In-game name: Diggy19
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games? No
Why you want to join: Looking for a good survivor server for me and my friends.
How did you hear about this server: Minecraft forums.
In-game name: Silienced ( Its spelled differently from the actual word; Silenced )
Age: 15
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games? No
Why you want to join: Been playing Single Player a lot..And its getting boring.I would like to play with others and have fun.
How did you hear about this server: I was browsing the Minecraftforums.
You two need to log into our server at least once so you can be promoted. Post again once you've logged in please =)
IGN: Chilledflowz
Do I play any other Oniclan games: No but I would like to try your terraria server
Why I want to join: I was checking out some servers and yours was near the top
How I heard: A server website, sorry I forgot the name
In-game name: waylon_smithers
Age: 14
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games? No
Why you want to join: want to be on a dedicated server.
How did you hear about this
In-game name: lack24
Age: 15
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games? No
Why you want to join: Looking for fun minecraft servers to be active on and to enjoy.
How did you hear about this
In-game name: pascaey
Age: 14
Do you play any other Oni Clan games? No not now.
Why you want to join: cause i was looking for a new server and yours looked cool
How did you hear about this server: I searched minecraft servers in google and then i found Onicraft
this is vroenkar i was banned. im not going to lie i did destroy his portal. i was checking if mine would work if his was gone. if it helps i was going to fix. the rules said no excuses but i am very sorry for breaking your rules. if you appeal my ban i give you my word it will never happen again.
In-game name: dakturis
Age: 25
Why you want to join: fun
How did you hear about this server: unfundedmark
Dakturis, either your IGN is incorrect or you have not logged into our server as a guest yet. You need to log in as a guest for us to make you a member.
Age: 13
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games? no
Why you want to join:I saw my brother play here
How did you hear about this server: My Brother
(I.G.N.)- BetaGod
(AGE)- 14
(DO YOU PLAY ON ANY OTHER ONI CLAN GAMES?) This would be my first, really looking forward to it!
(WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN?) Well, I love minecraft, I love multiplayer, and thi sserver sounds amazing!
(HOW DID YOU HAER ABOUT THIS SERVER?) Browsing servers on... ( and stumble apon yours, IT LOOKS GREAT!
ign: spartangoku71
age: 11
do you play on other onigames servers?: This is my first
why do you want to join?: i want to join becuse im a good minecrafter and want to be the be the best i can be!
how did a hear about this server?:
Do you play any other OniClanGames: nope. Why you want to join: Amazing specs on your computer, plus this server seems pretty legit and with a good fan base
How did you here about the server: Browsing forums, and i remember u from myraid
In-game name:NJguy
[center]Do you play any other Oni Clan Games?no
Why you want to join:[/center]looking for a server for me and my friends
[center]How did you hear about this server: MC fourms
In-game name: dpicc64
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games?No
Why you want to join:Need a well run server to play on constantly. Looks AWESOME
How did you hear about this server: searching forums and this stood out as a great server
You two need to log into our server at least once so you can be promoted. Post again once you've logged in please =)
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You're in the game dude =p
Dakturis, either your IGN is incorrect or you have not logged into our server as a guest yet. You need to log in as a guest for us to make you a member.
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You're a member now. Welcome.
All of you can now play =)