I thought OUYA also good, but you do not hear the name recently why?
It wasn't that big of a success, not did it have a very good selection of games. Also a lot of people were irked by the fact you were required to submit credit card info to use it. I didn't see any major titles available on it, other than Final Fantasy III, but it was just a port of their DS remake of the game.
How so? I definitely didn't know how to pirate back in 2000 so I must have legally downloaded it from their website.
I made a couple great little games back then (7th grade) but they might be lost forever. I'm pretty sure I had the installs for them parked on my old Geocities site, but Geocities went away a couple years ago.
It's available as a normal download on third party websites without torrents or cracks or anything, but 2000 and 2003 were only released commercially in Japan. You had to buy them there. Don Miguel acquired a copy of rm2k and created unofficial translations, then released it for free, I believe. The same was done with 2003. It's sort of the reason that those RPG makers were never released in North America, officially, but there was talk of creating actual legitimate english versions of rm2k(3), though given it's such dated software, I don't think it'll be happening any time soon. It can already get a little buggy as it is.
Still, I used them for years, and had a lot of fun using them, plus playing other people's projects. To an extent, I actually prefer them over newer RPG makers. Despite the lack of scripting functionality and graphical limitations, they were A LOT more versatile to use.
GBA SP was my very first console haha. Only one my parents would let me have at the time. The first game I got for it was Legend of Zelda, the Minish Cap, and I loved it to death, but I think most of the games I got for the GBA were part of the final fantasy series. I had 1&2 DOS, 4, 5, 6 and tactics. I also played some of the GBA sims games a lot.
I guess if you want a good free option, use RPG Maker 2000 or 2003. Though technically, they aren't "legal." Since they're more dated, you'll also have to wrestle with some graphical limitations (No alpha or blending effects) but that doesn't mean you can't make a good RPG with them. Some really incredible games have been made with those makers. There is a project called OpenRPGMaker that's seeking to replicate RPG Maker 2003 and turn it into a freeware RPG Maker with all the same features.
I'd recommend RPG Maker XP or VXAce if you're looking to spend a little money. XP is around 25 bucks. I got Ace for 23 bucks in a steam sale, so keep an eye out for those.
Some other names that come to mind are Sphere, IKA Game Maker, 001 Engine and RPG Toolkit. They're not very frequently used, but have a go at them if you like. They're free. 001 Engine is incredibly easy to use.
The snapshot with the blocks should be bigger. It's tough to see what the blocks actually look like.
Also I'm just curious, why is the grass textured like a grid?
This needs a lot of work. Unfortunately, a lot of your edited textures don't tile properly. And you've hardly changed anything. I like your ores though.
There are some tiling issues with the stone part of your ores. Also the actual minerals look lik they're hovering above the stone instead of being actually embedded in the stone.
Well you could always politely request that snapshots of items would be taken. Though generally, you'd expect that if the blocks are well designed, then the items are well designed as well. And some packs may not edit items at all, and their focus is the block textures. I wouldn't dismiss a pack as "crappy" just because I found the items unsatisfying. >_>
It wasn't that big of a success, not did it have a very good selection of games. Also a lot of people were irked by the fact you were required to submit credit card info to use it. I didn't see any major titles available on it, other than Final Fantasy III, but it was just a port of their DS remake of the game.
It's available as a normal download on third party websites without torrents or cracks or anything, but 2000 and 2003 were only released commercially in Japan. You had to buy them there. Don Miguel acquired a copy of rm2k and created unofficial translations, then released it for free, I believe. The same was done with 2003. It's sort of the reason that those RPG makers were never released in North America, officially, but there was talk of creating actual legitimate english versions of rm2k(3), though given it's such dated software, I don't think it'll be happening any time soon. It can already get a little buggy as it is.
Still, I used them for years, and had a lot of fun using them, plus playing other people's projects. To an extent, I actually prefer them over newer RPG makers. Despite the lack of scripting functionality and graphical limitations, they were A LOT more versatile to use.
I'd recommend RPG Maker XP or VXAce if you're looking to spend a little money. XP is around 25 bucks. I got Ace for 23 bucks in a steam sale, so keep an eye out for those.
Some other names that come to mind are Sphere, IKA Game Maker, 001 Engine and RPG Toolkit. They're not very frequently used, but have a go at them if you like. They're free. 001 Engine is incredibly easy to use.
Also I'm just curious, why is the grass textured like a grid?
I found this a little while back. This is the only one I've seen so far, but it should make it easier to figure the enchantments out.