MY GOD UR FKING GOOD AT THIS!!! (caps on pur) but i know its pre release but it looks more like an x-ray pack so far i love it but b4 sharing it you shoud make it more sorta anti-x-ray
umm i do have an xperia x10 mini pro and i have the mc on the market but i also have doual touch since i have the sony ericsson sk17i mini pro so to be fair it is aviable for the mini pro!
anyone here ever tryed the minebuilder? well i have found that the controls there are much better right now im playing more minebuilder than the original mc pocket edition... ust because of the controls and the survival part.....
anyone have a though?
what about sony ericsson sk17 xperia x10 mini pro it have the 2.3 android system and dual touch higer cpu than the normal x10 mini/pro and longer battery life (2x times better than the normal x10 mini/pro) anyone have it and able to download mc pe? please respond its not in the list (any of the lists)
Before you reply and say "I'm tired of this crap! I hate seeing all these complaints!" please take the time to even read the first paragraph.
I'm not going to go all dramatic, I just want to express my feelings. I'm sorry for this, but I just need to get this out. I miss Minecraft. Back when there weren't potions and enchantments and alchemy. When there were mods and plugins for all these things. Back when the goal was to collect wood and survive for the first night, then make a bed and expand tomorrow. I miss the days I used to play when I would endlessly explore and find large mountains fascinating.
I don't want it to turn into World of Minecraft (WoM). I saw the yellow text on the main menu say "Woo! World of Minecraft!" That's when it just hit me, "This game is really turning into an RPG and not the adventure survival game I bought it for." Potions? Enchanting? Cauldrons? Teleportation? Where has making a cobblestone house is satisfying gone?
When I first heard of the Adventure Update, I was like "Wow this is the best thing to happen to Minecraft!" But now... it's the complete opposite. Atleast in my opinion.
So I guess I'll just stick to the older versions and downgrading whatever version I want to play. Thank you for reading this, and vote above. I just wanted to see who feels the same and who doesn't. Otherwise, Notch, you and Mojang have made a great game overall. I just prefer the older versions myself.
to be honest i do agree whit you even that i did start whit mc at 1.3 it was more fun back then when u had to fight to survive now its less inspiering to play to be honest :sad.gif: to sum it up: i miss the old mc
If I got the demo, grabbed the APK, and uploaded it for people who couldn't get it yet, that wouldn't be illegal because it is already free. Or so I think.
ok and i think ur right about the illegal part but woud u mind help me search and ust post a link or anything here to it cus i ust get crappy things
It takes time to "propogate" in the market. Go to the market on a computer and "send to" your phone(if it is compatible).
That is what I had to do.
thanks for the tip but my problem is that on the market it says its only for xperia play (still) and that my phone isnt compatible D: so im ust woundering if anyone else whit a x10 mini pro have the same problem or im ust dumb so to say
LET ME ADD THIS!: THER IS A STRONGHOLD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION NOT FAR AWAY U SHOUD BE ABLE TO SEE IT :biggrin.gif: btw sorry for the caps but that is ust fckign aswesome whit that village and a stronghold!!!!!
EDIT: look for the classic glass pillars forgot to add that
anyone have a though?
to be honest i do agree whit you even that i did start whit mc at 1.3 it was more fun back then when u had to fight to survive now its less inspiering to play to be honest :sad.gif: to sum it up: i miss the old mc
thanks :biggrin.gif: btw what is ADB?
EDIT: sorry but it doesnt work for me D:
ok and i think ur right about the illegal part but woud u mind help me search and ust post a link or anything here to it cus i ust get crappy things
by apk u mean like 4shared and download it iligealy?
thanks for the tip but my problem is that on the market it says its only for xperia play (still) and that my phone isnt compatible D: so im ust woundering if anyone else whit a x10 mini pro have the same problem or im ust dumb so to say
anyone else here that have the same problem or isnt it comming out to it?
EDIT: look for the classic glass pillars forgot to add that
it is easy to make this but also easy to get it to hack ur pass so....