If the bug still exists you can do this to claim the cape, it involves debug menu using console commands. Mostly people who owned the game before merging bedrock and java editions together have this issue. Here's link to bug report if you want to look at it more closely at it: [WEB-7058].
1. Go to that link and make sure you're logged in to minecraft.net: minecraft.net Cape Claim
2. Open debug menu (F12)
3. On top you have categories, go in to "console" one
4. Paste the command down below (if you can't copy+paste the command in the console window type this command first: allow pasting)
Am I the only one who can't claim the 15 anniversary cape?
It shows that I don't own a copy of the game and it requires me to buy one, but the thing is even though I'm logged in the account with the game the button redirects me to buy minecraft page
If the bug still exists you can do this to claim the cape, it involves debug menu using console commands. Mostly people who owned the game before merging bedrock and java editions together have this issue. Here's link to bug report if you want to look at it more closely at it: [WEB-7058].
1. Go to that link and make sure you're logged in to minecraft.net: minecraft.net Cape Claim
2. Open debug menu (F12)
3. On top you have categories, go in to "console" one
4. Paste the command down below (if you can't copy+paste the command in the console window type this command first: allow pasting)
javaUrlBase: 'https://api.minecraftservices.com',
capes: [],
capeId: 'ef9e95b6-48a3-4fd7-93d4-7e7d9448d2f1',
bedrockEntitlementOffer: '7118a7d5-240e-4f6d-8959-5269ba041938',
bedrockEntitlementId: 'b0bf1091-bb6b-4bd7-80f9-6e43f0d03e39',
bedrockUrlBase: 'https://net.web.minecraft-services.net'
Am I the only one who can't claim the 15 anniversary cape?
It shows that I don't own a copy of the game and it requires me to buy one, but the thing is even though I'm logged in the account with the game the button redirects me to buy minecraft page