Welcome to Untold Stories. This is where I post my CTM maps. (Complete The Monument) The objective is to finish the Monument by placing different colored wools and other material blocks on it. You find these wool blocks scattered around the map. The material blocks are iron, gold and diamond blocks. You may craft these blocks for the monument, But you are not allowed to craft the wool blocks.
Are you new to my maps? Or just new to the CTM genre in general? Then you should play Corona Trials! It's one of the best works I have to offer and is also really enjoyable for CTM newcomers!
Do you want to make videos of a map of mine? Sure, I recommend it, but you must have a link to this thread. If people watched your videos and want to play it themselves, they can find it really fast.
Without further ado, Let's get on to the maps!
For MC 1.9 - 1.12:
Untold Stories 06 - Horrifeye - 1.2.1 For MC 1.14.4
A shattered realm now void of life and filled with an eerie shadow. All that is left are remnants of a long-forgotten world.
This map features an expansive dark sky world filled with grand areas and brutal design not for the faint-hearted.
furthermore, expect a difficulty that ramps up as natural-spawning monsters scale with the map progress.
Can you survive in this forlorn wasteland or will you perish together with what is left?
Click me to download
Map Information:
Recommended MC version: 1.14.4
Difficulty: 5/5 (Hard)
Length: 4/5 (Hard)
Map Style: Open World (with semi-linear layout)
Amount of Monument goals: 12 Ender Eyes (+ 12 Bonus Music Discs + 65 Advancements)
The map features a custom soundtrack in the form of music discs made by Crinkles! (check his work out here: https://crinklesmusic.bandcamp.com/ )

Untold Stories 05 - Calamity Canyon - 2.4 For MC 1.12.2
These once fertile lands are now blighted and devoid of life. Dark clouds have covered the canyon and spread evil. Survival in this barren wasteland is difficult due to the absence of an infinite food source. Explore the mesa and uncover the secrets that it holds. Can you manage to stay alive?
Click me to download
Map Information:
Recommended MC version: 1.12.2
Difficulty: 3/5 (Medium)
Length: 3/5 (Medium)
Map Style: Open World
Amount of Monument goals: 11 Wool + 6 Material Blocks (+ 1 Emerald Block + 39 advancements)

Untold Stories 04 - Corona Trials - 1.2.2 For MC 1.12 (recommended for newcomers to my maps!)
I've frequently gotten requests about an easier map, so here we go! This map is based around fire with a difficulty that builds up. It starts off at a manageable level suitable for newcomers to the CTM (Complete The Monument) genre, but will get quite tricky over time.
Map Information:
Recommended MC version: 1.12
Difficulty: 2/5 --> 3/5 (from Easy into Normal)
Length: 3/5 (Medium)
Map Style: Linear-Branching
Amount of Monument goals: 16 Wool + 6 Material Blocks (+ 27 Bonus Emeralds)

The same render, but without the logo. The logo is on the bottom of the pictures. Feel free to use it for video thumbnails! Huge thanks to Moldybread for the Corona Trials logo!

Untold Stories 03 - Myriad Caves - 1.2.1 for MC 1.10
Myriad Caves, an extensive network of caves providing plenty to explore. This map is experimental in two ways.
Firstly, the map layout is an open-world cave layout. So areas may have an abounding amount of pathways to other areas. Secondly, the map uses a different food/health system than a normal MC world. Instead of getting food points back you get health back directly when you eat a piece of food. This in combination with the challenging areas will provide you with a challenging yet rewarding experience. How far will you make it?
Map information:
Recommended MC version: 1.9 / 1.10 (1.9 recommended, 1.10 works as well)
Difficulty: 4/5 (Hard)
Length: 4/5 (Long)
Map Style: Open World
Amount of Monument goals: 16 Wool + 6 Material Blocks (+ 54 Bonus Emeralds)

For MC 1.8:
Untold Stories 01 - Goliath - 1.1 for MC1.8
From forests to deserts. Go diving in the deepest oceans or go spelunking in the darkest caves. This map is an environment based map. It is extremely vast so that explains its name. It starts off relatively easy, but it gets harder and harder over time. But be wary, the map has a fair amount of traps
This map is a really rough map and not my best quality work. I recommend you Try some of my MC1.9+ maps.
Map information:
Recommended MC version: 1.8
Difficulty: Progressive 2/5 ---> 5/5 (Easy ---> Very Hard)
Length: 5/5 (Extremely Long)
Map Style: Linear Branching
Amount of Monument goals: 19 (+ 1 Bonus goal)

Untold Stories 02 - Bigleaf Forest - 1.0 for MC1.8
Stranded on an island full of vast trees you must survive. Explore and
discover in this overgrown wilderness. This is an open-world map that is more of a survival map than an adventure map. Also, because this
map has many leaves, fire doesn't spread, just to save your computer some hassle.
This map is a really rough map and not my best quality work. I recommend you Try some of my MC1.9+ maps.
Map information:
Recommended MC version: 1.8
Difficulty: 3/5 (Medium)
Length: 3/5 (Medium)
Map Style: Open World
Amount of Monument goals: 19 (+ 1 Bonus goal)

Untold Stories Mini 03 - The Sower - 2.1 For MC 1.13.2
This is my first (mini) map for 1.13. The map experiments a bit with the core mechanics by introducing a new hostile mob spawning
system and and a spammable sword system. Feel free to leave feedback on how they play as I might use them again in a future map.
The map was originally made for the 21st Strawberry Jam, but I ran into time constraints, so I finished it as a standalone project.
In a world roses have withered and gloom filled the sky your objective is to find all flowers in the dark depths.
Retrieve all flowers to reap the victory. You start in a barren wasteland filled with old barrows.
As you explore these desolate ruins you will discover there is more than just old crypts below.
Click me to download!
Map information:
Recommended MC version: 1.13.2
Difficulty: 4/5 (Hard)
Length: 2/5 (Short)
Map Style: Open World
Amount of Monument goals: 8 Flowers

Curious how other players handle different areas? This place is where I give shout-outs to awesome guys who deserve some attention by doing an LP of my map(s). Show these guys some love! <3
Orgeron KITT:
Gold Hawk (french):
Saidenmaster (with WarNev3rChanges):
If you really like my work and want to support my maps, feel free to donate by clicking the link down below! Any amount is appreciated!
- You are free to make videos of my maps and you are allowed to monetize it. (I even recommend making videos.)
- Making money from my maps in any other way than given above is forbidden.
- Don't claim my maps as your own.
- You may not re-upload, mirror or directly link to my maps without my permission. You must link to this page only.
- I am not responsible for any damage caused by my maps. All damage caused by the use of my maps fall under the user.
- I am not responsible for any damage to your Minecraft player.
It's just a starting area, I think it's great that it is something simple like that.
Edit: And yeah, like Fangride said, that block variation is unique to the brown wool of The Painter, haven't really seen it anywhere else. Maybe similar ones with slightly different block arrangements, but this immediately reminded me of that area alone and nothing else from other maps.
So far I'm really loving it. The spider part is ridiculous though. They do unbearable amounts of damage even with most of the armor you gave us. Not to forget they give knockback. Maybe throw in some kbr armor before that room? Also the cave spiders in the red wool room are just.. un rewarding. I personally think nothing should be in the red wool room because those guys hurt and it's just wrong for them to be the ones that kill you rather than the main room ones. And you have to go all the way back there just to deal with them again.
So Vechs has spoken again....
I guess I should've been more specific. I was referring to the Punch-Bow Archers in The Outpost area above the Breeding Grounds. There is no hidden item in the actual Breeding Grounds.
Here's a more direct answer to where it is
The hidden item is located in one of those big holes that separate Breeding Grounds and The Outpost. One of those holes that the Windfury Archers are meant to punch you back into. It's like embedded into the rock.
Wow really? That Sanguine Blade would've done wonders against Aris.
Also, you share pretty much my favourite areas as well. The Grey to Light Grey cycle, as well as the Green to Red cycle, was just too damn great.
I don't know why it would crash because of more allocated memory. If anything, that should help reduce the lag.
The Black area, since early beta, has been known to be a rather laggy area for some reason.
Since the area and it's accompanying dungeons are pretty condensed and short, you might want to lower your render distance if that helps. I would also recommend Fast Graphics if you're not already set to that.
Have you tried the redstone clock re-activation button in the Nexus (in the bedroom)? This would be a case where pressing that should fix the problem...
These were quite interesting to see. I myself have no mic and I've always wanted to post some MC videos to the youtubes. I might try recording something like this when I get around to the first boss.