In-game name (IGN):shaneo1981
Primary Language:English
Location/Timezone:Australia / AEST
How often will you spend time on the server?:2 -6 hrs
What do you bring to the table for the community?: Redstone and farms
In MineCraft, what is your forte?:Redstone/ caving without armor
Do you plan on doing any YouTubing?:no
What interests you in joining a new community?:To play with adults that are good people
List any previous whitelisted SMP servers you have played on and the reason(s) why you're no longer playing on them:
Owned my own previously / didnt like managing people and dealing with the drama
List the reasons why you are interested in joining Zurath?: New friends and having fun with adults.
1. Why you want to join: Bored playing single player and would like to play with others
2. How active will you be: 2-3 hrs a day when i can
3. How old you are: 40
4. IGN : shaneo81
5. discord if possible : shaneo81#6061
Hello there. I am looking for a mature server and would like join your server. I am 40 years old and play on and off between work and family life.
My ign is : shaneo81
Hello there. I am looking for a mature server and would like join your server. I am 40 years old and play on and off between work and family life.
My ign is : shaneo81
ign: shaneo81
invite plz
Ign: shaneo81
age: 37
Time played: 4 years
IGN: shaneo81
Age: 37
Time played: 4 years
What is your in-game name?: shaneo1981
How old are you?: 35
What part of the world are you from?: Australia
What kind of builder are you?: redstone
On average, how much do you play each week?: too many to count
~Time Playing Minecraft: 2years
Do you believe you specialize in anything particularly in Minecraft?:redstone
Latest reason you've been banned from a server? (nobody's perfect):servers just die out
Any additional info (not necessary):Looking for adults to play with not minors
In-game name (IGN):shaneo1981
Primary Language:English
Location/Timezone:Australia / AEST
How often will you spend time on the server?:2 -6 hrs
What do you bring to the table for the community?: Redstone and farms
In MineCraft, what is your forte?:Redstone/ caving without armor
Do you plan on doing any YouTubing?:no
What interests you in joining a new community?:To play with adults that are good people
List any previous whitelisted SMP servers you have played on and the reason(s) why you're no longer playing on them:
Owned my own previously / didnt like managing people and dealing with the drama
List the reasons why you are interested in joining Zurath?: New friends and having fun with adults.
Ign: shaneo1981
Age: 34
What are you good at doing in Mine craft?
Xp farms , redstone
Why do you want to join this server?
Somewhere else to play and meet other ppl
cg1up, if you don't think i check log to see who was on you must think i'm stupid...
you where the only one one who could have disturbed the realm and caused all the problems.
don't play dumb mate.
grow up and go and wreck your own realm buddy!
When you grief or troll its ruins the game.