In-Game name:shadow28ninja/sketchuniverse
Country:United States
Time zone:Pacific Standard
How much time have you spent on this server (MINIMUM OF 3 DAY.): 5 days
Why do you think you would be good for this position (Please be firm but specific):i have been a Admin on 2 servers a Co-Owner on 1 and a Mod+ on 1
Why do you want to be a Cop:i want to keep the gangs in order and make Justice! I also think that it would feel pretty cool to be the good guy for once
Why do you deserve this rank:because i would not jail for no reason when i count down for contraband i would not go so fast and i will not only make the gang part of the server better but make things better in the Police Force
Other Info: IHaveHacks NeuroMan123 sketch universe shadow28ninja (Psst anybody got a delicious Tangerine?!)
i would like to join the server because i have not been able to find a good one for some time, and, as with almost everyone else, i am interested in the demigods plug-in.
When it's out I'll make an application of course :smile.gif:
Edit: nevermind, I didn't know that you could already apply
Character Name in Minecraft: xproffrinkx
Character Gender: Male
Character Race: Human
What are your aspirations and ambitions in The World Of Aegis: To become but a simple trader, and then to work my way up the ranks until I'm a well known merchant by buying small businesses and investing in new ventures. I believe I have what it takes to become one of the most wealthy and influential people in all of Aegis.
Lord Of The Craft Forum Account: proffrink
Home City (Must be applicable with your Race): The Kingdom of Oren
A Law you dislike: -No world grafitti or vandalism - I believe that this could be a good roleplaying aspect of the game if implemented using signs.
A Law you like: Pretty much all of the others. I don't think there's a bad one there. Perhaps add one about cheating people out of money if they're a low level, or maybe a few about raiding/being a highwayman as I think that many will turn to deathtmatching jobs. The peace needs to be kept or this server could lose it's shine.
Country:United States
Time zone:Pacific Standard
How much time have you spent on this server (MINIMUM OF 3 DAY.): 5 days
Why do you think you would be good for this position (Please be firm but specific):i have been a Admin on 2 servers a Co-Owner on 1 and a Mod+ on 1
Why do you want to be a Cop:i want to keep the gangs in order and make Justice! I also think that it would feel pretty cool to be the good guy for once
Why do you deserve this rank:because i would not jail for no reason when i count down for contraband i would not go so fast and i will not only make the gang part of the server better but make things better in the Police Force
Other Info: IHaveHacks NeuroMan123 sketch universe shadow28ninja (Psst anybody got a delicious Tangerine?!)