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    posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 - Mob Grinder not working. What are the hostile mob spawn mechanics?

    It will certainly work better in a single player world solely because the mob cap isn't distributed around multiple players.

    I recommend finding a flushing mob trap design instead of that passive one where the mobs need to walk into the canals.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Resource Pack Showing Up On List But Goes Off

    Hi it sounds like your graphics card can't handle the resolution of that pack. See this bug report for more info:


    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How to explore an underground ravine properly? :D

    I do pretty much what VolcanoBomber and TheMasterCaver said, which is to walk along the shelves and light those up starting from near the top if possible. Then light up the bottom as I can safely.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on My nether portals wont link up. Any ideas?
    Quote from _NateM99_»

    Clarify this please? So you are saying that if I make a portal in the overworld at lest say 200 65 200 I cannot put my nether portal at any Y as long as my x and z are divided by 8?

    Generally you're right it doesn't matter. However if you're trying to link up portals in close proximity to each other then the Y value may start to become a factor.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Hearing cow noises whenever I collect a new item

    I haven't played the new update yet, but they did change how the achievement system works so perhaps what you're hearing is just the sound effect they have set for that?

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Mob Spawn Rates Flat World vs Regular

    Thank you TheMasterCaver. So according to that video if you build a mob farm low but build something else at world limit the mob farm still won't spawn much? Sorry if I misunderstood.

    He can correct me if I'm wrong, but all he's saying is that the spawning code has a 'lower priority' so to speak when looking at higher Y value spawning locations. Basically if there is another place they can spawn much lower, they more than likely will spawn down there.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Zero-redstone blaze farm. Insane XP and STACKS of blaze rods.

    Keep in mind too that there is now a maxEntityCramming rule since that farm was posted, so unless you change that the max entities stacking is 24.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How can i live in Extreme Hills Biome?

    Building a home into the side of a mountain has a lot of upsides. You have plenty of space to expand your home, you don't have to build a roof, nor do you have much exterior wall decorating to do.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Seeds & wheat farming

    I'm sure it's coded that way, but not sure if it's incidental or intended. Best guess is the wheat pops out first. What I usually do is make sure I have one wheat somewhere in my inventory before harvesting so the seeds will go into my empty slot as intended. Either that or leave two empty slots on the hotbar.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on 14 Year old Survival world

    Oooh, me likey the detail on the towers. The clever use of stairs that way....I'm having difficulty making out just how you did that from looking at the pictures but I think I have an idea what you did there. I think the oriental garden is an excellent replacement for the useless apartment building. I too like the structures I build to have more of a purpose than just looks.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pigmen Grinder Malfunction
    Quote from DuhDerp»

    The bedrock nether roof was always at 128, that used to be the actual world height. No idea why they changed the world height but never actually opened it up "to the public" as it were. Maybe they were initially intending to use it as a mapmaking "pocket dimension" to give mapmakers a place to put stuff players couldn't normally access or which they could only access through special means?

    No, I think they decided they didn't want to add that much more space to the nether because they had been dealing with lag issues in the nether for people on low end machines since it had been added and doubling the amount of generated space would only increase the problem.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pigmen Grinder Malfunction
    Quote from SacredCrimson»

    I have my render distance on 8. Tried lowering it to help. But humor why raising it would help, why not, nothing else has worked thus far. :/ And this all has been on PC, windows 7, latest update - 1.11.2

    That is most likely your issue. It's a long standing bug with mob spawns getting hung up out in chunks outside of render distances lower than 10 and fill up the mob cap. Usually you can observe a few spawns initially if you set the game to peaceful then change back, but they quickly stop as mobs get hung up out there.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pigmen Grinder Malfunction

    I just realized you never said what platform you're playing on.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Pigmen Grinder Malfunction

    Hmmm, what's your render distance set to? If under 10, try turning up to 10 and retesting.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Respawning Ender Dragon and Ender buildings

    Sorry no that wouldn't happen. The server owner could deleted the island chunks to reset things though, but if someone has built out there they might not be too happy about that.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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