Anyone who wants a seed on large biomes in which the entire map_0 is encompassed by mountain biomes use "desert" without quotes.
This is of course for anyone who wants to find emerald ore naturally. Structures on and bonus chests were on.
Edit: also people were complaining about tripwires being easy to spot, which in this version, is complete hogwash.
Looking over the mods section on planetminecraft hurts my eyes. The site is nice, but kids must feel so special getting fake diamonds for fraudulent content.
Yeah I forgot to say I reported him also.
Just created an account and an informative post.
Look into your texture packs folder and make sure there are no customwater png's in the .zip.
I recommend using the multicore chunk loading feature as well. If you don't have a multicore processor than good luck even playing the game which now utilizes 2 in vanilla anyway.
Great to hear. There is an unofficial update for v10 of sonic ethers shaders.
I was forced to make your pack compatible with those shaders. It is not a hard process, but apparently you need the pictures from the spoiler and the environment folder of the SEUS adjusted texture pack. For the water png's in the spoiler just line up the purple color with where the water in your terrain.png file. The blueish color will follow the purple and fall into place. I am sure you will do your own lightmapping, but for now you can study the environment folder from SEUS adjusted.
Edit: I guess the SEUS mod that is out is rc2 for SEUS v10 so you can expect it to be very similar.
"(has all the features of Standard, Smooth, Multi-Core and AA, highly configurable)"
Or use optifine and just run full screen at a lower res. My Phenom II x6 1090t and my (lower quality) gpu, Radeon 6750 struggle under the weight of rendering the shadows. You can also edit the composite.fsh file and set the shadow res from 1024 to 512.
Edit: as per your comment, "So i guess i have to buy a new graphic card only for minecraft," I felt my video from last December that seems oddly relevant.
LOL... If you are a guy Chick-fil-A might have another free giveaway.
Search "chick-fil-a against gay marriage" for the reference. They are screwed... If Elton John hears about this
This is the post that helped me out... you can mess with the values as explained above to get the color you want.
Seemed to fix the brightness for me.
You have to transfer the "environment" folder from the SEUS adjusted texture pack into whatever texture pack you are trying to use.
For the clueless: There is a tutorial on how to install these into an existing texture pack. You can watch the tutorial to see what to do, this just makes it easier for you by skipping a few copy pastes and re-sizes.
64x- original