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    posted a message on Single Player Commands [V4.9] - Official Download [SPC] [+NoClip]
    Quote from Twosai »
    Is there a list with ALL the commands? (and i dont mean the worldedit ones) :Pig:


    Front page?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [V1.6.6] epinull's Mods SME update
    Placing the dispenser over an iron block, supposed to make it shoot, fails miserably:

    That black block is the TNT, about to explode. And no, I did not catch it in mid flight. It just sits there and explodes.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    Quote from caseyds620 »
    I doubt it has anything to do with the timer, lots of people are complaining about explosions, I'm starting to think that Mojang has eliminated the full dampening capabilities of water, and cannons are now obsolete.

    Agreed. I was trying to post something about the coming era of dry obsidian cannons, but it glitched, and I decided to make one.

    It was a huge cannon, only 9T, and would not need any redstone/anything else replacement after a shot. Nothing was damaged, and all the TNT was ignited through the floor. My first successful self designed jump ignition. I messed up many times, and if you place TNT in the wrong spot, oh well, no harm done, you can explode it. It was very convienient in that regard. I thought this thing would own.

    I tried it out and it's 9T blast was about a third of a super n00b 7T, the simplest cannon in the game. And layers could not be stacked to increase power, and in my testing, there was almost no difference between firing it with 9 or 7 boosters. This is just sad.

    Rest in peace, obsidian cannons.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    Quote from caseyds620 »

    Those are not rules, if its not broken, don't fix it.

    There, I fixed it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    (In a tone of mock horror)
    Formivore, I just looked over your Machine Cannon Mk III, and it appears you have forgotten the two fundemental rules of dispensers!

    Whenever possible, double the speed with torches.
    Whenever possible, power in groups.

    Now, you have already done the first (I think) to the projectile dispensers, but for the booster dispensers, you forgot both of them. Using the second rule to free up space, I think you can use the first to increase the amount of boosters coming out per tick by 88.8% (repeating of course).

    Unfortunately I do not have mods working on this computer or I would test it.

    But would it be a problem to have those dispensers spitting out every tick instead of every other?
    EDIT: I think this would be the reason why you didn't do it.

    I'll try to get a save to you to show what I mean.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    I have long tried to deconstruct and figure out how the Imperial Avengers work. I think I finally got the Jolly Creeper.

    With the new repeaters, the whole Avenger line will be much easier, because the most confusing part was the timers. Holy crap is he good at redstone timers.

    But I would be happy to build you my design of cannon (similar to the Jolly creeper), which happens to hold the efficiency record (shameless self promotion), or my design of dispensers.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    Quote from caseyds620 »
    This time on.... QUEST FOR A BUNKER!

    Well, I took a good hard look at the bunker I spent an hour building, and thought to myself how uncreative and plain boring it was. It is safe, the safest thing I've ever built, one flaw though, no floor, so I took the responsibility and obliveratied it, and to be honest, I got both sides of cobble, but most of the bunker was still intact, and I managed to not destroy any obsidian in the process, and being a demolition expert thats saying something.

    So after trial and error I'm starting to think I should give up.

    If anyone here has a bunker with a few preinstalled cannons they can upload, it would be so greatly appreciated, I really don't have the creativity to build my own, please, if anyone reads this, please upload your cannon bunker today.

    Fixed cannons are only really useful for taking down someone else's cannon or base, and 360°, quick setups like the photon cannon are good for sniping people. Other than that, there isn't much use for cannons, and making a fixed cannon before you know what you are shooting at isn't much use. I would go with a couple of photons, at the corners of your base, and then arrow machine cannons around the rest. Maybe a Jolly Creeper or Imperial Avenger pointing at an enemy.

    Dont forget to put a redstone torch over each Dispenser to make them shoot twice as fast!

    On another topic, I think I figured out the solution to our Machine Cannon problem. A repeater delay circuit and to make the dispensers shoot lit TNT instead of placing it. This can be achieved by using simo_415's TNT Dispenser Mod instead of epinull's Dispensers+, or by placing an iron block under each dispenser with epinull's mod. Make the dispensers on either side and at the same level as the water, and put blocks over the water. Problem solved.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    Quote from orimarc »
    Well, obsidian's resistance to TNT may mean that more energy from the explosion goes into the "cannonball"...

    No, obsidian can just absorb a lot more before it breaks. Same amount of force goes into the rock. Not that it makes a difference anyway. If it did we would cover our cannons with stone and make them entirely closed except for where the booster comes out. But unfortunately shockwaves do not reflect off blocks, just get absorbed.

    I think this is more to do with the lack of water. Tthe water pushing the boosters forward towards the projectile would give more range, but maybe we are forgetting something.

    Oh, I remember someone saying that as more lit TNT occupy the same space they exponentially lose power. Something like that. Ill make a no water obsidian cannon, an all water source block cannon (no flowing water), and a standard cannon and compare.

    However, obsidian cannons would be very impractical, as you would have to replace all the redstone and half blocks near the boosters every time you fired.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Do you Inventory Hack?
    I have two worlds with no hacks, where I do most of my playing, and all my others are crazy moshpits of abandoned structures, huge explosions, and pillars of water to the sky. I develop new ideas in those worlds, like my cactus farm, TNT cannons, cobblestone generators, redstone experiments, multi thousand tnt explosions, buildings made out of tnt, filled with lava, and then exploded... And I almost always just use infinite materials, not MCEdit, because MCEdit's not fun. And it's really it's not fun if your just gonna build a small house and kill the zombies.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on World Seeds
    Quote from plank1 »
    lots of sixes give a rather strange world with snow, trees and random. Not the nice type of random either.

    What kind of random?

    EDIT: I tried and "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?"
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on World Seeds
    I typed in the really big number one and I think I got what you were looking for. Really huge frozen oceans with almost no land?
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on [V1.7.3] You Are the Creeper 0.61: Currently being updated (check last page)
    Loving it.

    If you give a whole bunch of mobs yellow flowers, and then die, do they despawn? Do they chase you all the way across the map?

    And for SMP, creepers would totally win. Hands down. So to spice it up a bit, how about creepers cannot craft. No 2x2 crafting in the inventory or using a workbench, so they would have to steal tools from the miners. It would be hard to implement, and would be horrible in SSP, but oh well.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Share your world seeds! [OP Being Organized!]
    I wish I'd read this first! "gargamel" spawns you in a dark cave all right... at the bottom of a MOUNTAIN. A mountain that majestically rises above the clouds. And yes, it is a lovely world.

    I spent a half-hour... (insert the sounds of my sobs here) smashing my way up and out... with my bare hands! (insert the sound of my wailing here) And there was sunlight literally around the corner.

    Half an hour smashing your way up and out? It took me 5 minutes and only 14 dirt blocks destroyed. I think I got a better spawn, I was near the mouth of a very large tunnel going into the ground, and I could see the light about 20 blocks above me and maybe 10 across when I spawned.

    Anyway, coming out was breathtaking. Dont know what im gonna do, I don't need any more worlds (im the kinda guy who picks a world and sticks with it for months) but this may go on the backburner.

    I came out at one end of the valley, walked all the way to the other, and found this amazing structure:

    Looking back:

    Went through the tunnel:

    And then found paradise:

    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Share your world seeds! [OP Being Organized!]
    On Glacier, right under this:

    I found this nice cave, not too short or long, impossible to get lost in. It is only a single, wide tunnel.

    Cords are 10, 70, 90
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Share your world seeds! [OP Being Organized!]
    Note: I did not think of this seed.

    The seed is "vaginas", huge desert on the ocean, tiny sandy islands and a really nice grassy bowl.

    The corner of the desert is at 0,0 where you almost always spawn. With your back to the ocean, go left, and you will see sparsely wooded hills. Three hills right next to each other have a really nice dip in between at x145, y73, z110. There is a big outcrop and a small arch at the bottom, with coal in it.

    Posted in: Seeds
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