Ingame Name: Siagrim
How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft?: since it was in early alpha
Do You Promise To Abide By The Rules? (Rules Available In Spawn Area): i promise swear and oath!
Why Do You Want To Join? (2 Sent. Min.): this looks like a unique little server. i like the sound of 4 man teams and ive only played on one other server with the hunger setting and that was really fun so i am thinking this will be the same. plus ive always wanted to play a zombie based server!
Have you Ever Been Banned? (Be Honest, If We Find Out You Lied, You'll Be Banned Here Too.): yes but only because there was a 5 min ban time whenever you died to add realizsm :tongue.gif:
Why Should We Accept You?: because i has cookies! and i love to contribute and participate!
Do You Have a Referral? (Optional): sadly no :sad.gif:
Are You Going To Be Freelance or Join a Team?: i so want to join a team!
IGN: Siagrim
Age/Country: 21/United States
Why do you want to join: this looks like a very involved server and i like that! i love to participate and help out as much as i can :biggrin.gif:
Have you ever been banned from a server?: naw
if so why?:
Will you join a town? or freebuild?: ill most probably join a town :biggrin.gif:
ADD. information: i love to mine and collect resources so hopefully my king will enjoy my presence in there domain! :biggrin.gif:
Character Description: ill probably be a miner and just gatherer in general working for the kingdom. i play by the rules and like to participate in a worlds society and class set. i think i can bring a positive addition to your member list.
IGN: Siagrim
Reason for joining server: i like servers with classes and merchants, plus i am good at following rules and i love to participate.
Previous servers(if any): various servers across the forums
Any OP experience? sadly not :sad.gif:
Any other comments:
How often do you plan to play: whenever i am not at work or college i play minecraft as much as i can
- IGN (in-game name) Siagrim
- What do you like to do in minecraft? i love to pretty much explore and collect! im not the best builder unfortunetly :tongue.gif:
- What is the previous server you played on? i play on many and love to contribute as best i can!
- What is your reason for leaving (if applicable)?
- How do you plan on contributing to our server? i plan to bring a positive atmosphere and help people as best i can!
In-game name: Siagrim
Location and Age: Alabama and im 22!
Previous bans: none!
Referral: none :sad.gif:
Reason you should you be accepted: i love to participate and i hate griefing ><. i am social and think i can bring something positive to the server!
Additional info: hug a creeper! it gives you chest hair!
Special Key: duh found it, wow im tired >.> {HC}
Minecraft username: siagrim
Gender: male
Age: 21
Clan you would like to join: nature
How would you benefit this server: as an explorer and gatherer and defender. i enjoy gatherering so hopefully i can get stuff needed to build for the other clannies :biggrin.gif:
ok so the reinstalling thing for java seems to definatly work but you have to go to your add and remove programs in your control panel and uninstall all things dealing with java/oracle. once that is done, go here and download the development kit. hope that works for yall for its the only thing thats worked for me.
ok so the reinstalling thing for java seems to definatly work but you have to go to your add and remove programs in your control panel and uninstall all things dealing with java/oracle. once that is done, go here and download the development kit. hope that works for yall for its the only thing thats worked for me.
How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft?: since it was in early alpha
Do You Promise To Abide By The Rules? (Rules Available In Spawn Area): i promise swear and oath!
Age and Location: 21/United States (alabama)
Why Do You Want To Join? (2 Sent. Min.): this looks like a unique little server. i like the sound of 4 man teams and ive only played on one other server with the hunger setting and that was really fun so i am thinking this will be the same. plus ive always wanted to play a zombie based server!
Have you Ever Been Banned? (Be Honest, If We Find Out You Lied, You'll Be Banned Here Too.): yes but only because there was a 5 min ban time whenever you died to add realizsm :tongue.gif:
Why Should We Accept You?: because i has cookies! and i love to contribute and participate!
Do You Have a Referral? (Optional): sadly no :sad.gif:
Are You Going To Be Freelance or Join a Team?: i so want to join a team!
Age/Country: 21/United States
Why do you want to join: this looks like a very involved server and i like that! i love to participate and help out as much as i can :biggrin.gif:
Have you ever been banned from a server?: naw
if so why?:
Will you join a town? or freebuild?: ill most probably join a town :biggrin.gif:
ADD. information: i love to mine and collect resources so hopefully my king will enjoy my presence in there domain! :biggrin.gif:
Age: 21
Character Description: ill probably be a miner and just gatherer in general working for the kingdom. i play by the rules and like to participate in a worlds society and class set. i think i can bring a positive addition to your member list.
i did.
Reason for joining server: i like servers with classes and merchants, plus i am good at following rules and i love to participate.
Previous servers(if any): various servers across the forums
Any OP experience? sadly not :sad.gif:
Any other comments:
How often do you plan to play: whenever i am not at work or college i play minecraft as much as i can
- What do you like to do in minecraft? i love to pretty much explore and collect! im not the best builder unfortunetly :tongue.gif:
- What is the previous server you played on? i play on many and love to contribute as best i can!
- What is your reason for leaving (if applicable)?
- How do you plan on contributing to our server? i plan to bring a positive atmosphere and help people as best i can!
Location and Age: Alabama and im 22!
Previous bans: none!
Referral: none :sad.gif:
Reason you should you be accepted: i love to participate and i hate griefing ><. i am social and think i can bring something positive to the server!
Additional info: hug a creeper! it gives you chest hair!
Special Key: duh found it, wow im tired >.> {HC}
Age: 21
Why YOU Want To Join: a zombie survival servers sounds like a lot of fun!
Referall: none sadly :sad.gif:
Gender: male
Age: 21
Clan you would like to join: nature
How would you benefit this server: as an explorer and gatherer and defender. i enjoy gatherering so hopefully i can get stuff needed to build for the other clannies :biggrin.gif:
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