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    posted a message on The Last Battalion - PvP Clan
    Age (age minimum is 13):15
    Country of residents (optional):U.S.A, NY
    Why you wish to join this clan:I want to join a clan that isnt there just to kill everyone else and cheat, but to have fun.
    How much and what kind of experience have you had playing Minecraft?:i have been playing since alpha, ive read the minecraft survival guide from mcwb and ive watched paulsoaresjrs full tutorial. im pretty much a pro. not to brag but dont expext me to be super at skill just knowledge in the game.
    What kind of experience do you have in PvP?:horible at close combat. i have good accuracy though and im good at archery
    Will you be active in the clan (online almost every day):yes
    Do you have Skype? If so, would you be on Skype whenever you're on your computer?: definetely

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Remnants [Recruiting!] (PvP) (Factions/Towns)
    IGN: rabidturtle398

    Age: 15

    what am i good at: Alchemy PvP

    how long have i had minecraft: since alpha

    what timezone am i in: eastern (NY)

    I have skype with a mic but it has an insane amount of background noise which will **** you guys off so i just use skype message

    why do i want to join: i tried to join Assasins legion before but they were full, then i found you.
    Posted in: Clans
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