Jeb is awesome. This is going to be a godsend.
And a message to Mojang:
You made 15 MILLION dollars on Minecraft. Please put some of it to good use and hire a few more programmers.Maybe you could make people send in applications over the forums? I know a lot of mod developers would love to work at Mojang.
I just designed/tested an cannon that will take a 3500T engine, and built a mini version with a 140T engine. So far going well. This+really low jump ignition could set new records, estimating 1500 m+ on a flat world.
And yes, you read that right, 35 hundred TNT.
It's basically like that cannon, except bigger. A lot bigger.
And Conundrumerm, can you explain how exactly you got power all the way to the top of your Lambda cannon? After studying it for a while I kinda get it, but not really...
The first is to put ice under the rear blocks of TNT, to make them move closer towards the projectile.
The second is for very large cannons, like the Lambda, to make a small segment and copy and paste using MCEdit.
That's a pretty nice first cannon.
And I am making three triple rails, 42T, 120T, and 192T, shooting 6, 30, and 72 projectiles respectively, as well as a 21/33/45/57/69T (increasing almost infinitely) almost 360° cannon that shoots 23 projectiles, and you can choose the direction it doesn't shoot.
Diagrams are from the side, output is on the right.
=Redstone torch on ground
=Redstone torch on side of block
=Wool to be burned
Are you mocking my saying that my post was important, because I don't think I ever did, or are you just mad at me because I posted without replying to you, or do you think that making things organized with a little reality will make you unable to "have fun, and make cool ****"?
That post was a response to nobody, just a newbie making random AC DC references.
And what was your discovery? I just saw a random story about how great your cannon is and then your cannon kinda blowing up when you added two more blocks of soul sand and then it was incomprehensible.
Sorry for my bitchy mood. Im just pissed at your ****ing incomprehensible posts that yell at me and then expect me to understand.
When you reverse the direction, because TNT always jumps mostly east and a little north, changing directions can affect some cannons. The only thing that happens to me because of this is that sometimes the TNT jump onto a ledge without falling into the water, causing an explosion.
I think that there should be a couple groups of cannon designs:
Just for fun- Ridiculously long range, many TNT, crazy experiments, ect... Not to be used on competitive SMP.
The Field Sniper- Shoots down moving targets, Minimum range 75, super quick setup, easily aimable. Current best is the Proton Cannon.
The Defender/Long Range Attacker- Built into bases to shoot down attackers, or far away enemies. Examples are the Imperial Avenger, Jolly Creeper, and Vindicator. Most mid range cannons fall under this category. Must be aimable to at least 90°(45° to each side) if it is going to be used as a defender. Minimum range ~150-200?
The Short Range Attacker- To be set up on the fly in front of a castle, maybe hidden inside a hill to give more time, and bombard the castle. Easy to medium set up, decent range, not needed to be aimable. Examples are The Tower, Miniperial Avenger, and The Machine Cannon.
The Long Range Attacker-
Hits an enemy base from afar, highly impractical. Very inefficient, but what (I think) most cannons are designed for. Can take a while to set up, does not need to be aimable. Overlaps with the defender catergory.
Many cannons do not fit into any catergory other than just for fun. One must consider these before designing and building a cannon, and we should have a cannon directory organized by these categories and then by difficulty to build as a subcategory. Here is a start, filled in with the cannons I know reasonably well. Please submit entries to me, or add this to the OP. Thanks.
The Field Sniper-
Proton Cannon
360° aimable
8 boosters
Manual half block ignition
The Defender/Long Range Attacker-
Imperial Avenger
Jolly Creeper
The Short Range Attacker-
The Tower
85 with a 3T—??? with a 19T
Not Aimable
3—19 Boosters, depending on build. 3 boosters significantly easier than anything else.
Same plane ignition
Very explosion resistant
Miniperial Avenger
And, while writing this, I thought, are cannons really worth it in SMP? Can they really hit a moving person with any accuracy? If not, this rules out everything except Attackers, and can't you just sneak in and plant TNT under their base? Is that not 10 times more efficient, placing the TNT in strategic places and not using boosters?
I think I have come to a conclusion. They are not entirely practical, or the best choice, but you want to use them. They are just awesome. Who cares if they are the best option? The object of this game is to have fun.
And my tower design uses 3 TNT stacked on top of each other. It is airbursting 5 blocks above the 90 line, so aggravating, if I put the angle down one notch it gets to 84.
Your cannon fired while the TNT was in the air, so it got better than mine, which fired when the TNT was resting on the half block, and got 38. In your video, the front of your explosion was 63-4, so the actual TNT would have been around 59-60, which was what I was measuring. I think that your way is more accurate, so we should use that. That means bump up all my records 3-4 blocks.