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    posted a message on Minecraft Crashing (HELP)
    Sorry I don't know. Perhaps someone who can understand the crash report will will give you a hand.
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft Crashing (HELP)
    Is Forge updated for 1.8.1?
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft Crashing (HELP)
    Quote from Kreeith»
    It's only when I use Forge.. Any other version of minecraft (Non forge) works..

    Then I'd say it would have to be Forge. Try re-downloading that.

    Other than that I really don't know. I've never used Forge.
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft Crashing (HELP)
    What I would do if I were you is uninstall everything, including java. My best guess would be that your java is messed up or Minecraft somehow got corrupted when you downloaded it.

    Just make sure you are downloading the right version of java.
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Is 1.8 Lagging for you? POLL - Let's settle this issue!
    Quote from YourSincerely»
    As someone said before, this is all lazy coding by Mojang.

    Let's pray they fix it in 1.9.

    Amen to that!
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from 2insanepeople»
    uh... Do you think mojang runs off of cheap weak computers? It is resource intensive to run 3D applications in workspace enviornments, so ofc they have decent computers that can run the game well, and don't notice lag increases.

    I never implied they run off of cheap computers.

    In fact, I was inferring the opposite. With all of the resources Mojangs has access to they should have been able to pick up the increased stress on their hardware. They should have noticed that the game was consuming more resources. They should have made sure the update was compatible with different hardware and software. They should have taken the massive amount of bug reports seriously and properly diagnosed the issue.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from echonite»

    That is great that a 14 year old can reproduce it. But again, given the seemingly randomness of the issue and who it affects, it is well within reasonable logic that no one at mojang could reproduce the issue on their machines.

    So, Mojang's team of Devs can make a game, but they don't have the capability to reproduce and troubleshoot bugs, but a single 14 year old can on their parent's PC?

    Be realistic for once.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from echonite»

    I'm not the one assuming. You are assuming they knew and could reproduce the issue.

    Then explain how all the reports of lag got marked as "WAI" (works as intended) in the bug tracker before the 1.8 release?

    You are the one assuming that Mojang didn't know about this. I'm the one who actually checked the bug tracker.

    Mojang knew people were having issues. That is a fact.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from echonite»

    Again, you are assuming they knew about and could REPRODUCE the lag issue prior to release.

    Well that's an awful lot of excuses and assuming that you're doing.

    14 year olds in their parent's house have reproduced the lag and provided evidence of it and you expect us to believe that Mojang can make a game, but they don't have this capability? Common now be realistic.

    If they tried to reproduce it, but couldn't obviously they knew about the lag, but released 1.8 as a full release anyway.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from echonite»

    You are assuming they knew about the lag AND were able to reproduce it BEFORE they released it, which is entirely asinine.

    I guess Mojang doesn't read bug reports then, or test their final product properly.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from echonite»
    He is referring to the fact that they are in the process of making 1.8s code cleaner and better. Obviously there is an issue that came up, which is to be expected when you do major overhauls to an entire engine. If they are able to resolve it, then everyone will benefit from these improvements, but till that time, some patience is in order.

    Or would you prefer they not attempt to improve the performance quality of the game and just stick with the old crap just because it "works now", disregarding the performance boosts that many (Yes, not all) are already experiencing with 1.8?

    Patience? A year to release a broken update? They would have known (or should have) from all of the bug reports in the 1.8 pre-releases. Now it has been 6 months and it's still broken. 1.5 years - That's an awfully long time to leave your game broken.

    Releasing a full update in a broken state like this is just sloppy and complacent. Most pre-releases have been more stable than 1.8, which is a full update. Releasing unstable poor quality garbage as a full update is unacceptable. IMO, people were waiting for nearly a year for a new update so Mojang kicked 1.8 out the door knowing full well that there was issues with it.

    If 1.8 remained a pre-release then I would agree with you and some patience is required, but it's not. It's a full release and it should be stable.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from jcm2606»

    This is what the closed-minded people complaining don't realise, while you may have 2 FPS, other's have 80, 1.8 was a mixed bag.

    So how is that better than 1.7.10 when everyone was able to play?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from jcm2606»

    Comments about the state of the game aren't welcome? Well then, I suppose every person on this thread is in the wrong, including you, eh? You're whining that the game's code is sloppy and Mojang aren't doing anything about it, that's commenting on the state of the game. A bit hypocritical eh?

    And Mojang is working on cleaning up the code, what do you think the 1.8 update is doing to the rendering engine? Have you seen how the rendering engine in 1.7 works? 1.8 is far cleaner.

    Thanks, for proving my point by attacking me for saying that 1.8 was a bad update. Then you go on to deny that there are problems with 1.8 and say it's "far cleaner" on top of it. You couldn't of made my point any clearer.

    Your post is the textbook definition of irony.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from echonite»
    "We might make upgrades and updates available from time to time, but we don‘t have to. We are also not obliged to provide ongoing support or maintenance of any Game. "

    So they could have quit at version 1.0. We are not entitled to anything beyond that. At this point, they don't have to fix 1.8 if they don't want to, technically. And yes, we do have to be thankful to a point. You can't bite the hand that feeds you and expect them to want to keep doing it. This is why people who are calm, patient, and understanding tend to never have issues with getting quality service in life. If you keep yapping and complaining, then no one will want anything to do with you. You have become a toxic individual.

    Not legally obligated, but what's they are doing now by not fixing major problems is killing the player base and the modding community. Some would argue that they just don't care anymore because they already got their money out of Minecraft.

    Holding blind faith and being a doormat doesn't guarantee good service although you would like to think so. Are people getting quality service from Mojang now? Certainly not.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] I am disappointed.
    Quote from CriticalPrime9»

    Its that we are ignoring them, its that we are able to be appreciative for what we do have, and have the patience to wait until the issues are resolved! Whereas you have been ungreatful, and cannot appreciate what you do have. If you would be patient enough to wait a little while longer, your problems will be fixed!

    Yet i already know your going to respond to this with a hate filled comment about how "You have waited 8 months blah blah blah" GROW UP, be thankful for once

    That's you're perception.

    Just because people criticize something doesn't mean that they don't like it. I highly doubt people who don't enjoy playing MC would make an account on the MC forums.

    The issues will never be resolved if people continue to deny they exist.


    Btw, MC isn't a gift that we have to be "thankful" for. We paid for the game. Mojang got paid to make it (and paid quite a lot I might add). Generally, people want the things they paid money for to work. Seems like common sense to me.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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