Quote from
i don't think it's going to come any time soon since its such a large project with not a hint of creation form the mojang team
i got a hint of it in 1.3!
SP and MP being the same .jar file!!!
Quote from hi9580 »
i don't think it's going to come any time soon since its such a large project with not a hint of creation form the mojang team
Quote from DarkAnimus
Dear Mojang,
Fix everything that's already wrong with MC, instead of adding new things that will only add to the list of things that are wrong with MC.
MC Playerbase.
Quote from Exalm
And I hate picking blocks when I create new world. Especially stone, as it can not be obtained with middle click.
//New creative inventory is unconvenient crap too.
Quote from ferds814
im not trying to be the bad guy but if this is saying what i believe its saying. (the pdf) its saying that game makers dont have permission to sell their products using the cell towers provided in texas. if this is true, then maybe, just maybe, these TEXANS have something going for them. except, its STUPID. but hey, if no one signed papers its on them. (yet i say again, stupid) im sorry markuss but your poket edition android app may have gotten you sued just because you didnt sign a paper stating that your game can be sent to phones through DATA PLANS. god, **** texas
Quote from sleezymcwheezy
Wait, what? MC360 only has features from Beta 1.6? I never knew that, and I was so pumped about being able to play Minecraft on the Xbox, but now that I know it isn't even the full released game, I'm not even going to buy it.
What's the point of "finishing" Minecraft and "releasing" the "full version", when the Minecraft for Xbox isn't even the full game? What a horrible idea. To think I was actually excited for it, and I'm just receiving an unfinished piece of trash that I've already paid for and enjoyed to a further extent.
Quote from calmfire1
if and when Mahjong wins this lawsuit with Bethesda they should get the rights with Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. the Reason bethedsa is making such claims is very ignorant an childesh so a game is named scrolls how many things do you know with te word scrolls in it? the dead sea scrolls for instance could make a lawsuit against bethesda for using the word Scroll in there name but Mahjong and other companies are smarter than that. I beleive that Christopher Weaver is upset that another company is making money the word "Scrolls" is so widly used that this lawsuit is a stupid choice for bethesda, i would have taken the settlement agreement aleast then they will have the ability to lose with dignity instead of being publicly humiliated. If Mahjong wins Skyrim will not be the game everyone wants anymore.... ive looked at the reports on both sides carefully. Mahjong has a higher rate of sucess against Bethesda due to its a smaller company and the name is "scrolls" not "elder scrolls" the logos look so much different from each other.
keep up the good work, I LOVE this mod!
support!Great idea! It would be nice to have something to traverse thousands of ocean blocks other then 2x1 1-person boats!
I completely misread the topic and though it was double tap jump, thank you(my mind:IM AND IDIOT)
oh, thank you, it makes much more sense being explained and ow I can get Anti-Matter
its around 30x30-30x31 is that big enough?
it DEFINITELY dosent have a hole, i checked it multiple times before and it does 2 or 3 laps around the ring before it exploldes, but it always explode somewhere on the same tract, after it gets launched the first line of the ring it goes through it explodes somewhere on there on the 4th or 5th lap so it definitely dosen't have a hole
very useful for when only animal you live by are chickens and squids, especially if playing with other mods like I am( thaumcraft 3 has tons of uses for leather, saves time and effort!)
cant wait for update to newest version!
all modding is is using winrar to put something in the minecraft.jar and he rest of the mods are packaged with the map
its that simple
this map has magic and machinery, plus customNPC's idk if any modpacks have custom NPCs and im pretty sure repower is machinery whilst thaumcraft and EE are magic mods plus all the extras(rotten flesh to leather and treecapacitor are in this map)
just downgrade, its just pressing a button, waiting for like a minute, then installing mods and map and your good to go
I reccomend using downcraft to downgrade from 1.5.2 to 1.4.6 it hasnt updated to 1.6(downcraft hasnt) as far as im aware so you need the old launcher.
there are also other tools that may be outdated(such as MCNostalgia)
i got bored and searched for ftb maps and this popped up
now ive never played direwolf pack(though assuming it has a similiar core to other packs, it has mystcraft IC2 EE3/2 and buildcraft, so this may seem new to me as im playing) but cant wait to try it out! downloading NOW
To get the mycelium you have to get to the mycelium island and complete the enchanting quest