Specific things I'd want. More blocks and items. No need for more materials, just more recipes that take already crafted blocks/items and make new things like copper and other mixed metals, or 5 sticks for a chair, and that chair+gold for a gold-socketed chair, and.. well.. lots of items. We have lots of materials, but not many recipes. Barely any. There are lots of logic combinations that aren't being used right now
So.. I was playtesting the fknsrs server, and realized how gorgeous the water physics system was. On the other hand that made me realize how different it was too.. in another sense.. The glitches that apply to normal minecraft water may or may not apply to this one, so.. for example water ladders don't work over here.
Minecart tracks right now don't work either. But.. will you people recreate all the glitches?
Most of the fun in minecraft comes from dealing with the glitches (boosters, water-ladders, traps via ladder-against-lava, and stuff like that). So... Isn't recreating all the glitches and south-west rules kind of exhausting?
Will you really do it?
That'd be awesome, and I don't know any other way to recreate "the minecraft experience".
As long as he actually makes a game, not just an engine as it is now (almost no content), he could take another whole year, I wouldn't mind. I just fear that he thinks the game is anything near complete just because it's successful and rushes to release a halfbaked (not even that) game.
@wjykk yeah, he said that a plugin system is coming (check the github)
btw, @any of the devs with a windows box. Any compiled binaries to show those of us who can't wait but can't dl mingw + VS08 SDK (400mb+) ? :biggrin.gif:
No, not at all. This one is open, so mods won't have to make all that extra workaround to do what they want. And they'll have the capability to do whatever they want, to modify whatever. So.. no porting of hey0's nor it's plugins. It'll be so easy (easier) to make it from scratch that it'd make no sense to "port" hey0s xD
On the Server properties file, edit world-name to anything else but World. It'll generate a new world.
If by reset you mean just stopping the server and starting it back up go to the server console and type STOP and press enter. Then start the server.
You got the idea wrong. The game still doesn't have an objective. Limiting the features isn't a way to make a challenge or creating an objective.
Think it like this. The game crashes 5 minutes after you start. So.. the objective is to do the most you can in 5 minutes! YAY, a sudden crash would make minecraft a better game! - not.
If you NEED to explore everything it's a problem of yours.
Yeah, it's too dark, can't see more than 4 or 5 blocks from me in a cave, so I have to continuously put torches. I've been seeing videos, and they can see a creeper coming their way from 20+ blocks D:
Your client spawns seeds when you mow the wheat, and the server spawns seeds when you mow the wheat. So you see double the seeds appear. The ones your client spawns are local-only, meaning that only you can see them, and they don't really exist on the server, thus nobody can grab them.
Minecart tracks right now don't work either. But.. will you people recreate all the glitches?
Most of the fun in minecraft comes from dealing with the glitches (boosters, water-ladders, traps via ladder-against-lava, and stuff like that). So... Isn't recreating all the glitches and south-west rules kind of exhausting?
Will you really do it?
That'd be awesome, and I don't know any other way to recreate "the minecraft experience".
btw, @any of the devs with a windows box. Any compiled binaries to show those of us who can't wait but can't dl mingw + VS08 SDK (400mb+) ? :biggrin.gif:
If by reset you mean just stopping the server and starting it back up go to the server console and type STOP and press enter. Then start the server.
Think it like this. The game crashes 5 minutes after you start. So.. the objective is to do the most you can in 5 minutes! YAY, a sudden crash would make minecraft a better game! - not.
If you NEED to explore everything it's a problem of yours.
They weren't friendly, you had hostile pigs there. That solves it.