is there any probability for a way too "ally" yourself with some of the hostile mobs, like maybe crafting a special item or potion that would bind them to your will, i wouldnt mind exploring the pits of hell with a succubus companion or becoming a vampire lord myself with a coven of vampire minions with their own minions, or tending to a garden of Mandragoras that attack unwanted visitors but remain passive around you (maybe if you right click they pop out of the ground and follow you whilst attack if left clicked) probably not something youd want to do but i feel it would add a bit more to the mod, maybe the mobs themselves rarely drop an item needed for said binding contraption or a scrap of paper that shows the recepie to bind them, i really like the mod's conscept and disgn but i often wish i could make some of the monsters my companions, (im looking at you ninetails Q.Q)
Any plans to add any variations to the mobs that take control of the world? Could be fun to run into structures like strongholds, fortresses, or villages that the mobs have taken over with a boss or two inside. Maybe the last remaining mobs of the other species could've made outposts and resistances on rare occasion, becoming less hostile and more NPC like while the dominant species fulfills the role of enemies.
Are there any plans for an upcoming update? From what I see, there will be a sans cameo in it. If you're taking suggestions, perhaps a 1.12 port or mod compatibility? Allowing for modded mobs to be added into your army. If that were the case, maybe the player could make some sort of treat and it would take 1 treat for every 10 or 5 health the mob has? That way, they can't just tame incredibly overpowered bosses of the spot, but if they work hard for the materials for it, they can still get it. Along with that, perhaps there could be an easier way to carry around mobs? Something akin to turning them into an unstackable item. That way, you can carry around all your special ones for special fights and let the rest of your armies tag along and traverse the terrain on their own.
This mod DEFINANTLY seems like it could be the slightly better version to Extra Golems. Add in some mod compatibility and boom! On a side note, how about a Guardian Gargoyle? Made with prismarine blocks, it is a gargoyle designed specifically for water bases. In capable of long distance flight, it using it's incredibly wings to launch it's body through the waters at top speeds. It would use spikes along it's body to impale and ram foes Or, if it's not charging, it will fire off a beam, much like the gold gargoyle. Another Gargoyle that might be interesting would be the the Wither Gargoyle. Constructed out of Sandstone, the Wither Gargoyle would be skeletal in shape with charred bones making it up. To it's center is a wisp, the essence of it's being. It is a frail, but hard hitting Gargoyle. Upon death, the wisp is left behind and a large burst of black clouds is release from it's bones, withering any enemies nearby. After a few moments, the wisp will rebuild it's body and it will continue on as if it had never died.
I will be eagerly watching this mod. The idea of a collection of mobs is awesome to do, especially with the variety it has at the moment.
Would you please stop complaining about the mod? If you don't like how the mod author is developing it, then don't be here. We ASSUME you dislike the mod because of all the negative things you are saying about it in regard to it's balance and etc. Cut it out and get out if you don't like things here.
Here's another idea that I found might be interesting. Perhaps a mob will appear, not only dependent on the mob that got the kill, but the area of death? For example, if you drown within an ocean biome, the mob that spawns would be a humanoid with a squid as a head and their tentacles wrapped around like a mane. After a squid finds the body adrift, they will take control of the body and attempt to go to land, using the blood and water within as a source of oxygen as it tries to find any society to integrate into. They would be 'afraid' of water, though, not damaged by it, to show this little bit of lore. Another example of this is if a mob dies in a swamp without dying to another means of undeath. If this happens, the player's death will default to a slime mob. One that I thought would be sort of 'sweet', is if the player would die in the village. Instead of dying and a mob spawning though, the player would get a grave with a coffin inside that acts like a chest. The villagers, out of respect for the player, would kindly make them a grave, entirely unaware of the idea of respawn.
This mod looks really good so far! Hope more 'corpse' mobs get added in the future as it would be very interesting.
An idea. Perhaps you could make a 'possessed' mob for whenever a player is killed by a Ghast or Blaze? Both of them are evil spirits of the Nether world, so I figure they would attempt to possess the player's body after death and try to breach into the overworld. For Blazes, the player's corpse begins to float with blaze rods and smoke around it, using rapid firing blasts and melee tactics to attack the player. For Ghasts, the player's corpse would float around as well, but would have large white tentacles reaching from the back. It'd just be a tankier and longer ranged version of the Blaze one though.
If you're taking suggestions, i've played for a little bit and might have a few that could be helpful or interesting for the future.
-A means of 'tracking' dragons. A player would have to find at least one dragon to make themselves a beastiary. After getting enough pages and slaying enough of the flying reptiles, perhaps there could be certain pages that give a crafting recipe or a means of tracking down certain mythological monsters. This would allow players to adventure through the world from dragon to dragon. Though, a player can already do that, I think it would be helpful in finding the stage 5 dragons and their dens. From what I know, you would just have to stumble across it by mining.
-Different Body types for dragons. From what I can see, we currently have Wyvern like dragons and sea serpent dragons are going to be planned for the future, but what about other types of dragons. The main rule would just be to stick to only two elements, Fire and Ice, but a bunch of different dragons with different attacks, den shapes, and treasures would be cool to encounter. Say, the Western Dragons, ones that crawl on all four with their wings to their back, could have a chance to spawn nearby villages or on the highest areas of mountains in long abandoned castles. Unlike the current dragons, they wouldn't destroy the land they fly into, but their breath and perhaps another attack could do just the same. Another type of dragon could be the Ryu, a serpentine Chinese Dragon that flies through the sky without wings, twisting around in the air to go from place to place. Much like the western dragon, they would roost near villages, but the Ryu would be a more peaceful one. Ryus were said to be considered gods of weather by some, so, why not make it's den a temple of varying sizes depending on IT's size.
-Different enchantments. With the idea of new mythological monsters being brought into the game and there being silver armor that is particularly powerful towards the undead, how about enchantments and other gear that is based on other monster types in order to help specialize and defeat them. For example, Silver would obviously be towards undead, but there's also a smite enchantment that increases damage against undead. You could make something like Lead or a gem armor meant to specifically penetrate the scales a dragon OR have an echantment like 'Draconic' or 'Dragon'sBane'.
Yeah.. The rose quartz models look just fine. They aren't meant to be the Rose Quartz we all know and love, just her gem type, right?
Not sure what to say on the second to bring much to the conversation.
Nor the third...
As for the 'half-gem' thing. This is mod meant to grow your own gems for protection and utility's sake. Not to actually play as one, from what I can tell.
Just thought I should add to the conversation a little bit, even if I hold no importance to the mod itself.
If you're taking more ideas, here's another that regards new gem types.
Before adding in new gems, I think that we should keep in mind the canon of SU and Minecraft. We already have most of the characters that don't count as a fusion that are already full gems, like pearl, amethyst, peridot, lapis, etc. So, I think what's next up on the list are either fusions or non-canon gems that match the canon of minecraft. What do I mean by this? Here are a few examples of what I mean:
-Diamonds: Particularly powerful and large gems. Much like pearls, they can be 'customized' and colored into different shades such as yellow, clear, blue, pink, and others. Also like pearls, (in reference to my above post), they would be multi-purpose. However, they would have MUCH MUCH more inventory space and upgrades, giving them their importance. However, there is a cost to such a powerful gem. Upon being spawned, they will be aggressive and will require the player to prove their greatness. This will essentially be the beginning of a boss battle. They will have a basic melee attack and an occasional attack that is dependent on their spawn color. However, once they drop bellow 10% Hp, they weaken, growing smaller and are passive. At this point, they can be 'tamed'. (Spawns from diamond ore.)
-Emeralds: A very special gem, these happen to spawn passively without being made. Where? They appear in villages and often along side a temple. To the villages, they are gods of trade as their hearts are literally currency to them. These gems don't do much, but act as a circle of trade. They can be traded with an infinite number of times and eventually will unlock into all possible trades that you can make with basic villagers. Keep these green friends around and you'll finally have a grand purpose for all those silly emeralds you've been saving up. Their looks resemble more 'player' looking villagers with green skin and a gem located on their form. (Spawns in villages and from emerald ore.)
-Obsidian: These gems are much like any combat gem. They can be equipped with weaponry and will fight to protect their leaders. What is special about the obsidian is their resilience to damage. These powerful companions are particularly slow in attack rate and movement, but only take damage from sources doing more than 9 damage at a time. In other words, diamond level. They are also entirely fire resistant. They look very brutish, golem like in shape with broad shoulders, huge arms, but surprisingly stumpy legs. Their gems are often placed to their chests and arms. (Spawns from obsidian.)
-Glowstone: Elegant and beautiful gems, these classy followers aren't made for combat. They're not made for combat or brutish actions, but then what is their use? Well, these gems produce a natural light source for themselves and can be put at certain locations to produce a MASSIVE amount of light. They're great for following in the mines or just keeping at home. Upgrades allow special effects of their light, such as plant growth increase or passive mob breeding. (Spawns from glowstone.)
-Prismarine: Another fighter gem for those who need to cover all the bases. This gem comes in the shape of a buff shark person and for good reason. Much like other combat gems, they fight for their leader. However, if saddled up, they will carry their own over their shoulders. If walking on land, they will be particularly slow. But if presented with water, they will swim through it faster than any sapphire or lapis can move! Great for ocean travel, they are somewhat hard to get, as they require a sea lantern to take form. They get upgrades to increase their combat to be more 'pirate' or water based. (Spawns from Sea Lanterns.)
-NetherStar: A very powerful and special gem, much like the Diamonds. These gems are made by be absorbing the essence of a hand made ore, made by placing an H of soul sand into a crafting bench, a wither skull on top, and a nether star on the bottom. This will make wither sand, a noxious and vile material that isn't safe to touch. However, if asborbed by a gem, these one will take form, destroying the Wither Sand afterwards. The NetherStar gem is a towering skeleton, nearly as tall as any diamond. They resemble a far more detailed wither skeleton, singed bones and skeletal features. In all instances of the NetherStar, their gems are placed firmly against their foreheads, taking the shape of different runes and symbols instead of being located in other spots. The abilities of the NetherStar are based on combat. They naturally attack with a melee strike and by firing a wither skull. But with upgrades, they can be formed to fire multiple skulls, arrows, and deal nasty after effects with their damage. Along with this, they can be mounted. The player will be held within the NetherStar's rib cage and carried about. The NetherStar's mobility at first simply involves the ability to climb walls, but can be upgraded into flight or increased walk speed.
As with my other suggestion, I hope this helps to inspire some ideas.