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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from ScrollHunter

    Bah, the thread being quiet is killing me... I have an idea! How about we start a 'topic'? We did it a lot in the very first thread. How about...

    Topic: Who is your favorite pony / the pony you relate most to and why?

    My favorite pony is definitely Twilight, because of her geeky nature and general being adorkable.

    And the technically-not-a-pony I relate to most is Spike, practically just like me. Straight down to my view on pony x non-pony relationships and zombie fascination.

    Quote from Lord_Dominic

    What is your LEAST favorite pony? Is there a pony you used to like that you don't anymore, or one you used to hate but grew to like as the show progressed?

    My least favorite pony is snips, no doubt about it. I hate idiots, so it makes sense. Used to be Twist, but Project Horizons really changed my view of her.
    Quote from Dinh AaronMk

    Also, I think I posted this before. But, any thoughts on this?


    Would be much appreciated.

    That's great! I love it, haven't heard the song before though.
    Quote from JojHeywood

    Sounds pretty accurate.

    My new favorite historical quote!
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from TehAlphaMiner

    Anyways, found this while derping around on memebase:

    Apparently, Lyra and I will start a superhero team...

    Judging by my avatar, you can already tell how okay I am with this :D

    Actually, going back to that "How I became a brony" post...I remembered hearing about that The Big Lebowski reference, but I never actually saw what it was...

    Could somepony perhaps show meh :3?

    Let's see. Me and Discord start a rock band.

    And The Big Lebowski reference, in pretty great quality.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Hi everypony, back from vacation!

    While I was gone I realized something, Twilight Sparkle is cutest, smartest, all around best pony!

    And the new episode was pretty great.
    Quote from PS2Gator

    Has this been posted yet? I think not, so I'll be posting it.
    A message from Twilight Tara Strong Sparkle.

    My heart just skipped a beat, damn... I need to sit down.
    Quote from Flutterwry

    As things go on, this was just noticed awhile ago. While news tends to spread fast, this I cannot say if it has reached some yet. I will spoiler it for since its lenghty "not to long". It is about Equestria Online.

    Equestria Online down for the count...

    posted by I Am A Pie @ 08:22PM on March 31, 2012


    I knew that the EQO team had broken up recently... But i just saw them post on facebook saying that theyre down permenantly.

    While this really really sucks, theres already a new MMO in the works called Legends of Equestria, which is geared towards being a social MMO.


    Still... It sucks that EQO has closed the doors for good :c

    edit: as far as i know, its no april fools joke.

    Btw, this is from the massive MLP steam group.

    Well that's unfortunate, but the new one is made by the same team so...
    Quote from BJtheweatherman

    And then Spike.mov
    I don't want to. Please.
    God help us all. This night is evil.

    April fools day sure is interesting...
    Quote from grox19

    Bethesda Forums has a really, really neat April Fools' joke. Yes, this is related.

    Equestria Daily and FiMFiction are on G1 mode. Don't ask.

    On the not-April-Fools note, have a badass future Twilight animation crossing over with MGS. Go figure.

    Nice work Bethesda.

    Wow, that animation is really badass!
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    F*** YEAH! Look at the name, and be amazed.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from rumblealex

    Oh god,

    I suddenly feel like playing Serious Sam again. So much pleasure

    That so awesome!
    Quote from king_coco

    I did art again :3

    Don't ask me why she's sad, because I don't know. I tried to reason with her to get her to cheer up, but she wouldn't respond to me.

    She's so sad... WHY U NO HAPPY!?
    Quote from MrBossMan

    *Punches Twilight*


    That's not very nice...
    Quote from faloxx

    Anyway, I'm going to bed and read a fic. I'll do a comic dump. And good night!

    That's hilarious! "Small Chest, Big Treasure"... No comment.
    Quote from rumblealex

    Hay check this out!

    not as good as the spanish one, but nice nonetheless!

    That is amazing! So awesome! BRAHHH! *Foam*
    Quote from vetfanzr1

    On another topic, if you had the choice for one pony to fall into your life, who would it be? Just re-read MLD and am in this kinda mood :/

    Rainbow Dash! Obvious choice is obvious.
    Quote from Lord_Dominic

    Since nobody wants pagebottom, random funny:

    That's a good point...
    Quote from Larsurus

    As I promised, here is Silverlance in armor
    Decided to spend some extra time on this one and trying new things, adding shadows and stuff.

    Note to Dom: I'll be adding a super-res one to dA later on.

    I'm speechless. That's just so amazing that my body went into emergency shutdown...

    Also, my new favorite video. I'm ashamed that I didn't find this sooner!
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)

    This sounds like it will be great!

    A survey? Comprehensive data!? *Drool*

    “I think bronies are a reaction to the U.S. having been engrossed in terrorism for past ten years, living on the edge the same way my generation lived through the Cold War. They’re tired of being afraid, tired of angst and animosity. They want to go somewhere a lot more pleasant.”

    Well maybe a few... But that's not why most bronies watch it.


    You hear that explosion? That was my mind being blown.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from BJtheweatherman

    Holy Frick. Just look at the title of this fanfic. Now.
    Oh my god. Literally.

    YESH! That was hilarious.
    Quote from mazejaker

    On a non-map related but quite pony-related note, who here has heard of whitmaverick on dA, if you have, what do you think of his work? If you havn't, I reccommend you do NOT go check it out.

    Challenge accepted. I usually don't like anthropomorphic art, but that's pretty damn good!
    Quote from faloxx

    Remember that My Little Dashie game? It's going in Beta now, and it looks so badass!
    DA link to intro.

    Quote from rumblealex

    Alright, I'm taking my first bite of Pinkie Pie.

    Oh gosh this chocolate is actually pretty tasty! and Rainbow Dash too.. Hmmm..

    Quote from faloxx

    That is the best comic ever.

    I just went to a store with 20 bucks.

    So much Fallout: Equestria fanfiction...
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from CrockedZodiac

    I have to update the "amount of times crying about fanfiction" to 7. Im reading Turn the seasons (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/5913/1) while listening to The schindlers list theme.

    Oh god this is the most I've cried during a fanfiction reading ever. Great Caesers toast.

    If someone told me a few months ago I would be crying over MLP fiction, while listening to the Schindlers List theme...
    Quote from TG09

    Here's one recorded with a Potato, I don't know if there are any better one's yet

    I still need to watch it though so no spewing spoilers please.

    That was... Actually, kinda funny.
    Quote from BJtheweatherman

    But now, shocking news. My mother is making a fimfiction account. And before you ask, I HAVE NO IDEA. WHATSOEVER. AND IT'S GONNA BE GREAT.

    Quote from faloxx

    Hm, must be a sequel or prologue of this:

    Oh that art is cool, I wonder if He/She has a Tumblr.

    OH! Well, that a lot of clop...

    Oh look, my valentine's card from RD arrived!
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from CrockedZodiac

    Someday I will come in here and post two links. And It will be those fics, and they will be glorious.
    It may be a month from now, maybe two. But it will happen. And there will be much drinking and mirth.

    And on that day I shall shout glory from the rooftops!
    Quote from TehAlphaMiner

    Since the Brony Agenda got locked I'll have to say it here. Someone said I wasn't letting them speak their heart. I said that I won't bash your argument because doing so would be violating the first amendment: Freedom of free speech. I got a lot of flak for "complaining" about how it's wrong to be a grown-ass man and be a fan of MLP, so pretty much my own rights were objected to, but I don't think anyone would give a damn. I'm probably a public enemy to you bronies now, but please understand I was stating something valid. Men should be watching shows these days like L & O, NCIS, Alcatraz, not MLP: FIM, I just think it's plain wrong. If you don't support this statement it's fine, I really could care less, but please don't send hate mail over the thing.

    I understand your point and offer you a promise!

    If I ever find a SINGLE show about humans that I enjoy, I will purge my life of all things pony and become socially acceptable.

    But until then, I'm going to be happy.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Little Pony : FiM (All Pony-related things go HERE)
    Quote from NinjaGamer598

    Can anypony give me some advice on how to say I am a Brony
    so I don't have to keep secretly watching the show? (I keep missing out on SO many things because of this.)

    When you tell them keep calm, don't act like your ashamed or they'll think it's something to be ashamed of.

    They may think your joking, explain the large fanbase and show them some of the fanart/music/fics.

    Or hi-jack the TV and put on Bridle Gossip!
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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