- robbhus
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Member for 14 years and 4 days
Last active Thu, Jul, 23 2015 04:40:51
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Ramiro26 posted a message on [Interest check] Survival RP?Im absolutely in this. I think somewhere in the 1800s would be better though. Well, there wouldnt be much technology to be had in the island anyways, so I dont think it matters much..but whatever.Posted in: Forum Roleplaying -
user-8237540 posted a message on Post your PicturePosted in: General Off TopicQuote from MinecraftChick01
Well, I can;t exactly post a picture of myself, as I am far too lazy to do that
Hi stranger.
I totally get why you couldn't take the time out of your day to post a picture. We're all busy people. I myself have such a busy schedule I need to keep I almost never get any free time to do anything off-topic forum related!
I saw your story about how you couldn't post a picture, and being the sympathetic person I am; I took it upon myself to draw you to the best of my known ability. I'm quite well known around these parts for my very realistic drawings, so I do hope you're impressed.
AZilla2498 posted a message on The RP Spotlight Thread [You'd best read the OP first]I feel I might as well nominate the GONE rp. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1461298-gone-the-fayz-always-accepting/Posted in: Forum Roleplaying -
XxCreepurzxX posted a message on Valkyrie High[school for Angels](accepting) NEW UPDATE---> Crux Inferno<-----{sign up and join the army!}((THE NEW THREAD IS OUT NOW! IF YOU ORIGINALLY POSTED AN APP THAT WAS ACCEPTED ON THIS THREAD, CONTINUE ON THE NEXT THREAD WITHOUT THE NEED OF AN APP. HERE IS THE LINK: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1442424-valkyrie-high-remade-thread-accepting-new-update-search-of-hope/ SEE YOU THERE!))Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
((can you guys thumbs this up so that It gets to the front page?)) -
XxCreepurzxX posted a message on Valkyrie High[school for Angels](accepting) NEW UPDATE---> Crux Inferno<-----{sign up and join the army!}((ACHIEVEMENT GET! "The Origin"))Posted in: Forum Roleplaying -
Beltir posted a message on Do not disrupt RPsAllow me to clear up some obvious confusion here.Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
This is not a role playing forums. Just because they are "inexperienced" or new here does not mean that they are inexperienced at role playing elsewhere. Entering a thread and telling them to "Join before you create" should be seen as completely off-topic spam, as you are not providing anything to the thread.
If you think that they should not create because they are knew, that is nothing but an elitist mentality. You are in no way helping by telling them to not make threads, in fact you are doing the exact opposite. A forum is meant for people to share their ideas, publicly, and by attempting to derail their thread over their join date or post count is direct opposition to this.
If you even look at their join date when determining whether you will like or dislike their roleplay, then you might as well not read the thread.
3. This is the MOST IMPORTANT Roleplaying rule, in my eyes. Do not, I repeat, do not create a roleplay before you've participated in multiple. This is for multiple reasons.
I will break this apart and say why this is wrong.
-You probably don't have the experience to make your own.
As stated above, this is not a roleplaying forum. There is nothing besides elitism that would make this make sense.
-You are unknown, people are unlikely to jump aboard if they don't know you.
If you are only looking for popularity, you're doing it wrong. You shouldn't be role playing to be popular, you should do it to have fun.
-People like me and a few other people will tell you this on your thread, which may or may not frustrate you. Remember we are just trying to help.
It is not helpful. It is only damaging. If their thread is failing, PMing them a nice one to join in is helpful. Telling them to not make a thread is just insulting.
5. Creating a roleplay. As I stated earlier, do not create a roleplay until you've participated in several. Once you are well known in the forums, you may think it's time to create your own.
This is completely irrelevant. Popularity has no say on quality. - To post a comment, please login.
Minami Ayano || Age:20 || Female
Minami is smart. She's always been the "top of the class" archetype, having a very high IQ and being decent at sports as well. Socially, she has never been a big-shot, she can hold a conversation just fine but is perfectly comfortable with silence as well. She's mature for her age and is doing decently for herself, though she isn't particularly interested in what she is currently doing, which is part reason she decided to join high-school friend Satoru Taiyo in his experiments.
College dropout, currently unemployed
Minami comes from a long linage of scholars and researchers in different branches of science. Her father was a physician and her mother was a chemist. Most of her childhood was with her grandparents as her parents were busy with their work, making her grandparents take a big share of the parents-role. Both of them were retired and had plenty of time to spend with her, so she never really felt any need for a lot of other people in her life, a common trait in her family line.
She stayed with her grandparents till she got into the high school she wanted and had to move however. Despite not being that far, it would be too long to take public transit every day and she was feeling ready to live closer to the city. During her years in high school, she was usually at the top of her year, usually from her lack of after-school interest and dedication to schoolwork. She never joined any clubs and focused most of her time on doing well in school. She got in decent contact with Satoru because she found him interesting as a person, something that didn't happen particularly often.
After completing High School, she moved on to College. Mainly due to high pressure from parents she barely knew, she ended up picking up physics as well, but dropped out after less than three months. It wasn't her intention, but after her father had committed suicide for an unknown reason, her mother refused to let her stay as far away from her and forced her out of the course. She stayed with her mother for about three months before she had finally gotten enough and sneaked out of the house at night. There were newspaper reports for weeks about the "Vanished Minami Ayano" which forced her to move commonly and she had no chance at entering college again in fear of being recognized.
She spent the next year and a half writing a book while trying to find out her father's reason for suicide. She has yet to succeed on the latter part, but managed to publish an educational book for elementary school maths about half a year ago, under a pen-name of course. However, with little interest in writing school books for the rest of her life, she successfully managed to get in contact with Satoru again and moved to Akahibara to help him with his research while trying to clear up in her own mess at the same time.
She's an amateur storywriter, decent on acoustic guitar and enjoys various aspects of Otaku culture, mainly video games and TV-shows.
Minami has blue eyes and her hair is dark brown. Her height is rather average, being at 5'3. She's usually seen wearing a pair of jeans or a skirt, along with a black hooded sweatshirt with a button-up shirt under it. Her ears usually have several rings in them, and she occasionally wear a necklace with a small gem hanging in the end.
Power: Immortality and boosted physical strength: Amaris' only power is a 100% immortality. Regardless of how ripped apart her body is, it'd only take a bit of time before she gets up and going again. However, this doesn't help her too much seeing that she doesn't have any powers other than a slightly inhuman power level. This character was made primarily for comic relief, and is not expected to be some kind of hero.
This is going to be a flop though
I don't agree. From a subjective viewpoint, yeah, you're right, it's nothing exceptional. It has a cool opening, decent animation and flat characters. However, from an entertainment viewpoint, HotD is a whole lot of fun, simply because it knows what it is, and doesn't try to be anything more than that.
Says the one that wanted a 6-shot silenced one.
I'm not an elitist, but I despise watching anything under 720p if I know that the art is gorgeous.
Most anime start before what they adapt is finished, which is one of the reasons a lot of anime get bad endings - Because it is written by someone else than the mangaka.
Manga has decent endings in most cases. Also, not all books end well.
What the heck are you talking about?! The Hellsing dub is wonderful! Crispin Freeman is like, the ultimate voice of Alucard!
Also, saying that SAO is a seinen is an embarrassment to Seinen in general. Fate/Zero is a seinen, SAO is a wannabe serious Shounen.