In-Game Name: sea
How long have you played Minecraft: Inf/Indev
Prefer PVP or RPG?: Both can be good depending on the game. For Minecraft, I'm more of a PVP guy, but I'm open to RPG so long as everything is well balanced.
Why do you want to join this server? I like the idea and style of the server, plus the currency being called Kittens got a good laugh out of me.
: IGN : sea : Age : 20 : State / Country : Texas, USA : Language(s) : Fluent in English, it being my native language, and "decent" in French : How did you find The World of Nagura Server? : The survival beta forums : What interests you to apply for Membership? : Something that really turns me off to other Minecraft servers is how uneventful they are. Freebuild servers, in my opinion, are absolutely boring. I enjoy the aspects of survival, PVP, stealing and whatnot that this server has to offer. : Have you read the Rules & Courtesies thoroughly? : Indeed, I have. Tasty Chunks. : Do you have any Minecraft modifications installed? If so, what? : None whatsoever. : Have you ever been banned from another Minecraft server? If so, why? : I have not. : Do you have access to Ventrilo? : I don't have it downloaded, but I could use it if necessary. : What qualities do you seek in a Minecraft server? : PVP, stealing, etc : Do you consider yourself mature? : I suppose. Most of the time, I'm more or less introverted and quiet, so I tend to keep to myself and not argue or complain if an admin says something that i don't like. : Is there anything else you would like me to know, or ask? : Not really.
: IGN : sea : Age : 20 : State / Country : Texas, USA : Language(s) : Fluent in English, it being my native language, and "decent" in French : How did you find The World of Nagura Server? : The survival beta forums : What interests you to apply for Membership? : Something that really turns me off to other Minecraft servers is how uneventful they are. Freebuild servers, in my opinion, are absolutely boring. I enjoy the aspects of survival, PVP, stealing and whatnot that this server has to offer. : Have you read the Rules & Courtesies thoroughly? : Indeed, I have. Tasty Chunks. : Do you have any Minecraft modifications installed? If so, what? : None whatsoever. : Have you ever been banned from another Minecraft server? If so, why? : I have not. : Do you have access to Ventrilo? : I don't have it downloaded, but I could use it if necessary. : What qualities do you seek in a Minecraft server? : PVP, stealing, etc : Do you consider yourself mature? : I suppose. Most of the time, I'm more or less introverted and quiet, so I tend to keep to myself and not argue or complain if an admin says something that i don't like. : Is there anything else you would like me to know, or ask? : Not really.
-How old are you? 19
-When did you start Playing Minecraft? Creative.
-(In all honesty, cause i like to do it too) Do you enjoy greifing? Not particularly. It's pointless.
-Why do you want to join H4XCraft? The small and tight-knit of it seems lovely
-Are you interested in becoming a future moderator? Sure, if you guys want me to be.
In-game name: sea
How old are you?: 19
Why do you want to join my server? I like small, tight-knit communities like this.
Do you respect the rules? Of course!
What will you bring to the server: As an active member, I'd a gatherer, a warrior, a scout, and a builder. I can do many things, even simple jobs. I'm looking for a "hardcore" server, per say, so this is perfect for me.
Hello. I would like a server that meets the following criteria:
PVP (not just PVP-arenas, I mean PVP in the Wilderness and whatnot) Stealing allowed Towns/Cities (Towny, etc) NO chest protection 24/7 preferably Minimal lag
IGN: sea Minecraft Experience: Been playing since Creative What you will do for the server: Be badass Bans: None Faction you wish to be in: Will join one later on, after I examine.
Age - 19
Stage in which I started playing Minecraft (Classic, Indev, Infdev, Alpha, Beta) - Classic
Month/year i started playing - Don't even know
Ever banned from other servers (Y/N) - N
In-Game-Name - sea
Recommended by GBA or admin? - Nope
Recommended by owners? - Nope
Played in other servers?(Y/N) if yes, names are - Not really
Country- America
Time Zone- GMT-6
Minecraftname: sea
Age: 19
Faction: Albion
Reason to join: I enjoy the organization and structure of servers that include currency, towns, and factions and whatnot.
In-Game Name: sea Location/Age: TX, USA / 19 Banned before?: No. Referral: n/a Why should you be accepted into Herocraft?: Because I'm me. If that's not reason enough, I don't want in this server. Addn. Info: I'm a bro.
IGN: sea
How long have you played Minecraft: Inf/Indev
Prefer PVP or RPG?: Both can be good depending on the game. For Minecraft, I'm more of a PVP guy, but I'm open to RPG so long as everything is well balanced.
Why do you want to join this server? I like the idea and style of the server, plus the currency being called Kittens got a good laugh out of me.
: Age :
: State / Country :
Texas, USA
: Language(s) :
Fluent in English, it being my native language, and "decent" in French
: How did you find The World of Nagura Server? :
The survival beta forums
: What interests you to apply for Membership? :
Something that really turns me off to other Minecraft servers is how uneventful they are. Freebuild servers, in my opinion, are absolutely boring. I enjoy the aspects of survival, PVP, stealing and whatnot that this server has to offer.
: Have you read the Rules & Courtesies thoroughly? :
Indeed, I have. Tasty Chunks.
: Do you have any Minecraft modifications installed? If so, what? :
None whatsoever.
: Have you ever been banned from another Minecraft server? If so, why? :
I have not.
: Do you have access to Ventrilo? :
I don't have it downloaded, but I could use it if necessary.
: What qualities do you seek in a Minecraft server? :
PVP, stealing, etc
: Do you consider yourself mature? :
I suppose. Most of the time, I'm more or less introverted and quiet, so I tend to keep to myself and not argue or complain if an admin says something that i don't like.
: Is there anything else you would like me to know, or ask? :
Not really.
: Age :
: State / Country :
Texas, USA
: Language(s) :
Fluent in English, it being my native language, and "decent" in French
: How did you find The World of Nagura Server? :
The survival beta forums
: What interests you to apply for Membership? :
Something that really turns me off to other Minecraft servers is how uneventful they are. Freebuild servers, in my opinion, are absolutely boring. I enjoy the aspects of survival, PVP, stealing and whatnot that this server has to offer.
: Have you read the Rules & Courtesies thoroughly? :
Indeed, I have. Tasty Chunks.
: Do you have any Minecraft modifications installed? If so, what? :
None whatsoever.
: Have you ever been banned from another Minecraft server? If so, why? :
I have not.
: Do you have access to Ventrilo? :
I don't have it downloaded, but I could use it if necessary.
: What qualities do you seek in a Minecraft server? :
PVP, stealing, etc
: Do you consider yourself mature? :
I suppose. Most of the time, I'm more or less introverted and quiet, so I tend to keep to myself and not argue or complain if an admin says something that i don't like.
: Is there anything else you would like me to know, or ask? :
Not really.
-When did you start Playing Minecraft? Creative.
-(In all honesty, cause i like to do it too) Do you enjoy greifing? Not particularly. It's pointless.
-Why do you want to join H4XCraft? The small and tight-knit of it seems lovely
-Are you interested in becoming a future moderator? Sure, if you guys want me to be.
How old are you?: 19
Why do you want to join my server? I like small, tight-knit communities like this.
Do you respect the rules? Of course!
AGE: 19
What will you bring to the server: As an active member, I'd a gatherer, a warrior, a scout, and a builder. I can do many things, even simple jobs. I'm looking for a "hardcore" server, per say, so this is perfect for me.
Any suggestions?
Minecraft Experience: Been playing since Creative
What you will do for the server: Be badass
Bans: None
Faction you wish to be in: Will join one later on, after I examine.
Stage in which I started playing Minecraft (Classic, Indev, Infdev, Alpha, Beta) - Classic
Month/year i started playing - Don't even know
Ever banned from other servers (Y/N) - N
In-Game-Name - sea
Recommended by GBA or admin? - Nope
Recommended by owners? - Nope
Played in other servers?(Y/N) if yes, names are - Not really
Country- America
Time Zone- GMT-6
Age: 19
Faction: Albion
Reason to join: I enjoy the organization and structure of servers that include currency, towns, and factions and whatnot.
Location/Age: TX, USA / 19
Banned before?: No.
Referral: n/a
Why should you be accepted into Herocraft?: Because I'm me. If that's not reason enough, I don't want in this server.
Addn. Info: I'm a bro.