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    posted a message on Dirt slabs and stairs

    I think there should be dirt slabs and stairs because I would be able to build more detailed stuff like hills and sky islands. There would also be grass slabs and stairs. Grass would be able to spread to dirt slabs and stairs just like normal dirt. Also I would want coursed dirt slabs and stairs.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on /gamerule disablemob

    There should be a command called /gamerule disablemob where whatever mod you type after it will not spawn.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bone tools pls (also spear and knife)

    It would be cool

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    posted a message on Spear/lance

    I would like this to be added

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    posted a message on Can you transfer worlds from Minecraft on Nintendo switch to Minecraft on computer

    I want to know if there is a way that I can transfer my world from Minecraft better together on Nintendo switch to Minecraft better together on a computer. I don’t want to buy a realm.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on More sky creatures

    I think there should be more animals in the sky because right now the sky is pretty lifeless. The only thing you might see in the sky is a phantom or a parrot. There should be more birds like eagles, hawks, doves, and geese. Eagles could swoop down and fly away with a chicken. If you annoy them they would attack you. Hawks would stay up at the peak of a mountain looking for prey. Doves would gracefull fly across the sky. Geese would fly together in a V shape. All this would give the skies in Minecraft much more life.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Villager Swordsman

    I like the idea

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on More glass

    I think they should add glass stairs, glass slabs, glass doors, and glass trapdoors. You would be able to build a lot more cool builds with them.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Sheilds

    I really want shields in minecraft. They are in Java edition so why not better together.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Floor item frames

    I think you should be able to place item frames on the floor. It would make it so you could do much more with item frames like have a giant map on the floor or make it look like an item is on the floor. Also I don't see any reason why they shouldn't add this.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The dark sea biome

    The dark sea biome would be a biome that occasionally appears under deep oceans. In the dark sea the water would be darker and you would not be able to see as far. In the dark sea animals such as angler fish and giant octopuses would spawn. There would also be many strange sea creatures like possibly sea monsters. In the dark sea there would be structures that only appear in the dark sea. For example one of the structures might be an ancient totum pole or a giant shipwreck that is like the Titanic. There would be a lot of treasures hidden in these structures and the only way to swim down to them and explore them with a safe amount of air would be to use an air tank. The air tank would change your bubbles different colors. When your air bubbles are a different color they would last longer. When your air bubbles are brown, they last twice as long and takes twice as long to fill up. when the bubbles are gray they last five times as long and take five times as long to fill up. When they are yellow they last twenty times as long but take twenty times as long to fill up. When they are purple they last fifty times as long but take fifty times as long to fill up. To get brown bubbles you craft a leather air tank. To get gray bubbles you craft an iron air tank. To get yellow bubbles (not pee) you craft a gold air tank. To get purple bubbles you craft a diamond air tank. The reason they are purple and not blue is because normal bubbles are blue. The air tank would go in the chestplate spot. To craft the air tank you would use six of the material you want to use and a tube. A tube would be crafted with 2 sugarcane or bamboo. Also, there would be an enchantment for air tanks called filling. Filling would make your air tanks fill up faster. There would also be goggles that would make your vision underwater more clear. You craft goggles with 2 glass and a bamboo or sugarcane. But it would still be pretty hard to see stuff in the dark see with goggles but not as hard. You could also but goggles with dye to make them different colored. There would also be some species of coral that only spawn in the deep sea. You could also craft boots that would make it so you sink faster to the ground and do not float up when you are wearing them. They would be useful for looking for structure without floating back up. They would also be useful to get down quicker. You would craft them the same except with an obsidian under each boot. The better the material the faster you sink. Diamonds are the best and leather is the worst. Conduits would also be very useful for a place to go back and fill up your air tank without going to the surface. There would be many other animals in the deep sea but I can not think of much right now.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Data Base and Catalog Entrys

    I like that a lot because it would give you a reason to find everything in your world. You could also catalog villages, temples, and items.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Slippery slime blocks

    Slippery slime blocks would be the same as normal slime blocks but they would not stick. By sticking I mean pulling blocks next to them when they move. They would have a slightly different texture to make them look less sticky. The color would be mix of ice color and slime color because you would craft them with and ice block and a slime block. Slippery slime blocks would also have a slightly slippery attribute like ice blocks. They could also be called bouncy ice.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Making Rain more Interesting

    I like the idea and I think another event that could happen is that when it rains for a while starts to raise. Some dirt would also turn to mud. Mud would be darker dirt that you would very slowly sink down into it. Though this would make rain more annoying, maybe there could be a special item you could obtain from this. But with cheats on you can turn off flooding.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Direction changing hoppers

    I think when a redstone signal hits a hopper it should change the direction of where the item goes just like rails. You would be able to make a lot more redstone contraptions like an item randomizer with hoppers and restone clocks.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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