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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    I really can't see much on that. Save?

    Wow. Somehow Semi Autos and normals use significantly different fuses. I took away the semi auto function on my newish cannon and it totally broke.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    Jump ignition almost always refers to same plane cannons, while you are using a half block cannon. To get max range out of a cannon, you must fire at the best angle, which for small cannons like yours, is usually just under the half block. Larger cannons have lower and lower optimal angles. Jump ignition from the same plane (without half blocks, on the ground), combined with special timers, allows you to time it perfectly so that the cannon fires when the angle is perfect.

    Although it appears that a higher angle is better, it puts more energy into vertical and less into horizontal, which is bad. I only started foraying into jump ignition this week, and it is much more complicated and finicky than half block like yours. I would stick with half block for a small cannon like that.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    17 marker lines would be 160-180 blocks depending on where you built it and if you counted the first line (it's easy to miss).

    With jump ignition and the new easy timers you could probably do over 200.

    I just made a simple 7T cannon, the same specs as yours, and it consistently hit 156-7.

    Here's a quick lesson on how to measure:

    Place your projectiles at the front of the Stone in the "stall". Each cannon gets one stall, which are divided from other stalls by large stone walls. As you go out, lines of sand mark 50 lines (50, 150, 250...) and Netherack lines mark the hundreds. Gravel lines mark all the others. So go out and find say, the 200 line, the second Netherack line, and count backwards the lines from that. Obsidian lines are the stall edges, each cannon should stay within the obsidian lines for it's stall.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    Quote from Sting_Auer »
    now, conundrumer, I read what you said about TNT being deleted if there is too much in one spot.

    That's not what he said, he said that each additional TNT in the same spot has less and less power, resulting in a graph like this, where number of TNT is x and power is y:

    Also, I have tested the fuse thing, and it doesn't work. Do this to test for yourself.

    Now an even easier test. Make a 2 deep pit, and put water at the bottom. Place a TNT just under the surface, and light. Repeat quickly.

    Now, according to Zirum's theory, they should explode at the same time, no? But instead you hear two explosions.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    That's pretty good, you should make it going the other way (onto the graph paper behind you) and measure it so we can get some comparison. And maybe put a timer on it?

    Zirums, have you tried removing the right Soul Sand? So that this:
    :Water: :tnt: [] [] :tnt:
    :Black: :Black: :Black: :cobblestone: :cobblestone:

    Becomes this:

    :Water: :tnt: [] [] :tnt:
    :Black: :Black: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone:

    When the TNT falls, it goes down, sinking into the Soul Sand a little bit. That makes a little ledge that it must go up to get to the next block, and it stops it from going forwards. This is what stops explosions in all my cannons, where it is much more tightly packed:
    :Water: :tnt: :tnt:
    :Black: :Black: :cobblestone:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    Quote from Xavear »
    With the delay of the new repeater we can maybe try to make an completely automatic canon. Those things would be awesome in multiplayer. Thinks like group fights etc.

    Look back a few pages for the Machine Cannon. It requires a mod to make dispensers place TNT, but it is still awesome.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    Wait, are you having explosion troubles with half or full block cannons, not same plane? Cause then my theory is caput.

    And I made a new version of The Tower, now MK III, was about to test it, had it fully loaded, and then thought about how cool it looked. Was gonna take a pic for you guys, but there was a huge stone spire right next to it. I put a spire of TNT right next to that to blow it up, that ignited the TNT loaded into my cannon, and BOOM! 50+ TNT, my cannon is gone.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    I challenge everyone to be the first to get 100 blocks on 3 boosters. Starts now, and whoever wins gets my constant praise and becomes ruler of the internetz.

    Current record-76-Me-The Tower MKII
    2nd-75-Me-The Tower
    3rd-Formivore-50-The Jolly Creeper

    I just tested this, and the standard half block 3T cannon goes 38.

    Come on guys. One of us is going to do this.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    Guys, after a few seconds the damage to a block gets reset. There goes your theories. And about water+obsidian canons, the redstone would break way before the stone. Think about it.

    My theory is that before, if any part of the TNT was in the same block as water, then it would be safe. But now the entire thing has to be in the same block as water. That means that if the booster goes forwards in a same plane cannon, and sticks just the slightest amount onto the block where the projectile is, then it explodes with no water damping. This would be solved by formivore's soul sand over ice idea.

    And did I make a semi auto super compact cannon? I think so.

    Shoots 95 blocks with a 7T engine and 135 with a 15T, and 255 with a 23T.

    I like this thing. And it can be upgraded all the way to 95T with a bit of work.

    Here is the save., you'll need dispensers plus to get the semi auto working. Sorry I can't get the endless rows and perfect graph paper like everyone else, MCEdit doesn't work on my computer.


    Doesn't that just look menacing?

    We need a better first post. Including a list of farthest overall and farthest for each TNT category (efficiency), like farthest for a 7T, least # to hit 100, 200, ect.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Longest Time Spent on Minecraft
    I am on vacation, have been playing MC for at least 4 hours a day all week. But today, I slept till 2 PM, then played nonstop till 10 PM, when I went to the bathroom, grabbed a snack and ate it while still playing, till about an hour ago. 11 and a half hours? And now here I go again. It's the freakin cannons. Too addicting.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What would make a decent dirt path?
    If you want dirt with no grass, you gotta line 4 blocks out, cause grass jumps. Sorry bro. But I would say sandstone would be cool.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I MET NOTCH!
    I was thinking you met him IRL, but this is cool too. And he said "Expect a fun update."
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on InvGrid - Inventory Editor - OS X, Linux (May-30-2011)
    It would be great if you could add scripting commands for putting something into the first available slots and for changing the stuff in the Misc. panel (health, time, position).

    Also, opening an inventory file as a world causes it to crash.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on TNT Cannon Science -- Revived!
    Quote from caseyds620 »
    Quote from shardbearer »
    Quote from caseyds620 »
    I doubt it has anything to do with the timer, lots of people are complaining about explosions, I'm starting to think that Mojang has eliminated the full dampening capabilities of water, and cannons are now obsolete.

    Agreed. I was trying to post something about the coming era of dry obsidian cannons, but it glitched, and I decided to make one.

    It was a huge cannon, only 9T, and would not need any redstone/anything else replacement after a shot. Nothing was damaged, and all the TNT was ignited through the floor. My first successful self designed jump ignition. I messed up many times, and if you place TNT in the wrong spot, oh well, no harm done, you can explode it. It was very convienient in that regard. I thought this thing would own.

    I tried it out and it's 9T blast was about a third of a super n00b 7T, the simplest cannon in the game. And layers could not be stacked to increase power, and in my testing, there was almost no difference between firing it with 9 or 7 boosters. This is just sad.

    Rest in peace, obsidian cannons.

    I don't see why obsidian cannons need to die, you can also ignite them from an above ammo rack so they drop, and if water cannons are obsolete, we are going to be forced to use obsidian, even if its not as safe.

    I tried a 10T drop in Obsidian cannon, perfect timing so that the boosters exploded just as the projectile was 1/2 a block above the ground, and it did horribly as well.

    Anyone else having problems of the projectile igniting with the boosters?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Map Editor for new Save Format? 1.3
    MCEdit. What basically everyone uses, except for WorldEdit, which does not work in 1.3 because Single Player Commands has not been updated yet. Except that MCEdit doesn't work on OS X 10.5 (SO ANNOYED).
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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