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    posted a message on Established SMP for Adults

    Yes, this server has been around for a bit. We are a community of adults playing Minecraft, socializing and making friends. Our is for people 25 and older, and our members range in age from mid-20s up into their 60s ... and we have every decade in between!

    This is a survival world. It will never reset, so the builds continue to get more fun and elaborate. Every player has their own base, but there is also a centralized city with a shopping district, PvP arena and a recently opened mini-game area.

    We are a very open and friendly community. If you are an adult and looking to share this great game with other's that have a passion for it, then feel free to reply here or send me a PM.

    You do not need to be a hardcore Minecraft player, but we do have several on the server. :0) If you play a few days each week, that's fine! This is a long term server, take your time and enjoy the game with friends!

    Posted in: Realms
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    posted a message on Minecraft Is Not Just a Kids Game - How Old Are You?

    It has been a while since I've seen a thread on this topic, and it always seems fun. So let's get a new one going, this time for Bedrock edition players.

    I'm 50. Grew up playing PC games like Sim City and Mech-Warrior. When my kids started playing Minecraft ... well, I just couldn't resist. B)

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on SMP Server Start Up – Looking for Founding Members

    Okay, things are coming together. There are 4 spots filled. We would like to add a few more experienced players. If you are wanting looking for a friendly, mature community to build in, then we may be the place for you.

    Are you a strong technical builder? Come on and introduce yourself.

    Do your builds inspire awe and wonder? The door is open, come in and say "hi".

    Do you just like to tinker around in Minecraft and chat with good people? We need you! LOL

    This is going to be a tight knit group on a server that is going to be around for a long time. If you are a mature player and curious to find out more, please send me a PM here or contact me on discord at: Qganic#6439

    Peace out. :-D

    Posted in: Looking For
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    posted a message on Bedrock Edition.

    The game play gaps between Bedrock and Java are closing fast. At this point in time I would say the benefits of one over the other comes down to a matter of preference, especially if you are playing Bedrock on a PC.

    Java has the mods. Bedrock is limited to behavior packs and resource packs. But even in Bedrock a server can have single player sleep and mob heads. It is the much more advanced mods that Java has that Bedrock does not.

    As you mentioned, Bedrock is very smooth and a decent PC can have very good render distance (32++ chuncks). Java simply cannot compare to Bedrock for lag or game view.

    For more advanced game play, Java edition allows you to build above the Nether ceiling ... at least for now. Bedrock edition does not.

    Also for more advanced game play, Bedrock edition allows you to build with actual BEDROCK in Survival ... Java edition makes this nearly impossible. Bedrock edition also has trident killers, but no sweeping edge.

    The game play differences are being steadily removed. The PC performance differences may never go away.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on SMP Server Start Up – Looking for Founding Members

    We are setting up a new Bedrock server and looking for a handful of other adults that enjoy playing Minecraft to help get things going. This will be a whitelist server, with no griefing.

    We would like to kick things off pretty soon, with 6 to 12 total players. The intent is to get the world started with a group of like minded players that can help set the tone and culture. Then at some point we begin to grow the player base to maybe 30 or 40 people.

    The basic concept is to have a place for friends to build as a community (clans, kingdoms, nations, whatever) or as an individual if you like. A world that lasts and develops for years. A nice mix of players: builders, red stone crazy people, and those that just like to play and have fun.

    We are planning on using a few basic resource & behavior packs, but nothing crazy:

    • Single player sleep
    • Mob heads
    • No vignette: the dark shading that outlines the player’s view deep under ground
    • No potion or beacon particles
    • Only mild blur from wearing a pumpkin

    If you are curious, then send me a PM and we can chat. 😊

    I will check messages a few times a day.

    Posted in: Looking For
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    posted a message on Endermen farm spawn rates very slow?

    1.14.30 is the current version of Bedrock. The video you linked to was an enderman farm for Java.

    There are enough differences between Java and Bedrock that many of the technical builds don’t transfer well or at all. When searching for tutorials for farms or grinders and such, you will need to include “bedrock” in the search.

    There are some decent videos made by some of the people on Truly Bedrock. The best known is probably Silentwisperer. His enderman farm is a much larger undertaking than the one you referenced, though.

    if you are after experience, then one of the best for Bedeock May be the new zero-tick pigman farm.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Help!! New update - can we uninstall??

    You can certainly uninstall the current game.

    Installing re-installing the old PS4 version AND getting all of the updates (not including Bedrock) may not be possible ... I don't know.

    However, just because your PS4 now has the Bedrock version installed does not mean you have to play that version. Your son can still play the older Legacy Console Edition without uninstalling anything.

    On the start-up screen for the new version of Minecraft, have him select "Editions" instead of "Play". That will allow your son to start the game up in the older version.

    Posted in: MCPS4: Discussion
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    posted a message on Cheese from milk

    Oooh ... and placing cheese & bread on a campfire at the same time could generate a grilled cheese sandwich.

    Mmmmm ... grilled cheese. :-)

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Woodland mansion even more useless in 1.14.
    Quote from oldlamehand»


    Woodland mansion should contain different opportunities and motivation than a place for an iron farm.

    Oh, I don't know. Fighting a new boss mob with a trophy and gaining a highly efficient iron farm could be a surprising good motivator for people.

    The frequency of mansions could be increased to make them more accessible. Also, in a properly established farm, the generation rate of mobs could result in iron production comparable to what a good prismarine farm does.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Woodland mansion even more useless in 1.14.

    This seems like an opportunity for MJ.

    - Woodland Mansions do still carry some level of interest, mostly because of the rarity and size.

    - Totems had been more of a trophy, but can be handy to have.

    - It is my understanding that MJ does not like the current method of iron farming (imprisoning villagers and killing golems).

    So, to save the woodland mansion, MJ could introduce a new boss mob that is generated in the mansion. That boss mob could drop the totem instead of the vindicators doing so. Yet another new hostile mob could spawn only in the woodland mansions as support for the new boss mob ... a sort of body guard. These mobs could drop iron. Woodland mansions would then become the sites of new iron farms.

    Since the premise (or theme) of the woodland mansion seems to be angry and evil people (illagers), then maybe the new boss mob would following along those lines, as would his (or her) body guards.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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