Minecraft Experience:4 months of building
What you will do for the server:i can build big hotels and mine
Faction you wish to be in:Nether Knights
Minecraft In Game Name:Shasta32
Where are you from?:USA Arizona
Your age?:18
Extra notes?:my brother and my dad play this i would love to join them.
and your server looks pretty cool i hate haveing to rebuild my fort because of stupid griefers.
and i hope to see you guys in game.
Minecraft Experience:4 months of building
What you will do for the server:i can build big hotels and mine
Faction you wish to be in:Nether Knights
Where are you from?:USA Arizona
Your age?:18
Extra notes?:my brother and my dad play this i would love to join them.
and your server looks pretty cool i hate haveing to rebuild my fort because of stupid griefers.
and i hope to see you guys in game.