IGN: scotchbomb
Class: ensis and fabri
Skills, in General: mining and building bases
Why?: i been looking for something more interesting then joining random servers and this clan seemed much better then other clans.
Can you be nice and fair to people: yes
Do you grief: NO
Minecraft past experience: I've been playing for 5 months and been on plenty of severs
Secret word: jam
Did you read the whole thing and understand the rules? yes
Time zone: eastern standard time
Why should we accept you? I'm an enjoyable player and can provide quite a challenge for opposing players. I can also be very creative and a hard worker.
Describe griefing: destroying someones work,flooding with lava or water, filling things up with other blocks
Which faction would you like to be in? imperial nation
What Role(s) you wish to fulfill: miner/infiltrator
Anything you wish to show us (such as movies of your work, or pvp l33Tness): I was the leader of a faction on the True Survival sever which has sadly closed. viewtopic.php?f=1025&t=129803
IGN : scotchbomb
Age : 19
Why do you want to join? : looking for a new sever that is exciting
How long have you played Minecraft? : 5 months single and multiplayer
What are you looking forward to? the wilderness and rising up in the ranks
What is allowed in the Wilderness? anything except starting fires and lava
When lost, who would you ask for teleports? no one
What do we use for currency? slime balls
IGN: scotchbomb
Minecraft Experience: playing for 5 months played on plenty of servers
What you will do for the server: build things, run a trade post, help people
Bans: none
Faction you wish to be in: mercenary
Age- 19
Game name- scotchbomb
How often you play- about everyday
Why you want to join- looking for a more PVP oriented server
What race you would like- Human
would you be willing to donate?-maybe
Will you follow all rules?-yes
Your comments-none
WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN: Compared to other clans i've seen this one seems to be put together much better
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS(OPTIONAL): i could also be a guard and therefore guard myself and any other miners
Class: ensis and fabri
Skills, in General: mining and building bases
Why?: i been looking for something more interesting then joining random servers and this clan seemed much better then other clans.
Can you be nice and fair to people: yes
Do you grief: NO
Minecraft past experience: I've been playing for 5 months and been on plenty of severs
Secret word: jam
Did you read the whole thing and understand the rules? yes
Time zone: eastern standard time
Why should we accept you? I'm an enjoyable player and can provide quite a challenge for opposing players. I can also be very creative and a hard worker.
Describe griefing: destroying someones work,flooding with lava or water, filling things up with other blocks
Which faction would you like to be in? imperial nation
Age (Be truthful, you won't be judged for it): 19
Faction You wish to join: the rebels
What Role(s) you wish to fulfill: miner/infiltrator
Anything you wish to show us (such as movies of your work, or pvp l33Tness): I was the leader of a faction on the True Survival sever which has sadly closed.
Other Information: none
Age : 19
Why do you want to join? : looking for a new sever that is exciting
How long have you played Minecraft? : 5 months single and multiplayer
What are you looking forward to? the wilderness and rising up in the ranks
What is allowed in the Wilderness? anything except starting fires and lava
When lost, who would you ask for teleports? no one
What do we use for currency? slime balls
EDIT: its working again
Minecraft Experience: playing for 5 months played on plenty of servers
What you will do for the server: build things, run a trade post, help people
Bans: none
Faction you wish to be in: mercenary
Game name- scotchbomb
How often you play- about everyday
Why you want to join- looking for a more PVP oriented server
What race you would like- Human
would you be willing to donate?-maybe
Will you follow all rules?-yes
Your comments-none
something to entertain the masses ----->