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    posted a message on Using Bamboo for more things.

    I agree because there are currently not much uses for bamboo.

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    posted a message on Observer update

    I think you should be able to left click on an observer and it would bring to the observer menu. On the menu you could change the distance the observer can see from 1-10 blocks. But the further away a block change is, the less redstone power the observer gives. The observer can not see through blocks. For example, if the observer can see 6 block and block is 3 blocks away, it could only sense 3 blocks away until the block is broken.

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    posted a message on New painting

    I think they should add another 4x4 painting because there are only three.

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    posted a message on Different patterned cows

    i think it is kind of boring how every cow has the same pattern. I think it would just add something extra to make Minecraft seem more life like if there were different patterns that a cow could have. It would not have any use but it would be cool. Maybe if you have already done everything you can do on your survival world you could collect all the patterns of cows. The current cow would still exist but there would be many other variants too. You could maybe even breed 2 different patterned cows to get a pattern that is a little bit of both the parents. If you breed them correctly, you might even be able to get a cow that is all black or brown. You would not be able to get an all blue cow because that would look weird. But when you breed them you can not get 2 different dark colors like a black and blue cow. You also would not be able to get 2 different bright colors like a white and bright gray cow. The Only colors that a cow can be are brown and white, brown and light gray, blue and white, blue and light gray, black and white, black and light gray, light brown and white, light brown and light gray, dark gray and white, and dark gray and light gray. The base patterns are spotted, clustered, oreo (Belted Galloway). But hundreds of mores patterns can be made by breeding the different patterns. All cows in the the wild would be a random breed. In a cows ancestry they all can date back to the three patterns. It would be very hard to find a pure bred. Some breeds would be more rare than others. More closely related breeds would be more common to find near eachother. In creative, when you place a cow spawn egg you would randomly get one of the three base patterns.

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    posted a message on Different skins for tamed wolves?

    I like the idea, but I am not sure where they would spawn. The villages already have enough cats.

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    posted a message on Jellyfish mob

    The jelly fish should drop jelly that you could eat or use it to make something

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    posted a message on Sideways stairs

    Whenever I am building something I always want to place the stairs Sideways but I cant. What I mean by Sideways is at in inside corner you can place them so the bottom of stairs would be on one side, and the back of the stairs would be on another side.

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    posted a message on Half blocks

    Me, building a lot have something that I have always wanted in Minecraft. They would be called half blocks. They would be like slabs, but vertical. This could solve the problem of say you want the outside walls of your house brick and the inside walls wood and doing that with blocks would be too thick.

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    posted a message on Seasons

    a cool idea for Minecraft would be so there are four different seasons, summer, fall, winter, and spring. The seasons would switch in order every once in a while. In summer, there is less chance that it rains, and it can not snow in most biomes. There would also be a higher chance of sunny days. In fall, leaves change colors and sometimes fall off. There is also a higher chance of a cloudy day. In winter, there is a significantly higher chance of snow, and less animals would spawn. Also, you would not see animals that hibernate during winter. And, crops would grow slower. In spring, there is a higher chance of it raining. You will also start to see hibernating animals spawn more. Also, with all the months, a cool item would be a calendar which would tell you what season it is.

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    posted a message on Knives

    It would be cool to see knives in Minecraft. You could make a wood knife, stone knife, iron knife, gold knife, or diamond knife. If you want to craft a wooden knife you need one stick and one wood. For a stone knife you would need one stick and one stone. For iron knife you would need iron, etc. You could use a knife to attack, but it would do less damage than a sword. The main purpose of a knife would be to slice food. To slice food, you put a knife in with the food you want to slice in a crafting table. When you take the meat out from the box to the right you would get the food back but it is sliced into four peices. For example, if you used steak you would get back an item called sliced steak. The icon would be steak in four slices. When you eat it, one of the slices of steak would disappear and it would give you a fourth of the hunger points as non sliced steak. The reason you would want to do this is so you could share your food, or you only need a small amount of hunger points to be full. You would also get your knife back with slightly less durability.

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    posted a message on /respawn command

    the /respawn command would teleport you to your spawnpoint.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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