums, learn to normalize Unicode you PHP-loving nerds.
EDIT: God damn ninjas.