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    posted a message on [1.4.6] 3D Items - new update! [v1.6.2]
    The reason most people are upset about not having a modloader version is because the last versions had modloader options, then you just discontinue it without warning. I won't complain about their not being a modloader version, I'll just stop using the mod, oh wait I have.

    Reasons why you too should stop using this mod:
    • Developer seems to have no clear plan of what he wants to do with the mod, this is visible by the constant changing of the mod requirements (Forge, No Forge, Forge)
    • Developer seems to have some dislike towards the community, while this is fine, is it not fine that he displays it openly.
    • Developer seems to be lazy when it comes to coding, not wanting to add the new features to the modloader version. Most likely due to the above reason.

    Don't get me wrong, the mod itself is good, but I hate the developer. I'll gladly go learn java myself just to code this mod because I dislike the developer.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ControlPack - AutoSneak/Run,AutoTool,SmartFurnace,LOOKBEHIND+Lots More! [V6.0]
    Bug reports:
    • When minecraft crashes, as in a crash with no error report displaying just minecraft suddenly closing or upon a computer crash such as a BSOD or sudden power outage. The settings for controlpack are not saved an Controlpack has to be re-configured. Please consider adding a way to fix this.
    • Secondly, the Bottom Left and Bottom Right settings for "My Coordinates" and "Status Overlay" are not set correctly for full screen minecraft and overlap chat.
    • After having set a Waypoint the "Set" button text should change to "Clear"
    Improvement Suggestions:
    • In the ControlPack Settings - Options consider moving the "Done" button down about 10 pixels.
    • In the ControlPack Settings - Key Bindings consider adding about 5 more pixel space between the columns.
    • Consider adding options to change the text size for "Status Overlay" and "My Coordinates"
    • Consider merging the "Auto Tool" and "Auto Tool Mode" settings buttons into one (like such: OFF-> Weakest -> Strongest -> Leftmost -> Rightmost -> OFF)
    • Consider merging the "Auto Block" and "Auto Block Mode" settings buttons into one (like such: OFF -> Leftmost -> Rightmost -> Slot1 -> Slot2 -> Slot3 -> Slot4 -> Slot5 -> Slot6 -> Slot7 -> Slot8 -> Slot9 -> OFF)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED] CJB Mods v6.6.0 | 21-12-2012
    Bug reports:

    Having cheats such as "Infinite XP", "Invincible", and such that work in SSP APPEAR to be applied in SMP when they're actually not.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.
    BUG: Archive manager puts modloader.class into /java/lang
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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