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    posted a message on 🌲 The Sanctuary SMP 🌲 1.21.3 Vanilla // Whitelist // Pure Survival // 18+ // Discord // Dynmap // Group Events // Voice Prox

    Hi there! I have a question about this community... Has the server been upgraded to 1.19? Are there plans to upĝrade to 1.20 when it comes out?

    In Game Name: I'd prefer to give that over Discord if that's ok. Trying to avoid receiving a bunch of bogus invites.
    Age: 39
    Country: Canada (EST)
    Are you familiar with Discord? What is your Discord ID?: I've run my fair share of Discord servers! I'm SharkTaco#1568
    How did you hear about The Sanctuary SMP community? If it's from a friend, who do you already know?: I was looking for adult-only servers on Minecraft Forum and found this thread!

    What is your favorite/preferred base/building style? I like to make builds that fit thematically in their biomes. Though recently I have found more joy making smaller aesthetic builds, like small shops, and dig my base underground. I'm very much a farm builder and enjoy technical redstone builds and farming the most ridiculous items... like ghast tears and ferns :D
    What aspect of vanilla gameplay draws you towards SMP? I am very much a community-oriented player. I love trading/buying/selling items, and swapping services with others. Minecraft is so much more fun when you can cooperate and show your builds to others, or tour what others have made!
    How would you describe your ideal community/server? A chill place where players are trustworthy and enjoy working together. Hopefully there's still a little corner of the economy that I could fill by building farms and providing items.
    Do you have any experience with Minecraft communities? I have run my own adult realm some time ago but when things died down significantly between updates, I went back to school and didn't have time to keep on recruiting.
    Outside of Minecraft, what kinds of activities/hobbies do you enjoy? I have just gone back to school to study 3D animation so that takes up a lot of my time. I enjoy watching VFX-related YouTube content (Corridor Crew anyone?), long walks with bubble tea at the end, busting out my bicycle in the summer, and swimming.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Cybercraft SMP 1.19.4 [Whitelisted] 18+

    Hi there! Thanks for running an adult community!

    - IGN:

    I'd rather send it over Discord so I don't get a bunch of random invites, hope that's ok.

    - Discord:


    - Age:


    - Tell us about yourself, why we should add you?

    So I'm a Canadian adult player who has run her own adult only realm in the past, but I went back to school and didn't have the time to keep recruiting so that the server would remain active. I'm very much a cooperative player, I love to help build community infrastructure that everyone can share. I'm lag-conscious and always try to make even my biggest farm and redstone builds as lag-efficient as possible using best practices. Maybe I should have opened with that but I'm a very friendly person! :D

    - Why do you play Minecraft? What's your playstyle?:

    These days I tend to be into big farms and redstone builds. I also like to make things pretty but I struggle to finish larger builds until I have proper farms to generate all the blocks. So I've been making smaller builds recently, like small shops and the like.

    - Do you agree with all the rules above and what you think about them?

    Haha, funny, the rules are pretty much exactly what I expected from my players when I ran my own realm. Nothing more frustrating than those dang floating treetops, mind the landscape please!

    - Why do you want to join this server?

    I want to join this server because I enjoy adult communities where peoplke are mature and don't have time for trolling each other. Gaming is what I do to relax at the end of a long day, I don't want to waste that time on drama.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Adult Only Vanilla Java SMP Server Starting 5/30

    Hi there! I'm from Canada, I'm 39, and I've been playing since 1.6 all that time ago! I've run an adult-only realm myself but I didn't have time to keep up with recruitment anymore. I love to build big farms and shops. I'm into redstone, even though I'm not a pro I really enjoy tackling those complex technical builds. Let me know if your realm launches!

    MC name: I'd rather give it over Discord so I don't get a ton of unsollicited invites

    discord name: SharkTaco#1568

    age: 39

    How often you play: I'm back in school so it depends on my workload, but on weeks when I procrastinate a lot I can be on there for hours every day.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Adult only server - New 1.19 spawn - Right over several Ancient Cities! - Established adult player community

    SB, Simirae and Vrawl, I've added you on Discord!

    Jairpp and bunny girl, sadly your discord tag is missing the four digits at the end so I was unable to add you. If you could repost it, I will add you then.

    Foxrain, you didn't even tell us your age even though there is an age-related rule for this realm. We use discord to coordinate between our player community and to have a way to contact people when they are offline if there is ever a problem. I'm sorry, but this is mandatory. I understand if it's not your thing and I wish you good luck in finding your community!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Adult only server - New 1.19 spawn - Right over several Ancient Cities! - Established adult player community

    Hey Perthos! Just added you on Discord :) see you there!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Adult only server - New 1.19 spawn - Right over several Ancient Cities! - Established adult player community

    Hey alchemy! Just added you on Discord :) talk soon!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Adult only server - New 1.19 spawn - Right over several Ancient Cities! - Established adult player community

    Heya Gerry! I sent a Discord friend request your way, have a look in your inbox :)

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Adult only server - New 1.19 spawn - Right over several Ancient Cities! - Established adult player community

    "Old enough to know better" lol fair enough! Added you on Discord :)

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Adult only server - New 1.19 spawn - Right over several Ancient Cities! - Established adult player community

    Hi Miki! :) we'd love to have you. At first I unable to add you to Discord, but I think I figured it out! Thanks a bunch and I hope to see you on soon!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Adult only server - New 1.19 spawn - Right over several Ancient Cities! - Established adult player community

    Hello all!

    A new spawn has been set in a lovely meadow surrounded by jagged peaks, snow plains and ice spikes. There is a mangrove swamp not too far, and plains nearby too! Pretty epic location, not gonna lie! :D

    We are a community of laid back, trustworthy adult players who have been playing together since 1.18 came out. We have a Discord where people chat about personal or community projects, and share coordinates of places of interest. Some of us also join voice when playing.

    For this update, at the moment we are not planning on making any community farms, in the hopes of stimulating trades and local economy! However, everyone is welcome to help with building the spawn, or any other community builds. And of course, if you prefer to just explore and do your own thing, that is perfectly fine too.

    The basic rules:

    - Be over 18 years of age

    - No griefing

    - No stealing

    - Be likeable and use your head!

    Please submit the following info:


    Discord username:

    Minecraft in-game name:

    Your favorite things about playing Minecraft:

    About me: I'm 37, Canadian, pronouns are she/her. I'm not working much at the moment and available to play quite a bit. I enjoy cooperative builds, creating farms together with others, redstone, and aesthetic builds.

    About the community: We're a mix of 18+ people, very friendly, trustworthy, sometimes a bit bonkers. The server is currently populated with long date friends of mine, invested players who have been active since the release of 1.18, and the best people I've played Minecraft with in the past. By now, we're pretty much in for the long haul.

    Here is an aerial view of spawn. There is an amazing network of ancient cities right underneath.

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on New 1.18 Realm - Amazing seed - Friendly adult players

    Discord friend requests have been sent! :) All adult players are welcome!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on New 1.18 Realm - Amazing seed - Friendly adult players

    Bumping this as we have a cool event going on this weekend, would be great if new players would join us for it! :)

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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