Jeb is awesome. This is going to be a godsend.
And a message to Mojang:
You made 15 MILLION dollars on Minecraft. Please put some of it to good use and hire a few more programmers.Maybe you could make people send in applications over the forums? I know a lot of mod developers would love to work at Mojang.
I've seen a lot of people who use that cannon range, download? The plain one I mean, doesn't forimvore use one as well?[/quote]
Yeah, formivore made it, its right here.
And my semi auto is up to 39T.
And if you're gonna do the same thing as everyone else, then at least do it better.
And all pink would be cool.
I guess that has already been done with Girlcraft though.
Funny story:
I had just installed Cel-pak, and had never seen the creeper, and I downloaded formivore's Jolly Creeper cannon save, and there was a creeper, and it had a big smile on it's face, and I thought he had somehow done it.
I just fired a fifty rounds out of my 23T, working fine as normal.
I can assure you guys that it is possible to make a cannon that will NEVER explode. I have fired hundreds of rounds out of this baby, and once I got it working, it hasn't exploded yet.
However, I am having troubles with my 3T exploding.
On another note, don't you start getting scared when it takes 13,824 TNT to load a cannon? Six full inventories of TNT? Me too.
Nope, it still works fine for me. You just gotta turn off the lever before you reload or when you fire it again it explodes, but I'm sure you already know that cause you made it. I would put a button there to fix this.
It's just a two bit code latch, connected to an RS NOR, to a display torch. A second torch displays the current state of the lever.
For no, leave the lever off and all torches will be off.
For yes, flip the lever and torch 2 will come on.
If you turn the lever off, torch 1 will come on, which is maybe.
He claims he could not make it bigger because the last TNT explodes just after it hits the water. However, I got at least a full second to spare, so the game mechanics must have been changed. That's a challenge, boys!
So, here is my double spiral idea:
When you switch the direction of a spiral staircase, such as the one going around the column of TNT, it becomes a mirror image of the original. You can then merge the two together like this:
Here is my mock up in MC, with wood planks representing TNT.
Download of my Mock Up
1 Gawk at hugeness and complexity
2 Fire
3 Gawk at power of shot
4 Disassemble/reload
5 Gawk at complexity and work that must have went into this
6 Dissasemble until useless/blow up
7 Restore save to original state
8 Repeat
This needs to be updated to all the newest tech. I have no idea how to do it even though I have examined it for the last two hours. I am still gawking.
To Sting:
You are right in all accounts. A couple clarifiers
All same plane cannons use jump ignition, because there is no way to get any arch otherwise.
Jump ignition, as well as removing friction, allows you to fine tune the angle, which is much more important.
Making it fall down and then be shot would be hard, but doable. I tried it once, dropping it down onto half blocks, and inexplicably got half the range of the same cannon without it, I don't know why. I would just stick to jump ignition, it is easier, and tried and true.
And I was giving you that save so that you can see the basics of delays, same plane cannons, and jump ignition in action, and being able to understand how it happens and what causes all of it. For me, messing with the Jolly Creeper or an Imperial Avenger was just too confusing and I had to start from scratch.
All cannons' optimal angle is lower than 45°, and nothing can really benefit from a 45° angle (well maybe a one booster mini cannon). If you are going to use jump ignition, the only real way to control angle, then just test out all the different angles until you get the one with the furthest range. The Lambda Cannon, which I talk about above, lauches it's projectile 2 blocks straight up, then it goes almost perfectly flat for 940 blocks. It is truly a work of art, I reccomend you download it.
Nope. Partially aimed at Sting Auer, mostly at anyone who needs it.
Didn't even see your post before I posted mine.
A super simple same plane cannon.