Immortality. The object of many Men's affections. Explorers have sought the fountain of youth for ages. Finally, after much searching, pioneers from a distant land found the treasure of life its self. They kissed the earth and soil around the Sacred Fountain and established a city. Having no fear of death these Men, spread out across the continent and established Cities. The name of this sacred place, is Immortalus. You, noble adventurer, are the latest arrival. Will you leave your mark in history? Or will you settle among the mere ranks of mortals? Find out now, disembark the ship! Begin your adventure.
Server Rules
Quote from
1. This is an RP server, you should follow basic RP in the default chats. Do not use internet speak such as lol or rofl, abbreviation such as ppl, and please speak proper English.You can OOC (Out of Character Chat) in /ch join ooc, or /qm ooc <message>
2. As this is and RP server, you will need a backstory. You need to follow your back story while on the server.
3. Anyone wishing to join the server must put, "I read rule 3: Cupcakes." at the end of their application (Below)
4. There is no griefing.
5. You can buy goods from the shops in the City Market Place.
6. If you break any of these rules you will be jailed.
7. During your jail time, you will be tried and banned/suspended accordingly.
8. No metagaming, using things you find out outside of the RP universe to gain an advantage.
9. No overpowered characters.
10. If you suffer an un recoverable death(Lava, RP execution etc. these can be judged by admins) you must actually die, and not just be brought back to the boat. You can make a new character.
11. This is realistic RP. If the guards don't catch a thief stealing from you, the guards don't catch a thief stealing from you. Don't whine: We expect mature players and anyone who shows traits otherwise may be un-whitelisted.
12. There is no PvP allowed unless necessary. Admins can determine whether or not it was necessary to further RP if there's objections. Using RP PvP is allowed under any circumstances as long as you don't force a move on a player example:
/me slices john's leg off
is bad while:
/me swings the blade at john's leg
is good because you give John a chance to block the swing.
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1. Although there is a thief class, you are still subject to all these laws.
2. Stealing will result in trial and jail time.
3. Murder will result in trial and jail time.
4. Associating with wanted criminals is subject to inquisition.
5. If a senator or judge grants soldiers a search warrant, you are expected to allow them to search/take whatever they wish. If you object you can be held in jail for obstruction of justice.
6. Sheltering a criminal will result in you being tried for the same charges as them.
7. Self defence is allowed.
8. During trial, any of a criminals stolen possessions will be held as evidence. After the trial the owners may file a claim to have them returned.
9. Maximum Jail time is two hours.
10. You will be released from jail with any possessions you can prove were not stolen.
How to apply to this server! Read the ENTIRE quoted text
Step 1: Read all the server rules and news.
Step 2: Fill out the form below.
Step 3: Go to
Step 4: Register on the website
Step 5: Post your application in the Applications section. Title should be "<Username>'s Application"
Quote fromFirst Name:
Minecraft User Name:(This is what we add to the whitelist)
How long have you been playing SMP?:
Do you have RP Experience?:
What is your birthday?: (ex. M/D/Y 6/1/2011)
Role Play
Character Name: (First and last)
Character Race: (See below)
Character Description:
Character Bio:
Character History:
Character Class: (Described Below)
Place of Birth: (At this point you CANNOT be born in Immortalus, as only men have been there so far.)
Class List
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Class Ability: Invincibility - Become impervious to wounds temporarily
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Class Ability: Arrow Rain - Send showers of arrows raining down on your enemies
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Class Ability: Peek - See through walls and locate the treasure!
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Cushion: Stop yourself from dying after jumping off cliffs.
Nature's Fury: Summons a beast to fight by your side
Herder: Creates a herd of friendly animals.
Class Ability: Levitate - Fly around the world with this power.
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Fireball: Cause a flame to erupt at your target.
Arrow: Launch an arrow of dark magic at your target
Magic Force: Push enemies backwards.
Class Ability: Inferno - Creates a large blaze.
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Class Ability: Invincibility - Become impervious to wounds temporarily
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They're well, human!
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Fair skinned, Humanesque except for their pointed ears.
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Bearded dwellers of the mountains.
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Red Skinned Dwellers of the Nether with Horns.
Birth Places
Quote fromThe Quiet village of Cratisha was once home to adventurers who were resting in between there quests. It has since been burned to the ground and pillaged, leaving refugees to escape.
Quote fromThe Elven city of Flutius, floats high among the clouds. Few outsiders have ever seen the great city. The City is surrounded by a magical barrier preventing anyone who leaves from ever returning.
Quote fromThe Capital of an ancient empire, Imperilus is a bustling hub of trade and culture. Home to the first Arena in history, Imperilae claim to be better fighters then others.