Jeb is awesome. This is going to be a godsend.
And a message to Mojang:
You made 15 MILLION dollars on Minecraft. Please put some of it to good use and hire a few more programmers.Maybe you could make people send in applications over the forums? I know a lot of mod developers would love to work at Mojang.
Opens the terminal, then gives this error:
/Downloads/minecraft_xray_2.7_mb_9/minecraft_xray_2.7_mb_9/minecraft_xray_osx.command ; exit;
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
[Process completed]
I clicked on the .sh and it opened in Textedit.
"This test level was grown from a few hundred seed blocks of rock."
Google translate: the first line in all the posts was
In principle, one can (link)
And each post ended with one of these
Immediately "And that "most young porno" (link)
Immediately "18 year old porno" (link)
Immediately "Animation Porn" (link)
No thanks.
Another wall design:
Idea: Players must build a structure using X amount of wool, in the center of their base, to win the game. That means no retreating, and if the enemy comes in, they can burn/take the wool. Very good defensive bases are supplied before the game starts, but with no materials, making the beggining slow. Every time you kill someone, you get 1-2 iron from the admin. Every time you die, a mod autobans you for 10 minutes, then another mod makes you spawn next to the last bed you slept in, which would be your base.
This would mean serious consequences if you die, incentives to kill enemies, and near the end, it would be very high stakes as your wool statue comes near completion, and the amount of wool to be potentially burned would be huge.
What I've seen is people making huge TNT cannons with infinite tnt/worldedit, and blasting the world to pieces for a couple days before the reset. And you can always make a schematic in MCEdit and copy it into the new world.
I like the new approach, but I like mine a bit better, it uses less resources. Though yours you can place the wool on the ground. And yours is simpler and smaller. I think they're about the same.
I just thought of that yesterday, and I think I posted it. Great minds think alike, but no I haven't tested it yet.
I get it now.
So, what happens is that there is a rack, which must be powered the whole way up. The staircase can be off or on when the rack is not, as long as it is powered where it touches the rack. Everything must have a 3 torch delay before touching the rack. So, at the bottom there is a split, then a 3 torch delay, then it touches the rack. On the other side, there is an inverter, or 1 torch delay, then it goes up the stairway. Before it touches the rack, it has a repeater, or 2 torch delay. Halfway up it has another inverter, adding 1 torch delay, and making the stairway powered while the rack is not. This means there must only be 1 torch between the stairway and the rack.
Pretty simple if you think about it. I thought it would require something more complicated, but he did a really good job with this, and his rack design, of another stairway, eliminated a lot of compexity that would be required with a standard rack.
A slightly easier design could be created with the new repeater blocks.
Just to confirm this, each right click on a repeater block=1 torch, right?
I still don't get how it works.