Welcome to trapcraft, a mod that adds useful new blocks that can be used in countless ways to make evil, malicious, deadly new traps easier and better ever! Currently this mod adds 5 new blocks that are each extremely versatile, and open up a whole new world of trap making possibilities. We have another block coming soon, as well as new additions to the current blocks, bug fixes, and more. You are welcome to suggest additions to this mod.
It now uses modloader! Yay!
Table of contents
By Palmer125
By CaptainGrianWave
New Blocks
Here is an overview of all of the blocks added to the game:

The igniter gives you control over fire. When powered by redstone, it lights on fire. Light monsters on fire and watch them burn at a safe distance!

One-way Glass

This block is pretty simple: On all sides but one it looks like normal glass, but at the right angle it looks like smooth stone. Look at monsters falling into your traps when they can't see you!

Sticky Sand (And Gravel)

This allows for much easier pitfall traps, closing doors, secret passage ways, ect. When placed, it looks like regular sand but doesn't fall, and when it is powered by redstone or an adjacent block is removed, it falls just like normal sand. As a bonus, it can even aid in your sand castle making! Sticky gravel works exactly the same.


All of the current ways of damaging players have there own problems. Lava and fire are hard to control, and cactus is has strict rules about how it can be placed. However, for the price of a few iron, spikes are placed just like normal blocks and deal damage 3 times faster the cactus and doesn't destroy the items dropped by dead creatures.

Trap Chest

One problem with traps has always been triggering them. Pressure pads is the common solution, but these are not hard to avoid if the player observant. This block looks just like a normal chest, but when right clicked on, instead of opening, the latch turns red and it activates redstone around it.

The igniter gives you control over fire. When powered by redstone, it lights on fire. Light monsters on fire and watch them burn at a safe distance!

One-way Glass

This block is pretty simple: On all sides but one it looks like normal glass, but at the right angle it looks like smooth stone. Look at monsters falling into your traps when they can't see you!

Sticky Sand (And Gravel)

This allows for much easier pitfall traps, closing doors, secret passage ways, ect. When placed, it looks like regular sand but doesn't fall, and when it is powered by redstone or an adjacent block is removed, it falls just like normal sand. As a bonus, it can even aid in your sand castle making! Sticky gravel works exactly the same.


All of the current ways of damaging players have there own problems. Lava and fire are hard to control, and cactus is has strict rules about how it can be placed. However, for the price of a few iron, spikes are placed just like normal blocks and deal damage 3 times faster the cactus and doesn't destroy the items dropped by dead creatures.

Trap Chest

One problem with traps has always been triggering them. Pressure pads is the common solution, but these are not hard to avoid if the player observant. This block looks just like a normal chest, but when right clicked on, instead of opening, the latch turns red and it activates redstone around it.

Trapcraft v0.2!
Install instructions are inside. Please note that this needs modloader to work. You can find it here.
Change Log
v0.2 - Added modloader support
v0.1 - Mod released!
Coming Soon...
Here is a list of things we are planning on adding to the mod when we get the chance. Please note that we are begging modders, so all of this stuff may take a while as we are still figuring stuff out.
- Bug fixes - There seems to be numerous bugs, so we are going to work on those.
- Bait blocks - Blocks that attract mobs. Meat blocks will attract monsters and hay blocks will attract animals.
- Spikes on walls - So you can have smashing spike plates!
- Other types of one-way glass - one way glass made of other materials.
- Multiplayer mod - This may take a while, but we will try to make a bukkit plugin or something for this mod.
- Igniter has to un- and re-light ever 10 seconds or so.
If you like this mod, post to keep it alive and press the

My favorite pony is definitely Twilight, because of her geeky nature and general being adorkable.
And the technically-not-a-pony I relate to most is Spike, practically just like me. Straight down to my view on pony x non-pony relationships and zombie fascination.
My least favorite pony is snips, no doubt about it. I hate idiots, so it makes sense. Used to be Twist, but Project Horizons really changed my view of her.
That's great! I love it, haven't heard the song before though.
My new favorite historical quote!
Let's see. Me and Discord start a rock band.
And The Big Lebowski reference, in pretty great quality.
While I was gone I realized something, Twilight Sparkle is cutest, smartest, all around best pony!
And the new episode was pretty great.
My heart just skipped a beat, damn... I need to sit down.
Well that's unfortunate, but the new one is made by the same team so...
April fools day sure is interesting...
Nice work Bethesda.
Wow, that animation is really badass!
That so awesome!
She's so sad... WHY U NO HAPPY!?
That's not very nice...
That's hilarious! "Small Chest, Big Treasure"... No comment.
That is amazing! So awesome! BRAHHH! *Foam*
Rainbow Dash! Obvious choice is obvious.
That's a good point...
I'm speechless. That's just so amazing that my body went into emergency shutdown...
Also, my new favorite video. I'm ashamed that I didn't find this sooner!
This sounds like it will be great!
A survey? Comprehensive data!? *Drool*
“I think bronies are a reaction to the U.S. having been engrossed in terrorism for past ten years, living on the edge the same way my generation lived through the Cold War. They’re tired of being afraid, tired of angst and animosity. They want to go somewhere a lot more pleasant.”
Well maybe a few... But that's not why most bronies watch it.
You hear that explosion? That was my mind being blown.
YESH! That was hilarious.
Challenge accepted. I usually don't like anthropomorphic art, but that's pretty damn good!
That is the best comic ever.
I just went to a store with 20 bucks.
So much Fallout: Equestria fanfiction...
If someone told me a few months ago I would be crying over MLP fiction, while listening to the Schindlers List theme...
That was... Actually, kinda funny.
Oh that art is cool, I wonder if He/She has a Tumblr.
OH! Well, that a lot of clop...
Oh look, my valentine's card from RD arrived!
And on that day I shall shout glory from the rooftops!
I understand your point and offer you a promise!
If I ever find a SINGLE show about humans that I enjoy, I will purge my life of all things pony and become socially acceptable.
But until then, I'm going to be happy.
When you tell them keep calm, don't act like your ashamed or they'll think it's something to be ashamed of.
They may think your joking, explain the large fanbase and show them some of the fanart/music/fics.
Or hi-jack the TV and put on Bridle Gossip!