Quote from DarkNinja2462
some people can't afford a plane ticket, or even get one
and I doubt my parents will go to Florida JUST for Minecraft
D:< D:< D:< D:<
Im kinda impressed by that. I live in NV im going though.
I am loving this server! Our community is very tight, and really nice to newcomers. The role-play is great, lore's great, and the staff's great.
This server's awesome! Lots of role-play, and I'm glad there is an RP-PVP default.
IGN: sketchuniverse
Age: 278364892367489
Why you want to join Lost World: Its been awhile since i have played on a role-play server and i began to search for one with a more sandbox-like feel. I would really like to join your community and server.
Race chosen: Kaeldorai
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Backstory (1-2 Paragraphs):
Seamus was born to his two Kaeldorai parents, Vilna and Ranos, in the forest. His father, Ranos, was very skilled in gathering herbs preparing them correctly for medicinal purposes and had knowledge of all the poisons and their antedotes. This went along well with his mother, Vilna, who was skilled and respected in the medical field for her ability to mend wounds and stitch scars. The two parents had relished in their child's birth and had began imbuing him with their knowledge of medicine. One night, when Seamus was about 12, his family had gone to sleep and a terrible event that would effect Seamus for the rest of his life occurred. The brother of one of Vilna's patients who had died, snuck into their house and tried to kill Vilna, claiming that she took her brother's life, so he would take hers. Ranos awoke to this, and stabbed the man in the back. However, Vilna had already been wounded badly. They tried to find a doctor that could save her, as she was unconscious, but the only known doctor in the reachable area was her. Vilna died and scarred Seamus.
In the years to come, Seamus had decided that he wanted to rule, so that he could cleanse society of such terrible people. He continued his training with his father in the antidotes and poisons of the world, but secretly had decided to use them to rise to power. Seamus became very good at hiding and masking his emotions. He grieved for a couple of weeks at the death of his mother, but ultimately decided that such emotions were useless and would only drag him down in his goal. Seamus put on a smile and pretended to be perfect for the sake of his father, Ranos. He eventually decided that he had learned all he could, and gathered his things, and a few books on the poisons of the world. His last words to his father was that he was going to go out to "cure the world". He grinned at how clever he was and as he was stepping out of his door, he suddenly arrived in Karador, The Lost World. He saw others struggling and in peril, but Seamus saw this as the perfect opportunity to rise to power.
Welp, there you have it. If you don't accept me, please tell me why so that i can further progress my skills as a role-player. Lol, see you around!
Name: Malik
Race: Elf
Quirks: Malik knows a few banishing spells, and sleeps with a ward at night, because he's scared of demons. Malik enjoys being in forests and in natural gardens.
Age: 26
Backstory: Malik's was born to his father, Seamus, and his mother, Teravel. His father was a priest and follow of Feyma, the earth goddess. He taught Malik how to do holy magic at a very young age. Malik was taught to resist combat at all costs and only use magic to protect those who cannot do so for themselves. Malik was an only child, but views all people as his brothers and sisters. Malik feels a connection with plants and animals. As he grew, so did his beliefs. Once Malik was twenty, he ventured out into the world to spread his religion. He traveled for awhile, knocking on doors and preaching to others.
After six years of preaching and regularly visiting his father, Malik wants to build a church of Feyma. He asked around in his circle of Feyma followers, and they directed him to a nearby town called Corvola. (The following section is what Malik does as a follower of Feyma) He does not ingest meat. He cannot work on the first day of the month. He is a follower of Feyma, the earth goddess. Anything not created by Feyma is not natural, and therefore must be rid of the earth. The one exception to this rule is clothes. Malik cannot kill animals, and does not believe in them being in captivity. Malik prays everyday.
Welp, I hope being a peaceful and humble priest keeps me alive for longer. See you around!
Age: 13... I hope this doesn't affect my chances of being accepted.
Name: Kennedy (Not going to disclose my last name due to privacy purposes)
Ever been banned?: Yeah. Once. Back in 2011. And dude, i was like 10.
Ever roleplayed before? Yeah.
Are you a builder?: I'd say I'm about an above average builder.
Name: Vuln Taliamonn
Race: Half-Demon, Half-Elf
Quirks: Vuln kills for money and nothing else. He pretends to be friendly, but inside, he feels pain and hate.
Age: 19
Appearance: (I added this cause i didn't know where else to put it) Vuln has shaggy hair, dark red eyes, and regularly wears suits. Vuln can also shape shift, as he was born with wings, horns, claws, and scales resembling a snake.
Backstory: Vuln was born to Ranos, his demon father, and Vilna, his elven mother. They had a child. Vuln was born. He took after his father, with wings, horns, claws, and scales resembling a snake. Vuln's first three years of life was spent in the smithing town of Hidre. You see, there was once a conflict between Ranos and his best friend, Karas, years ago. Vilna was once Karas's girlfriend, and once Karas introduced Ranos to Vilna, he knew that he was in love. Eventually, Vilna left Karas for Ranos. Karas always held a grudge. One day, he snuck into the Taliamonn's home and tried to attack Ranos. Ranos beat him up pretty bad, but Ranos stopped and told him to leave the house. Instead, he stabbed Vilna. Ranos screamed and went into full demon form and ended up killing Karas. Vilna did not survive. Ranos left the house for a month and spent time thrashing up a forest.. He did it to stop himself from hurting Vuln.
Ranos's brother Vakar took care of him for that time. When Ranos returned, he began to teach Vuln how to fly. He also taught Vuln how to use dark magic. He wanted to ensure that his kid could be stronger. On his twelfth birthday, Vuln was given a staff that his father had been working on for two years. It granted him a mild regenerative ability. Little did he know that Vuln would one day use these skills to become a mercenary. On his eighteenth birthday, he grabbed his staff, packed his things, and waved his father goodbye as he ventured out into the world. He began to look for work as a kill-for-hire.
En Fin
Well thanks for reading! If you'd don't accept me, please tell me what i did wrong and i'll be quick to correct it! Welp, i hope to see you soon!
It is my name. Heheheheheh