In Game Name: rogueangel Age: 32 Country: USA Are you familiar with Discord? What is your Discord ID?: I have been using Discord sense Ventrillo, Skype, Teamspeak and all the other old platforms died out many years ago. Zamani#7971 How did you hear about The Sanctuary SMP community?: My friend Kimloc and One of Three play on this server. I have known Kimloc in real life for quite a few years now. In game we push the boundrys of redstone and server limits...often times having to scale back our creations =X. One of Three used to play on my server, looking forward to playing together again.
What is your favorite/preferred base/building style?: Rustic Medieval. I have tried other styles like Wood Elves (think of giant trees, tree houses, bridges etc..), underwater modern homes, Egyptian, etc....but I always come back to Rustic Medieval. What aspect of vanilla gameplay draws you towards SMP?: I prefer little change to the core aspects of the game because when things become to easy it shortens the longevity of gameplay and the fun the challenges present. Your server has limited amounts of plugins, most of which are quality of life. Do you have any experience with Minecraft communities?: Yes. I have managed my own server and communities for multiple years. Community online gaming is my preferred method as you can get to know each other, help each other, and loging on to see a friend/community member feels great. Its way better than playing in a heavy populated server where chat is scrolling so fast you cant play the game. On servers like that people rotate so fast its hard to establish any meaningful relationships which in turn help create experiences and memory's. Which brings me to my next games are ment to provide fun memories IMO, communities when managed correctly can provide that in ample amounts. Outside of Minecraft, what kinds of activities/hobbies do you enjoy?: World of Warcraft, Vermintide, Civilization, League of Legends, etc... I also like to go on vacations, even small ones to visit friends are great!
What you prefer to do in MC: I enjoy complex Redstone. I do some building however that only comes after my Redstone projects are complete and usually only to decorate them.
How long have you been playing MC: 5+ years
How active do you expect to be: 5+hrs/wk
Age: 31
Thank you both for applying....
Kanny you already applied and I sent you a reply in PM.
Littlemico, I sent you a status update on your application via PM, please check it out.
Ice0later thank you for applying to join our community. I have sent you a private message here on the Minecraft Fourm with more details related to your application.
In Game Name: rogueangel
Age: 32
Country: USA
Are you familiar with Discord? What is your Discord ID?: I have been using Discord sense Ventrillo, Skype, Teamspeak and all the other old platforms died out many years ago. Zamani#7971
How did you hear about The Sanctuary SMP community?: My friend Kimloc and One of Three play on this server. I have known Kimloc in real life for quite a few years now. In game we push the boundrys of redstone and server limits...often times having to scale back our creations =X. One of Three used to play on my server, looking forward to playing together again.
What is your favorite/preferred base/building style?: Rustic Medieval. I have tried other styles like Wood Elves (think of giant trees, tree houses, bridges etc..), underwater modern homes, Egyptian, etc....but I always come back to Rustic Medieval.
What aspect of vanilla gameplay draws you towards SMP?: I prefer little change to the core aspects of the game because when things become to easy it shortens the longevity of gameplay and the fun the challenges present. Your server has limited amounts of plugins, most of which are quality of life.
Do you have any experience with Minecraft communities?: Yes. I have managed my own server and communities for multiple years. Community online gaming is my preferred method as you can get to know each other, help each other, and loging on to see a friend/community member feels great. Its way better than playing in a heavy populated server where chat is scrolling so fast you cant play the game. On servers like that people rotate so fast its hard to establish any meaningful relationships which in turn help create experiences and memory's. Which brings me to my next games are ment to provide fun memories IMO, communities when managed correctly can provide that in ample amounts.
Outside of Minecraft, what kinds of activities/hobbies do you enjoy?: World of Warcraft, Vermintide, Civilization, League of Legends, etc... I also like to go on vacations, even small ones to visit friends are great!
Hello oUNGODLYo and Quinapril,
Thank you both for applying. I have reviewed your applications and sent you each a PM.
Thank you both for applying....
Kanny you already applied and I sent you a reply in PM.
Littlemico, I sent you a status update on your application via PM, please check it out.
DonatellaS TY for applying. I have sent a PM with more details regarding your application. I hope you have a good day.
DoogieOfGrove ty for applying. I have reviewed your application and processed your request. Please see my PM.
TY MastMalang for applying. I have reviewed your application and sent you a PM with details.
Thank you Bikki_ for applying to our server. I have reviewed your application and sent you details pertaining your application via PM.
Noodle360 ty for applying, more details sent via PM.
x0Jx TY for applying, I have reviewed your application and sent you a PM regarding the status.
Hello Migzz,
Thank your for applying to play on our server. I have reviewed your application and sent you a status update via PM.
Hello Bearbatron ty for applying, I sent you a PM with details about the status of your application.
Hello Livin423,
TY for applying to our server, I have sent you a PM with details about your application status.
Nagnorg TY for applying, I sent you a PM with details regarding your application.
on3ofthree TY for applying, more details were sent to you via PM.
seastars Thank you for applying to our server, I have sent details pertaining your application via PM.
veryleizce Thank you for applying to join our community. I have sent you a response via PM.
Ice0later thank you for applying to join our community. I have sent you a private message here on the Minecraft Fourm with more details related to your application.
Have a good day.