Fifth attempt, second time beating the game; rushed it like mad, built a funnel on each mining level to funnel slimes for lanterns, planted at least 50 wheat blocks x 2, made a ton of bread, rushed gems, then spent most of my time beating down that annoying sky wizard.
"Notch Worshipers" stop feeding all the trolls, and stop complaining.
Stop complaining.
Every other thread is about either
A) Why Notch needs to do "blank"
:cool.gif: Complaining
Back to lurking for me.
Edit: I'm not taking sides, but they both have good points\
Yes, we paid for a game, and yes Notch could just say this is the final product and disappear
Yes, it is beta, and yes its going to have bugs.
Yes, Notch should have checked his build before releasing it, and Yes, the beta update was rather lacking for a transition from Alpha to beta.
But Notch is raking in the dough, and he has only hired... two people?
Get 3 or 4 programmers to pile out programming for you Notch, hire 3 or 4 official testers who test builds and find bugs before releasing an update or bug fix, so they can check the build while you work on other bugs.
Stop trying to make the whole game by yourself (programming wise)
Set goals you want to see finished, and have your Company do it for you.
It all depends on the connection speed of the "zombie" botnet. He also is using, according to Notch's blog, an SYN flood, which is easy to fix according to a number of tech forums, and Wikipedia.
Look for stair cases, make sure you have a lantern before you go in. Stairs are located within stone blocks.
edit: not allowed to use [img] tags?
About everything.
Stop complaining about bugs, and entitlement
Stop complaining about notch worshipers
"Notch Worshipers" stop feeding all the trolls, and stop complaining.
Stop complaining.
Every other thread is about either
A) Why Notch needs to do "blank"
:cool.gif: Complaining
Back to lurking for me.
Edit: I'm not taking sides, but they both have good points\
Yes, we paid for a game, and yes Notch could just say this is the final product and disappear
Yes, it is beta, and yes its going to have bugs.
Yes, Notch should have checked his build before releasing it, and Yes, the beta update was rather lacking for a transition from Alpha to beta.
But Notch is raking in the dough, and he has only hired... two people?
Get 3 or 4 programmers to pile out programming for you Notch, hire 3 or 4 official testers who test builds and find bugs before releasing an update or bug fix, so they can check the build while you work on other bugs.
Stop trying to make the whole game by yourself (programming wise)
Set goals you want to see finished, and have your Company do it for you.
Every monster/creature can go into a minecart, and everyone knows about minecart boosters...
My life is minecraft.
Its been suggested a million billion times and Notch has said no.
end of thread.
I can't announce anything official, since that's Wookies job, but we love feedback ;D
Where is your god now?
Also, I found this nearby!
:| Now I have papyrus and cactus farms under a frozen lake.