If your computer has a low amount of computer power, then it's normal, but if it's usually high-power, your computer is probably infested with some virus or malware. Try getting an antivirus like avg or norton which may help.
Ok so firstly check the amount of beds. If the number of beds is equal to the amount of villagers, then the villagers won't breed. Try putting down some more beds. If it still doesn't work, try using other foods, like carrots, wheat, beetroots or carrots.If it still doesn't work, report it at https://bugs.mojang.com
Once a build is gone and you have no backups, i'm afraid it's gone forever. However to stop this from happening you can do the command /gamerule DoFireTick false so fire won't spread or destroy flammable blocks.
I know how to make egg farms, sugar cane farms and villager breeders in survival mode, but i still need to learn how to make iron and gold farms. I can help with that stuff.
If your computer has a low amount of computer power, then it's normal, but if it's usually high-power, your computer is probably infested with some virus or malware. Try getting an antivirus like avg or norton which may help.
Ok so firstly check the amount of beds. If the number of beds is equal to the amount of villagers, then the villagers won't breed. Try putting down some more beds. If it still doesn't work, try using other foods, like carrots, wheat, beetroots or carrots.If it still doesn't work, report it at https://bugs.mojang.com
Once a build is gone and you have no backups, i'm afraid it's gone forever. However to stop this from happening you can do the command /gamerule DoFireTick false so fire won't spread or destroy flammable blocks.
If you're on 1.8+ and always open up the gui, try shifting while placing, it won't open the gui and you can place blocks on any block with a gui.
I know how to make egg farms, sugar cane farms and villager breeders in survival mode, but i still need to learn how to make iron and gold farms. I can help with that stuff.