So we server owners can't charge players for a diamond sword or access to a certain area but Mojang can charge them $3 for a map and minigame? Just sayin that's messed up. Players can get even more if they would play on servers on PCs.
- retrodaredevil
- Registered Member
Member for 10 years and 6 months
Last active Sun, Sep, 22 2019 20:45:24
- 132 Total Posts
- 7 Thanks
Apr 22, 2016retrodaredevil posted a message on New Minecraft LEGO Set Coming in June?Posted in: News
Wow that price. I remember when good sets were $20 and now their like $40. One of the reasons I don't buy Lego sets anymore.
Dec 14, 2015retrodaredevil posted a message on "Realms" Price Drop; Free Trials!Posted in: News
Wow... And people complain about MCProHosting prices.
Dec 2, 2015retrodaredevil posted a message on Snapshot 15w49a Ready For TestingPosted in: News
135 FPS???! Me want that compewer.
Nov 17, 2015retrodaredevil posted a message on Nintendo Update: Wii U Version Possibly Canceled/RescheduledPosted in: News
Ha!, big surprise.
Nov 16, 2015retrodaredevil posted a message on Hour of CodePosted in: News
For anyone wanted more advanced lessons try . It teaches Java script, Python and a few other languages that are legit. It taught me if and else statements. After I learned that I was able to start coding basic minecraft plugins with the help of a few tutorials.
Oct 15, 2015retrodaredevil posted a message on 15w42a Ready for Testing!Posted in: News
Elytra reminds me of the cape power up from Super Mario World. Definitely about to get this snapshot and try it out. Looks amazing
Oct 3, 2015retrodaredevil posted a message on Community Creations: Head SoccerPosted in: News
Awesome just like the game you can play on
Aug 18, 2015retrodaredevil posted a message on Tiny Spoiler: New Command Blocks?Posted in: News
Maybe a better way to do/run Java like code in command blocks.
Jul 28, 2015retrodaredevil posted a message on Get Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition!Posted in: News
Will I get that version along with the ability to play regular PC multiplayer if I update to windows 10. And will I be able to play with peopl on Xbox?
Sep 3, 2014retrodaredevil posted a message on SethBling Presents: Drinking Bird Statue?Looks cool... It looks more like a redstone torch lolPosted in: News
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TUrn on debug in the votifier config and see if you get the debug message when you vote. If you do, then the listener isn't configured the right way, otherwise, make sure you server IP in the config is right, and make sure other people can connect from places other than your wifi network.
Hello everyone. I think I've made something that no other server has so I hope you enjoy it. You can join with the ip or (takes you right to Guitar Hero)
Here is a video of me playing Hotel California:
They hold the right color and click to strum. It feels a lot like regular guitar hero accept you don't have to hold down the number slot when you play a note, you just have to hold the right color. I might try to upload a video of me playing it.
EDIT: video :
I recently created a Guitar Hero minigame just for my server and it's pretty awesome. The only song I have for it is Bohemian Rhapsody and I'm looking for more songs for it. I can put any song with a .nbs format into the game. I'm looking for someone to create songs for it or already created songs. I would like most of the songs on it to be from guitar hero. If anyone would like to help with this (You will get credit for each song you put together) here is what I require and some info on how it all actually works.
You can use NoteBlock Studios (found here: to create songs.
While creating songs you can only have one note at a time and no notes to close to each other unless you name the layer "noplay" (Player's won't be able to play these notes they will hear them no matter what)
I will accept any playable songs right now unless they're way too many notes in a row.
Also, while creating these songs, you can use any ticks per second that you like (Preferably 20 or 10)
I will also accept songs imported from midis as long as they where edited to be playable and not too hard.
Here's an image of what it looks like so far.
Just buy it. You think you're getting one game when you buy it, but you get a whole lot more on different maps, servers and mods. There are first person shooter games and Mario maker and Mario kart inside minecraft (on different servers and mods)
Use google and you'll have to install the spigot software.
In the votifier config, make sure you change the port. Change it to something between 8000 and 9000 and it should work. I also recommend turning on the debug then checking if it works here:
Since 1.9 the playSound command changed to /playSound <sound> <sound-cat> <player> and a bunch of other stuff. To fix your problem, add master before @p so it's like this:playSound <sound> master @p ... Do /playSound to see the usage of it now.
YoshiPlex is a brand new Minecraft server that has been under development for a while, and is now ready to be released.
To join, the ip is
Our website is located at and our forums are Please use the website to report bugs or anything else.
How is our server unique?
Our server has Mario Kart with sounds, items and a drift, plus, and another game called flywars that are all custom. We also have non-custom minigames along with games that are available as plugins and are public. We also have a super mario 64 hub.
Here is our server trailer:
And our banner:
If you would like to help out our server and make it more popular, put this code in your signature:
Next time, use the spigot forum. You need to use them PotionEffectType enum. There is no Potion enumerator. I think it would be PotionEffectType.HEAL also, here
If you really want this follow these steps:
Learn java
use mcprotocollib to ping 300,00 servers
filter through the game profiles on each server till you find her username.
Also, depending on how long it takes to ping each server that could take awhile...
so so this is pretty much impossible.
You must either update your server jar to 1.10 or play on minecraft 1.9.4. There should be plenty of videos showing you how to do this.
This is possible to do this, but back up the files first.
1. Start up the spigot server and let it generate all the files (you probably did this)
2. Stop the spigot server.
3. Delete the folder called world on the spigot server.
4. Drap and drop the folder called world on you tekkit server to your spigot server.
5. Start the spigot server.
Please note I've never owned a tekkit or technic server so that method may not work. If it doesn't work, send me the files of you technic server and I'll try to transfer and make it a spigot server. I understand if you don't want that but I think the method would work anyway.
NOTE: that method only transfers the world called world and not the mods. You can probably find plugin's to replace the mods installed, though.
also, the reason there are two world folders is because that's how spigot works. It automatically generates the nether when you enter it.
This may not fix your problem, but turn VBOs on and try it with VSync on and off. When I have vsync off my game seems less laggy.
These may not fix your problem though.
*cough* Spigot *cough*