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    posted a message on Swinging Door Animation
    I thinks this is a cool idea, small and simple, but would add tons of detail.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Never worry about accidentally digging straight down and falling into lava if this is added
    Am i the only one that has no idea what hes saying?

    "Make it so that a block straight under the character can't take any effect caused by the player. That means the player can't place any blocks on it or mine it. This will only happen the the block when a player is on top of it. How do you like it?"

    So let me try to understand this:

    Make it so that a block straight under the character can't take any effect caused by the player (blocks don't take effects, and in case its the other way, that means any block so jumping in lava wont hurt you, soulsand wont slow you..)

    That means the player can't place any blocks on it or mine it (Ok so your saying you can never, ever, dig a block under you)

    This will only happen the the block when a player is on top of it. How do you like it? (Um yea, so you can't dig down..)

    How about no.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ultra Customizable Cars!
    This sounds like it could be a mod, definitly would not fit in with an update though.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on What is your favorite block in Minecraft?
    Love Lapis. It may just be me but lapis and chiseled sandstone looks amazing.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The wierd part of the discussions...
    Welp, this was interesting.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Better death animations and other animations
    Suppprted. Would there be an option to disable this though? Basically an option to disable for your client only, or a whole server.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Prism [1.7.5] Prison Server
    The introjuicer accepted, minecraftergn accepted.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Prism [1.7.5] Prison Server
    Ok, first off sorry form my little absence from the forums, i have been working a lot and we have pushed out two major prison updates, first off we added Elemental Challenges. We also added "Lockdown" that is still in the process but it will be really cool once we complete it.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Prism [1.7.5] Prison Server
    GODJUSTKILL and Colidascope accepted.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Prism [1.7.5] Prison Server
    Solamite, the server should be up all the time.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Prism [1.7.5] Prison Server
    Just updated the server page here!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Prism [1.7.5] Prison Server
    When i first created The Prism, i thought to myself "Why don't i make a fun server anyone can enjoy", thus The Prism was created. We started out as a simple RPG server, not much fun at all, so then we added prison, and survival, and more. Although we tried, people just wouldn't stay, we need players badly, the funds are low, i don't know how much longer we can last. So i decided to renovate the servers, add some cool new things, but still, nothing. So on we went, slowly, our funds dwindling. Then around a month ago, we run out of money completely, we find some donors to keep us going another month. Now we get to today, it seems our player base is slowly growing, yet our funds are shrinking rapidly. We are now out of money, and alas, i seem to have lost most of my motivation for this server. Yet, even in this, The Prism Gaming, refuses to give up, I, refuse to give u. I believe we can make it through this, thrive and grow in to a successful server. We can put through these dark ages! Not alone though. Players, we need YOU to help, you are what keeps us running, we are nothing without you, we can do this, if we all try. Bring your friends, anything, anything at all. I refuse to give up, we can pull through this together, we can grow into a successful server, we just all need to work as one. We can do this, together. I will not give up yet. We are going through some dark times, but i believe we can succeed if we try hard enough. Even in darkness, we still shine.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Prism [1.7.5] Prison Server
    mickawesome accepted!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Prism [1.7.5] Prison Server
    Richard denied, All4one75 accepted.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Prism [1.7.5] Prison Server
    Quote from Quartzee

    Shep!! Friends!! Glad to see a new prison server, I'll join when I get home from school

    That would be great if you could join, always looking for new players!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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