Since something terrible has happened to the old forum post, it looked all messed up...
I decided to remake the forum from scratch again, (this weekend when I have time)
So here's a cheap preview of the trio gems mod!
- pyromaniac88
- Registered Member
Member for 13 years, 9 months, and 9 days
Last active Fri, Dec, 20 2013 19:22:13
- 298 Total Posts
- 17 Thanks
SCMowns posted a message on Trio Gems Mod -Revived- V2 - Download link updated 2023Posted in: Minecraft ModsOld Video:
Requires Minecraft Modloader v1.2.5. This is available on discord too. -
zomg_a_ghast posted a message on 1001 things to add to your houseYes I am restarting this thread (it never finished...)Posted in: Survival Mode
I left out all the retarded and repeated ones
1 An emergency kit (tools, weapons, food, armor, torches) near spawn point, so when killed you can go and get your lost stuff back as soon as possible.
2 Marble" floored entrance room.(Wool/Obsidian in a checkerboard pattern)
3 A diamond floor
4 A spot opened to the sky outside, well lit and naturally cut off by a valleys/mountains, so at night it doesn't spawn monsters
5 Furniture (use wool/signs/etc to make tables, a bed, etc)
6 Bedroom
7 Bathroom
8 A toilet you can jump in
9 Kitchen (with a furnace for an oven)
10 Furnace room / refinery
11 Storage room
12 Colour code your storage rooms - Yellow wool = sand and storage, red wool = buckets of lava, water and empty buckets etc
13 Trap room surrounding your storage room
14 Cold room for snowball storage
15 Watertank
16 Vault / treasury
17 A password protected obsidian vault with only one large chest containing the ingredients for a cake.
18 A decoy vault with an empty chest
19 Vanity room with diamond made furniture and a chest with golden apple
20 A seasonal wardrobe/catwalk with sexy hide armor, flattering iron armor, lovely diamond armor, weird chainmail armor, and useless golden armor. A few glass blocks and you can pretend it's the mirror
21 Swimming pool
22 A decoy lapis-lazuli block-filled pool next to it with a thin layer of water - not enough to break a fall. Give it a lethal high dive and label it the "Deep Diving Pool". If you're especially sadistic, add an arrow cannon to finish 'em off.
23 A diving board all the way from the sky limit to the bedrock. At the bottom is a pool or a painted target.
24 Water slide
25 A steamy mountain spa - make a pool at cloud level so it looks like steam. If you're on SMP, make two pools for Fancy and Fast.
26 Hot tub with lava and no water.
27 A well (infinite water pool), and a chest containing buckets
28 Inifinite lava spring
29 Cobblestone generator
30 Obsidian farm
31 A workshed, including a workbench
32 Music room with songs made with note blocks
33 including a song that imitates this video: ... re=related
34 Piano you walk on to play
35 Library
36 Art gallery
37 Your own painting, using a sign post and a text picture
38 A secret room hidden behind a painting
39 A museum
40 A natural history museum
41 Room with all obtainable blocks in them
42 A pixel art museum, including...
43 ...mario pixel art
44 ...a minimap of your house in pixel art
45 ...and a pixel art version of a dirt block.
46 A 7x7 room made of stone. repeat with every material in game.
47 Clinic / first aid room
48 Portal room
49 Your portal room should have lava fountains in a symmetrical pattern...
50 ...and in case a Ghast appears, include a cactus fence that a Ghast would be too big to slip through.
51 An Aether portal, in permanent anticipation of the idea's implementation.
52 A decompression chamber
53 Tree farm...
54 ...inside a huge glass dome.
55 Mushroom farm
56 Cacti farm
57 Bamboo farm
58 Automatic harvesters
59 Wheat farm
60 Chicken Farm viewtopic.php?f=1020&t=115030
61 Chicken hut
62 A bakery for all the bread your going to make
63 Have your bakery, chicken farm, wheat farm and cow enclosure all in one place and turn it into a cake factory.
64 Once you find a single mushroom place multiple hanging signs above it stating very clearly 'MY MUSHROOM'.
65 Arrow farm, in which a skeleton shoots a ton of arrows at you, but hits a block in the way. Kill the skeleton and get the arrows when you feel like it. (probably does not work)
66 Music disc making trap
67 Greenhouse
68 In your farm, grow lovely pumpkins in a natural-ish arrangement.
69 Giant pumpkin made out of little pumpkins
70 A pumpkin warehouse
71 Make a autumn room lit only with dim red torches, covered with mushrooms and pumpkins. The walls should be made of something natural-looking.
72 A ranch
73 Ice rink...
74 ...with a spider spawner underneath it. Hours of terrifying fun for the whole family!
75 Igloo
76 Snowman
77 Incinerator (a hole with lava where you can throw stuff in)
78 A working plumbing system leading from multiple bathrooms, kitchens, and workshops that dumps out in a way such that the disposed items drain into lava. Plus a lever that stops the water flow so you can get your items back
79 Monster trap (with a monster spawner)
80 Monster trap (with just a dark area where mobs spawn to)
81 Neutral monster trap (lit up area with grass where mobs spawn to)
82 A mob trap that sucks mobs into holes and puts them on display in your hallway
83 Expanding on the above idea, get two creepers in the same display. They should both stare at you with overlapping bodies while vibrating softly. Laugh like a little girl at the hot creeper sex on display.
84 Find a bedrock void and make a water-funnel/falling trap right to it. Finally, revenge on creepers! Don't fall in, or make your house close to the spawn. Your choice.
85 Room with a falling sand trap (to avoid burglars)
86 Pit into lava/bedrock/etc
87 A room marked ENTER AND DIE where you enter, accidentally step on a pressure plate, and a cake falls in front of you. 10 seconds later the door closes and a bank of dispensers opens fire and you drown in chickens.
88 An egg dispenser for egging any visitors
89 A fail dispenser that spews dirt. If you wait long enough, the circuit switches to a different dispenser and spits out a diamond block, but nobody waits around long enough. INVENTORY FLOOD BOOM!!
90 A floor made of land mines in case of creeper attack.
91 A battlefield with heaps of landmines, spawners and all kinds of traps
92 An arrow hall where you have to run forward at full speed or be shot by dispensers. Pressure plates!
93 A tall tower with arrow dispensers on top. Put pressure plates at bottom to fire the arrows.
94 Suicide room with dispensers that shoot arrows at you until you die.
95 A spiral staircase that leads you down into a water pit which in turn throws you into the nether where you are too far away from the portal to reach back and thus must find a way to survive and return to your beloved home.
96 A Stairway To Heaven made of Lightstone with the lyrics to Stairway to Heaven on each step
97 A stairway to nowhere. Go up the stairs... and fall into lava! Ha ha ha!!
98 Maze (perhaps made out of pressure pads and with iron doors)
99 Glass Maze with (opt) hacked spawners
100 Cactus maze
101 A giantic maze with its end leading to your front door
102 Supercollider (A 1x1 vertical tunnel leading down to bedrock into which you can drop gravel or sand)
103 Cemetery. Every time you die you make a new tombstone with a sign on it that tells when you died and how.
104 Underwater tunnel
105 Underwater base
106 Atlantis
107 Sunken ship
108 Underwater mine
109 Make a floodgate for your underwater segment - use torches to hold up sand so if water comes, the torches break and the sand falls and seals off your base. Disaster averted!
110 Water sensor( a 4x1 chamber with pressure plates, a boat and a single top opening with the pressure plates connected to an inverter to detect floods) conncected to redstone torches that light up and
111 Base in the sky (maybe only accessible by a giant waterfall or a nether portal)
112 Mob skydiving (place at upper build limit to lure mobs into a drop all the way to bedrock
113 Branch mine
114 A HUGE mine
115 Diamond mine
116 Stone quarry
117 Mine shafts made by digging a 1x1 hole to bedrock then filling it with TNT
118 Lighthouse / beacon to find your home
119 Tower/outpost with windows at the top
120 A lookout tower made of glass with a lava pool at the top
121 Balcony
122 Overlook looking out into the ocean ( like the one in my lets play series :smile.gif: )
123 The eye of Sauron
124 Clock tower
125 Tower from from bedrock to the sky
126 TV room. To make a TV, make a small box with light sources inside (so you can see) and glass for a screen. Above the visible screen, put a pig spawner. Watch pigs. You can watch several different shows: pigs in lava, pigs in water, pigs on fire, pigs in the forest, etc. If your TV's floor is made of grass, you might even get guest stars once in a while, such as mr.cow or mr.chicken!
127 TNT cannon
128 A cannon that launches storage minecarts full of useful goodies
129 Model of a shark with a TNT cannon mounted on it.
130 A working lava arrow dispenser trap located inside the barrel of a model gun, with a flammable bulls-eye on a wall in another empty room somewhere else in the house.
131 An emergency TNT system to blow a part of your base up, with a 'SHTF button'...
132 A self-destruct mechanism to destroy your entire place in case of an emergency.
133 Crater made of TNT
134 A tunnel, that goes nowhere, visibly lined on the inside with nothing but tnt.
135 A puzzle room surrounded by wrong move and boom
136 Inside a hole construct a mile-high ballistic missile with the tip of it just poking out of the hole. Fill with explosives and place signs around that read WARNING: ARMED NOOKELER DEVICE. Put a fuse down the bottom, with extra signs saying DO NOT LIGHT FUSE.
137 ... and light the fuse. Construct a memorial to nuclear facility security compromises. Lest we forget.
138 Nuclear silo - a hole full of tnt
139 An island of TNT
140 A burning island
141 Pirate island with a 3D skull crying lava and a minecart ride through its mouth
142 A suspicious cross on the floor with treasure buried beneath it
143 A big empty room
144 Test/experiment room (just a large lit up area where you can mess around with redstone, etc)
145 A demented science labratory.
146 A biotechnology laboratory
147 A room devoted to holding as many torches as possible, just so that they all get turned into lanterns.
148 A pimp room full of gold, diamond, and iron blocks to prove how cool you are.
149 Substitute torches with holes in the wall with lava+glass
150 Archery range (use paintings, moving carts, and wool for targets)
151 Hotel
152 Shack on a mountain ~128 blocks from base
153 Room/building of lava (surrounded by glass on both sides)
154 Church / Auditorium
155 Pyramid, mayan style. Ideally 91 layers high (364 steps + top = 1 step for each day of the year).
156 A reverse pyramid (could be used as a mob spawner)
157 MCedit in a completely solid upsidedown pyramid made out of sand or gravel. Then, in-game, either punch the middle block, or maybe wire redstone (I think that would cause the blocks to update)
158 Helicopter landing pad
159 Boat dock
160 Underground canal to get out of the house using boat
161 Models of ships
162 A giant golden sign that spells your name
163 A giant sign made of flaming netherrack that spells your name
164 An ogham stone with your name on it, reaching up to the sky. An ogham stone is a column of stone, with incisions that represent letters ( It was built by the ancient Celts to mark graves.
165 A huge sign above your house, made completely from diamond blocks that reads "Pwnin' Noobs, and Smackin' Bewbs"
166 a giant neon sign activated by redstone torch
167 your ip code made of blocks
168 Large sign made of each type of ore after its been smelted and crafted into blocks saying "1001"
169 A rendition of this entire list in signs, with the item number and location
170 Signs with a list of 1001 MORE things to add to your house
171 A huge hallway of signs of what's important in every minecraft day.
172 A series of signs with a self-penned minecraft poem on them.
173 A haiku corner in your library / garden, with minecraft-related haikus written on signs
174 A 1x1 tower from the bedrock the sky limit, with signs on it showing the height level - useful!
175 A sign placed in a random location of the house. This sign says something to the effect of "kill me now!"
176 A mountain that is completely hollow on the inside, but looks like a mountain on the outside.
177 A made up dungeon, with mossy cobblestone and TNT for the 'spawner'
178 Active dungeon (to tell your friend to enter it, and then close the iron door :biggrin.gif:)
179 A sheep dungeon made of wool
180 A room made entirely out of blue wool, just to prove you've found the rare mineral.
181 A torture room. Go into smp and make one, then drop sand on people using switches and water. It doubles as an interrogation room.
182 A chicken spy interrogation chamber.
183 An underground city of chickens
184 An underground city of gold that spans two kilometers. Of pure gold. Or Diamond.
185 A giant frying pan, made of obsidian with lava below it. Add a hole in the center so you can throw eggs in, and they either "cook" on contact or the evil 12.5% chance chicken dies in lava.
186 A rodeo where all the pigs have saddles
187 Room with some cacti and a pig's spawner (or grass if you dont want to cheat)
188 A slaughter house (Nom Nom pork)
189 Have a food shop with meat, cooked meat burgers, bread, mushroom stew (yech, I hate mushrooms), apples, and... dare I say it? A single golden apple. Also pretend that the shop carries "delicious" creeper "meat".
190 Food court
191 A pig made of chests with cooked pork in all of the chests
192 Restaurants
193 Shops
194 A golden table with cake served on it
195 A treasure hunting game - underneath some dirt blocks there's lava, under others there's chests
196 Pool room (as in billiards)
197 An empty decoy house next to your real house.
198 A statue of your ingame avatar
199 A giant (1 block:1Pixel) statue of every mob in the game.
200 A skeleton statue that fires arrows using dispensers
201 A creeper statue out of mossy cobblestone, and light up the eyes with lava.
202 Creeper statue turned upside down made out of sand and is hanging by a rope.
203 A statue of a creeper with wings.
204 Creeper shrine
205 A memorial to the battle of agincourt
206 Church of Notch
207 A hall of Notch! Use obsidian for the black, iron for the teeth, and Netherrack for the face. (or some other pinkish block)
208 A giant 3 Headed Hydra with secret room in belly with entrance underneath tail. ... directlink
209 Fans of Cave Story can add Sandaime sitting in his chair, since we never see him again so he needs some recognition.
210 A statue of William Wallis (bravehart), kilt and every thing else
211 A Shrine Honering Bruce Campell
212 A massive statue of a spoon with a sign next to it saying "My spoon is too big".
213 A taco statue
214 A death star
215 Stonehenge
216 A giant chessboard
217 A recreation of Etsio(?) from Assassin's Creed
218 a huge model of your avatar hanging like a gigantic painting in your living room
219 A model pokeball
220 A statue of 343 Guilty Spark
221 A scale model of the space shuttle on the launch pad.
222 A scale model of some real life vehicle of your choosing (e.g. car, tank)
223 A garage for said vehicle
224 A model of Spider Pig. Purely so you can sing the themesong every time you or anyone else sees it.
225 A giant model of tnt, with the exterior made to look like tnt and the inside full of tnt.
226 A model of a diamond ore block.
227 A model of a wheat block.
228 A gold crucifix
229 ...and next to it, a flaming netherrack crucifix, for satanists.
230 A giant shoe
231 A correctly scaled reproduction of the Monolith from 2001: A Space Oddysey made of Obsidian (1:4:9 ratio)
232 A wife
233 Herobrine
234 Make a clearly marked path leading to "Herobrine Home" that is actually a giant recycle bin icon pixel art, with a sign that says "stop trolling the forums or we will delete your ass"
235 An Ima Firin Ma Lazor face.
236 American football field
237 Soccer field
238 A pokemon stadium
239 A spleef arena
240 Fighting area (big room, dark area, go inside it to fight mobs)
241 Huge arena with lava pools, cacti death pits etc. and with monsters delivered from dark rooms
242 If you're really up to it, make a mob spawn chamber above your arena... your arena can be well lit, but water will suck mobs down into specific points so you can actually see yourself fight.
243 A farmyard petting zoo (all the different animals in seperate enclosures)
244 Aquarium
245 Squid farm
246 Make a spider zoo. The exhibit is well lit, so mobs spawn above in your arena... but only spiders can fit through the wide 2x1 passages you make to get in, so you get a spiders-only room.
247 Make a spawn room until a spider jockey spawns. Light up the room and put your uber-rare spider jockey on display!
248 A creeper petting zoo
249 A dungeon converted into an exhibit, by surrounding it with a 5x5x5 cube of glass.
250 Jail with monsters in cells (like zoo, but with iron doors and no fun)
251 A rainbow made of dyed wool
252 Then a DOUBLE rainbow
253 A sundial (make a 3 wide rainbow with a hole that is inline with the sun at dawn, noon, evening make it bigger for more acurate time.)
254 Compass (arrows pointing to N, S, E, W) on the ground
255 Floating sphere to act as the moon.
256 Moon pool
257 Build a Theater (not a movie theater)
258 Movie theater
259 Greek style theater(semi circle, built into a mountain)
260 A dog house in the backyard (or pig house if you prefer)
261 A 60's themed diner complete with jukebox :biggrin.gif:
262 Treehouse
263 Living fence
264 Water climbing area
265 104.1:16 scale map of your world with portals in the nether for fast travelling
266 A scale model of your house...
267 ...and a button that activates tnt that destroys it
268 A scale model of your scale model room
269 A 1:1 model of your real life house
270 Minecart system (connecting different structures)
271 Tram station connecting all bases, parts of your house and spawn.
272 Redstone system that leads you to your destination automatically, so you only have one track at the start that eventually branches off to your destinations
273 Minecart system in the nether
274 A motorway underpass complete with druggies (zombies ) and poor lighting.
275 Highway To Hell With The Lyrics to Highway To Hell. The "Highway" is made of netherstone and soul sand
276 A minecart ride to the sky limit
277 Hidden water ladder
278 Boat ladder
279 Boat road
280 Water lift (check youtube for tutorials)
281 Boat elevator from bedrock to the sky liimt
282 Water conveyers to move around your house in Jetsons style.
283 House in the nether
284 Castle made of cobblestone in the nether.
285 Build those poor pigmen a city inside your fortress. They will reward you by killing Ghasts for you, and you can get lots of gunpowder for little to no effort!
286 An anger venting room in the Nether, where you are free to beat on pigmen to your heart's content.
287 Ghast fireball batting cage.
288 A wall made of fire from netherstone
289 A forest fire.
290 Automatic fire suppression system for wooden house
291 Mirror floors (build upside down copy of your room under glass floor)
292 A portal in a room to a room that's the exact inverse of the first room.
293 A room with a model of your first night home complete with nearby scenery
294 Rave room (youtube has tutorials)
295 A 5-clock powered disco
296 Use redstone circuits + redstone torch+ to make a strobe light.
297 A glass dance floor with a trippy lava flow underneath(don't save on it because when you come back you'll be in it)
298 An obsidian DJ booth with a jukebox or two. Replace files cat.ogg and 13.ogg for your favorite track
299 A love shack for where 'all the magic happens' -sly wink-
300 Rubiks cube
301 A cube optical illusion(One angle its a cube, move left 4 blocks and hey theres a huge gap)
302 An hourglass filled with lava or sand
303 A model of the country you live in
304 A flag room with flags made out of colored wool
305 Fireplace
306 A chimney big enough to fall down
307 A tree trimmed to look like a pine next to your fireplace with lightstone on top for the star and chests below. Merry Christmas!
308 If you celebrate Hanukkah instead, make a giant menorah (sp?) out of gold and torches.
309 A giant christmas tree with redstone torch decorations a minecart track running round it in a square
310 Garden
311 Make flowerpots by surrounding a block of dirt (or sand if you want potted cacti) with signs, then plant your plant!
312 Continuing the potted plant idea, why not trim a bonsai tree? Just plant a tree about three blocks below your floor, then let it grow. Trim the low-down trunk off, then cut it down to size. Subarashi! ("super/wonderful/awesome" in japanese, if you were wondering)
313 A garden with miniature biomes in it- a desert section with sand and cacti, a forest section,an ocean section, a cave section(with mushrooms and ore), a hell section, and an ice section.
314 Fountain
315 'Heaven': a layer of wool which just touches the clouds.
316 A theme park / fairground with...
317 ...rollercoasters...
318 ... and a ferris wheel.
319 Casino using pressure plates and water. Also roulette wheels and...
320 ...a giant golden 777
321 Volcano
322 Small "volcano" with a glass encased magma chamber.( hollow out a small hill, etc.)
323 Lava lake
324 lava dam
325 Lavafall...
326 ...with a secret entrance behind it.
327 ...and another with an arrow dispenser behind it as a trap.
328 A spiral of lava, located right under a floor of glass.
329 Water lake
330 Water dam
331 A waterfall...
332 ...with a secret entrance behind it
333 Multiple secret ways to enter/exit your base in case of emergency
334 A secret underwater entrance only accesible by going underwater
335 a secret underground storage facility, hidden by a block of whatever.
336 A secret room, hidden under in the...
337 pond!
338 A secret room full of signs where you write your secrets on.
339 Combination lock (youtube has tutorials)
340 Panic room with an iron door and concealed entrance
341 A bunker
342 Long underground tunnel, leading to a safe spot
343 Alarm system
344 An obsidian apocolypse shelter, equipped with food, tools and basic needs
345 A Defcon Room made of obsidian with TNT around it with Redstone AND switch. Keep your valuables in it.
346 Rehealing walls (youtube has a tutorial)
347 A giant dwarven fortress room
348 A Nether room. (may have been mentioned) Meaning, a room decorated to look like the Nether. Netherrack, lava, lightstone, etc.
349 Sand castle
350 Lava / water moat around your base and a bridge
351 A huge wall surrounding your base
352 Big, well lit room at the bottom of the world with music, cake and punch for Slime welcome back party.
353 Redstone creations (counter, calculator, etc)
354 A typewriter (would have to be HUGE)
355 Redstone torch blinking patterns ( possibly create a rng with redstone legic)
356 Huge control center at the top with switches to turn off everything
357 A central switch that can open and close all of the doors in your home.
358 Synced double doors
359 A redsone computer that makes only 2 torches really far away blink on and off pointlessly.
360 A redstone-activated entrance into important areas
361 Morse code sender made of redstone and note blocks
s to greyshark7 for recompiling the list!
Keep em coming :smile.gif:
DrZhark posted a message on Mo' Creatures - v12.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.1!! Now Opensource!!Compatible with Minecraft 1.12.1
This Mod adds more creatures to the game.
Mo'Creatures is now open source! You can access the source code at
You're welcome to add this mod to your modpack. No need to ask for permission
We have a new website!! Please check it here:
Download the Mod:
Minecraft version 1.12.1
-Mo'Creatures 12.0.5 (direct link)
Requires: CustomMobSpawner 3.11.4 (direct link) and Forge 1.12.1 -
Minecraft version 1.10.2
Requires: CustomMobSpawner 3.10.1 and Forge 1.10.2-
Minecraft version 1.8.9
Requires: CustomMobSpawner 3.6.0 andForge 1.8.9 -
Minecraft version 1.8.1
Requires: CustomMobSpawner 3.5.1 and Forge 1.8 -
Minecraft version 1.7.10
Mo'Creatures 6.3.1
Requires: -CustomMobSpawner 3.3.0 and Forge 1.7.10-
You can support my work via
or donating via paypal
Known bugs:nothing to report now
How to Install Mo'Creatures Mod:
Minecraft 1.6.x+
1. Install Forge using the installer.
2. Launch the game using the Forge profile. Exit the game.
3. Copy the, into the .minecraft/mods folder.
4. Play! (Make sure your profile is set to Forge)
Pre-Minecraft 1.6
Download the files linked above
Please make a backup of your minecraft.jar file and then:
1. install Forge (unzip the .zip file and add all of its contents to your minecraft.jar file)
2. install GUI Api (just copy the .jar file into the /coremods folder)
3. Delete the META-INF folder in the minecraft.jar file
4. locate your .minecraft/mods folder
5. copy the and files inside your \.minecraft/mods folder
6. Play
You can watch this video explaining how to install the mod v6.0.0. (thanks to TheGofa)
And this one that explains how to set up a server with Mo'Creatures 5.0.0
This video shows how to install MoCreatures 5.1.5 on Mac (thanks to michaelsmiles)
[media][/media]PixelPaperCraft has a section for Mo'Creatures!
Previous VideosThis video explains how to transfer your pets from Minecraft 1.5.2 to 1.6.2
this one is in Spanish and explains most of the features of Mo'Creatures:
This video shows the New Big Cats and Manticores
Change Log...
-fixed crashing bug when hitting werewolves with a tool
-another attempt to fix aquatic animals crashing bugs
-fixed hybrid bigCats and pet amulet bug
-animals can be tamed by riding them again
-fixed Jellyfish crashing bug
-fixed bug that made wyverns revert back to mother wyvern
-exorcised Aquatic animals crashing bugs
-Tamed Ligers can obtain wings by receiving an essence of light
-fixed tiny creatures appearing with the summon command
-fixed game crashing bug when Ents were planting flowers
-fixed game crashing bug with MoCPetNames
-fixed game crashing bug with PetAmulets
-fixed MoCreatures tab name
-fixed Mammoth Platform name
-bunnies can be tamed again
-small creatures can be picked up again
-fixed light blue kitty bed icon
-fixed amulets and fish nets
-BigCats move faster
-fixed bug with inventories of BigCats, Horses
-fixed bug with entities moving sideways
-fixed duplicating item bug when using item on off hand
-fixed animation bug with aquatic entities receiving damage
-Bears can now be tamed by giving meats to cubs
-Bears can now be ridden and given chests
-Split bears into separate entities
-Split ogres into separate entities
-medium fish were split into separate entities
-small fish were split into separate entities
-hybrid big cats are now separate entities
-sorted eggs
-Updated for Minecraft 1.10.2
-Beta release
[8.1.3] and [8.2.2]
tamed animals will no longer attack the player
tamed bears can be commanded to sit with the whip
fixed invisible kittybeds
[8.1.2] and [8.2.1]
-fixed bug where ghost big cats will revert to normal cats after reloading game
-fixed bug where amulets will disappear from tamed big cats
-fixed bug with wyvern lair spawnings (the default mocreatures and customspawner .cfg files need to be erased for the fix to take place)
-tigers and leopards now show chests
-added more big cat hybrids (thanks to Cybercat5555): Leoger (between leopard and tiger), Panthger (between Panther and tiger), liard (between male lion and leopard) and lither (between panther and male lion)
-Updated for MC 1.8.9
-BigCat overhaul, split the bigcats into their own categories: lions, tigers, panthers, leopards
-added Manticores
-split stingRays and MantaRays
-BigCats can be tamed by giving pork or raw fish to a cub
-big cats can mate by giving them pork or raw fish and keeping them in an enclosed space
-white lions and white tigers are a rare spawn with a 1/20 chance
-ligers are obtained by breeding a male lion with a Tiger
-there is a hybrid between panther and regular leopards
-giving a dark essence to a panther gives it wings
-giving a light essence to a male lion, white male lion or liger will give it wings
-Manticores are a new mob, red manticores are found in the Nether, blue manticores in snowy biomes and dark and green manticores elsewhere
-Manticores can drop an egg, that can be hatched to obtain a pet manticore. Pet manticores can be ridden once they turn into adults
-There are ghost versions of the big cats that can be obtained randomly when a tamed big cat dies
-winged big cats, ghost big cats, hybrid big cats and manticore pets are sterile (they can't breed)
-removed fishbowls
-fixed kitty beds icons and behavior
-synchronized flying horse wing flapping animations and sounds
-cleaned up the code
-fixed komodo animations
-fixed server code
[8.0.0] devA - Note this is not a release ready version, for testing purposes only
-werewolves will receive higher damage from items / weapons with 'silver' in the unlocalized name or name of the material. They won't receive extra damage from gold weapons
-werewolves won't complain as much when transforming from human to werewolf form
-improved werewolves moving speed when hunched
-improved dolphin riding code
-turtle swimmimg animation improved
-piranhas move as a herd and attack differently
-deers will jump when fleeing from entities
-horses can also get ready to breed by feeding them a golden carrot
-turtles / bunnies will not receive damage when riding a player
-updated ogre attack animations
-improved minigolem / golem throwing stone accuracy
-added three more crab textures
-foxes now spawn cubs that follow adults and flee from players
-improved maggot animation
-improved ant food picking behavior
-added female turkeys
-ents now plant all the flower varieties
-added bear attack animation
-decreased frequency of goat bleets
-wraiths do not collide with entities, added attack animation
-skeletons, silver skeletons and zombies can now ride scorpions and wild wolves as well as mob horses
-MoCreature inventories can be opened by interacting with the creature while sneaking (right click while pressing shift). The MoCreatures 'keys' are no longer obtained by adding a chest to a creature and the crafting recipe was removed.
-Improved elephant animations
-Synchronized wyvern wing flapping animations / sounds. The wing flap depending on the flight speed when ridden.
-Added transform animation to Wyverns
-Changed wyvern speed, health, attack damage so the 2nd tier wyverns are significantly better
-Sharkteeh can now be converted into bonemeal
-fixed weapon damage and enchanteability
-added Pet scorpion sitting behavior / animation
-added transform animation to scorpions
-Pet scorpion health boosted to 40 (from 18)
-added wyvern ghosts
-increased Horse health, Horse speed
-Tamed Zebras shuffle again
-The nightmare burning effect last less than before
- Female Ostriches eggs are no longer sterile. Players must now pick up the eggs in order to hatch them.
- Bunnies no longer breed in the wild. In order to breed a bunny, players need to feed it a carrot at full health.
- Fixed Wyverns not laying eggs
- Fixed Pet Amulet glitch with mcMMO
- Fixed Pet Amulet glitch with nametags
- Fixed Ray grow glitch
- Fixed BigGolem dupe glitch
- Fixed wyverns, small fish, and medium fish not dropping the correct egg type
- Fixed possible client crash with Ent's attacking tamed animals
- Added new server '/mocspawn' admin command which allows you to spawn any type of horse/wyvern instantly.
This command should help server admins replace pets that go missing.
Valid Horse types :
Tier 1 : 1-5
Tier 2 : 6-9
Tier 3 : 11-13
Tier 4 : 16-17
Special : 21-28, 30, 32, 36, 38-40, 48-61, 65-67
Valid Wyvern types :
Normal : 1-4, 6-12
Mother : 5
An example of spawning a Zorse would be
'/mocspawn horse 61'
An example of spawning a mother wyvern would be
'/mocspawn wyvern 5'
for previous change logs, refer to the README.txt fileCurrently the Mod adds the following creatures:
Ents are peaceful creatures that will be immune to any kind of weapons but axes. They attract nearby small creatures and spawn small plants.-Moles
Moles are very shy and hide underground from bigger creatures.-Mini Golems
Mini golems are mobs that spawn at night and throw rocks at the player.-Silver Skeletons
Silver Skeletons are aggressive mobs that spawn at night and on dark places. They can sprint towards the player and outrun him/her. They drop bones or silver swords. The silver swords are quite effective against Werewolves-Raccoons
Raccoons attack back if provoked. They can be tamed by giving them any edible item.-Small and Medium Fish
pictures pending...
A nice variety of small and medium size fish that can be trapped with a fishnet and fished with the fishing pole
This is how a fishnet is crafted:
Spawn on beaches next to water. They can be tamed with fishnets-Wyverns
Wyverns are poisonous drakes, they can be found on the WyvernLair.
Wyvern eggs can be obtained by slaying wyverns (but only on the wyvern lair). A wyvern has a 10% chance of dropping an egg.
The egg can be hatched in the Overworld by placing it near a torch and once the Wyvern grows, it can be saddled and armored.
The wyvern lair can only be accessed by using a Wyvern Portal Staff. The staff has only four uses before it's destroyed. There is an alternative recipe that replaces the unicorn with a vial of light.
The staff can be activated on any dimension, and it will teleport the player to the center of the Wyvern Lair dimension.
To return back, the staff has to be activated on the quartz portal of the Wyvern Lair.
-Elephants and Mammoths
Elephants spawn on Deserts, Jungles, Plains and Forests.
Mammoths spawn on cold biomes.
Elephants drop Hide
A calf elephant can be tamed by giving it 10 Sugar lumps or 5 cakes
Tamed elephants are healed with baked potatoes, bread or haystacks
A harness can be put on tamed adult elephants to make them rideable and attach extra things:
If a player 'sneaks' near their elephant, it will sit for a short time, where it can be mounted
To dismount an elephant, the rider has to make it sit first and then it can be dismounted.
Indian Elephants can be given a special luxurious garment:
In addition to the garment, a nice throne can then be given to the Elephant.
Two chest sets can be put on each elephant, allowing it to carry inventory
A key is used to open the inventory.
Mammoths can also carry two extra regular chests.
Three different kinds of tusk reinforcements can be crafted: wood, iron and diamond.
They can be given to tamed adult elephants and mammoths, and taken off with a pickaxe.
While wearing them reinforcement and ridden by the player, they will break blocks.
(However that feature is disabled by default in multiplayer, to prevent griefing)
Mammoths are more effective at breaking blocks than elephants.
Wooden Tusks:
Iron Tusks:
Diamond Tusks:
A platform can be put on the Songhua Mammoth, allowing them to carry a second player.
To have a passenger, first the rider makes the mammoth sit, then the second player 'sneaks' while close to the mammoth.
The second player can dismount the mammoth by pressing the sneak key.
-Komodo Dragons
Komodo dragons spawn on swamps and plains. They attack small animals or players.
Komodo dragons poison their prey.
They drop reptile hide and the bigger Komodo Dragons have a 25% chance of dropping eggs.
An egg can be hatched if placed near a torch and the resulting baby Komodo Dragon will be tamed.
Tamed Komodo dragon can be healed by giving it raw rat or raw turkey.
A saddle can be put on a Tamed adult Komodo dragon so it can be ridden.-Golems
Golems spawn at night, and initially consists of only three blocks: the Head, the Core and a valuable ore cube. When the Golem is near a player, it activates and forms its body.
Golems have a powerful melee attack, they also have a ranged attack, where the Golem throws one of the blocks of its arms.
When a Golem is attacked, there is a chance to destroy one of its blocks. The chance of destroying a block depends on the difficulty level. If the chest is open and the core of the golem is exposed, it will suffer damage.
As the Golem suffers damage, it becomes more dangerous. A hint of the danger level of the golem is the color of its power aura. Blue is seen in a Golem that is not attacking. Yellow on a Golem that has started attack, Orange on the Golem that has suffered considerable damage. Red is seen on a Golem about to explode.
The Golem will constantly try to acquire replacement blocks. Every time a block is acquired, the Golem is healed (the amount of the healing depends also on the difficulty level)
It may be wise to look for shelter when the Golem power aura is red, as there is not too much time before the golem explodes.
When a Golem dies, it drops all of the blocks that were part of its body (including the valuable ore cube).-Snails
Picture pending....
They're slow and they hide in their shells, except when they don't have a shell. In that case they're just slow. Snails drop slime balls.-Insects
Including Ants, butterflies, moths, flies, bees, fireflies, dragonflies, maggotts and crickets. Just for ambiance's sake-Turkeys
Turkeys... they drop raw turkey when killed that can be cooked. Pretty straightforward stuff.
check this video by BlockDaddy
Horses are the first controllable mount in Minecraft. You will need to tame them before you can ride them. Once tamed, they won't despawn. There are 44! different kind of Horses available.
Only regular horses, donkeys and zebras spawn in the wild.
Horses need a saddle to be ridden. You can use either regular or horse saddles on them. Once you mount the horse, you'll need to break it by riding it repeatedly, you can make the process easier by feeding the horse hay, sugar lumps or apples.
Tamed horses can be bred with the following combinations:
The Gofa made this video explaining the breeding chart:
This is the formula for the Essence of Undead. The Heart of undead is a rare drop of the Undead horse mobs, found at night. The essence of undead is used to obtain undead horses and heal them.
When riding and undead horse, mobs will not attack you.
To obtain rarer horses, you need a Zebra and the rare essences:
Essence of Fire. The heart of fire is found only as a rare drop of Nightmares on the nether.
Essence of Darkness. The heart of darkness is a rare drop of bathorses.
Bathorses are aggressive mob horses found at night, mostly on underground caves.
The Essence of Light is made by combining the other three essences
The zebras can be found more frequently on plains biomes. You can increase the frequency of Zebras spawning by changing the 'Zebra Chance' option of the mod.
Wild Zebras will flee on sight unless you're riding a white spotted or cow horse (tier 4 horses) or if you're riding another Zebra or Zorse. Once you tame a Zebra, you can breed a Zorse.
Zorses are sterile and if given an essence of fire will transform it to a Nightmare. Giving it an essence of Darkness will transform the Zorse into a bat horse.
If you give an essence of light to a nightmare, you will obtain an Unicorn. Unicorns can buckle other creatures and fall very slowly, floating down.
If you give an essence of light to a Bat horse, while the bathorse is high in the sky at the cloud level, it will trasnform into a Pegasus.
Pegasus and Unicorns can breed a White Fairy horse, however both will dissapear in the process. You need to give them both Essence of lights to get them ready for the mating. Also essence of light is used to heal them.
If you give a light blue dye, a pink dye, lime dye, cactus green, orange dye, cyan dye, purple dye, ink sac, dandelion yellow, rose red, or a lapis lazuli to a white fairy horse, it will transform into a blue, pink, light green, green, orange, cyan, purple, black, yellow, red, or dark blue fairy horse. Fairy horses can carry a small inventory, if given a chest.
Amulets are used to capture horses. The horses will drop any saddle, armor or inventory before being captured in the amulet. Only certain horses can be trapped in amulets:
Amulet of the sky, to capture pegasus or black pegasus
Fairy amulet for the fairy horses
Ghost amulet, that can capture ghost horses
Bone amulet, used to capture skeleton horses
Horses can now wear armor, from softer to sturdier. They mitigate the damage the horses receive.
Iron Horse Armor
Gold Horse Armor
Diamond Horse Armor
And crystal armor for the rare horses
(pending picture)
This is how you craft the Horse Saddle:
The only way to dismount a horse is by clicking the sneak key (shift)
Quick guide on how to breed horses:
Rules for breeding:
-The horses to breed should be kept close (no more than 4 blocks away)
-There should be no other horses around (8 blocks)
-You have to feed them both to start the process (suitable foods are mushroom soup or pumpkins or rare essences for the rarer horses)
-it takes time (about 1/2 Minecraft day)
Quick Guide on How to use the Horses' Inventory:
-Donkeys, mules, pegasus, black pegasus and fairy horses can carry bags
-The horse needs to be tamed, and you need to give it a chest (only once)
-A key will appear in your inventory. You can use that key to open any horse inventory. If the key is lost, you can craft a new one.
How to activate the Nightmare's special ability:
-it has to be tamed, you need to give it a redstone.
-after that, ride it... and be careful
You can craft a rope:
that can be used to tie horses and BigCats, so they will follow you.
Ostriches spawn in plains and desert biomes. You can find male, females and chicks. The males will fight back if attacked.
The females and chicks will run away and hide their heads in the ground if attacked.
Beware of the normally passive female ostriches, they'll fight you if you steal one of its eggs.
Wild ostriches can't be tamed, but if you happen to 'acquire' an ostrich egg and hatch it, the chick will be tamed and will follow you around.
You can give your tamed ostrich chick a name. The name can be changed by interacting with the ostrich while holding a medallion or book.
Once the chick becomes adult, it will swap its feathers to reflect its gender. You can command your tamed ostriches by using a whip.
If you give an adult tamed ostrich a saddle, you can ride it. while riding, if you crack your whip on the ground, the ostrich will sprint for a short period of time.
Male ostriches are fast and the rare albino ostriches even faster.
Ostriches can carry helmets that will reduce the damage received
A chest can be given to an ostrich and they can carry a small inventory
cloth colored cubes can be given to saddled ostriches to make them carry colored flags
Nether ostriches are obtained by giving any tamed ostrich an essence of fire
Nether ostriches will fly in a way inspired by the game 'Joust'. (It's requires skill!)
Unihorned ostriches are obtained by giving any tamed ostrich an essence of light.
They buckle animals in a similar way than with the unicorns. Unihorned ostriches can drop a unicorn
Black wyvern ostriches are obtained by giving a tamed ostrich an essence of darkness
they can fly if the jump button is used on a timely fashion. They propel themselves forward once flying. They're tricky but fun to control in the air.
Undead ostriches are obtained by giving any tamed ostrich an essence of undead.-Snakes
There are eight different kinds of snakes including a couple of shy snakes that will run away from the player and venomous snakes like corals, cobras, rattle snakes. There are also aggressive pythons.
Different kind of snakes spawn based on the biomes. Rattlesnakes only spawn on deserts, pythons spawn on swamps and jungles
Snakes mind their own business, if you get too close they will alert and hiss, giving you time to run away. If you don't they will attack you.
A player carrying a bird or mice will attrack the nearby snakes. They hunt down small creatures
You can obtain snake eggs. A snake egg that is dropped near a torch will hatch and the baby snake will be tamed and can be picked up. tamed snakes won't attack the player.
Shy dark green snake:
shy dark spotted snake:
green snake:
orange snake:
Mantarays are peaceful creatures, they won't bother you at all.
They can be tamed by mounting them. Then a fishnet can be used on them-Stingrays
Stingrays will try to hide at the bottom of the water, they can be found in waters of most biomes except the Ocean and snow biomes. If you get too close, you have the chance of being poisoned by the stingray. Just avoid stepping on them!
They can be tamed with fishnets-JellyFish.
JellyFish will spawn on most waters. They are translucent and propel with pulsating movements. They are also luminescent at night. You can get poisoned if you get too close. JellyFish drop slimeballs. Just watch the water, you don't want to get poisoned!
Can be tamed with fishnets-Added Goats
Goats are really easy to tame, just drop any edible(food) item nearby. Once tamed, you can name them. you can also change the name by right clicking on the goat while holding a medallion
Tamed and wild goats will follow you if you are carrying any edible items in your hand.
You can use a rope on tamed goat to make them follow you
You can milk female goats. Female goats don't have a goatie and have shorter horns
Don't try to milk a male goat. It won't like it
Male goats will fight back if provoked. They will also fight between themselves. They won't fight to death and will calm down after a short while.
Goats are quite omnivorous. They will eat ANY item or floating blocks that are nearby. Even diamonds. If you die next to a goat it will have a feast with your dropped items. You have been warned-Crocodiles
Crocodiles will roam around near beaches in the swamp biomes, sometimes they will remain static.
Don't be fooled by a 'sleeping' crocodile, they are ready to attack and their speed can surprise you. They are very aggressive and fast in the water.
Crocodiles snatch prey with their jaws, they will try to carry their prey to the water, were they'll perform a death roll.
If a crocodile has caught you, you can try to get free by attacking it, but not all the hits will land. It's not that easy to scape crocodile's jaws.
Crocodiles drop hides that can be used to craft 'Croc' armor-Turtles
These shy lil' guys will hide from any other creature bigger than them.
Turtles are resistant to most attacks unless they are upside down.
If you right click on a turtle, you will flip it. It takes some time for the poor little guy to flop
You can tame turtles by dropping watermelon slices or sugar cane near them.
Once tamed, they will grow slowly, follow you around and also you can carry them on your head!-Scorpions
Scorpions are nasty creatures that attack at night or if provoked. When scorpions attack, there is a chance of being poisoned.
There are four different kinds of scorpions, the common variety will poison you, black scorpions spawn on caves. blue scorpions found on snow that will slow you down and the red scorpions found on the Nether and will set you on fire.
Mother scorpions that are found with baby scorpions on their back drop babies which can be picked up and tamed.
Scorpions drop either sting or chitin. The sting is a short lived weapon with special properties, causing poison, slow, confusion or fire on the targets
the stings can be used to forge swords that will last longer and hit stronger (just add a diamond sword to three scorpion stings of the same kind.
With the scorpion chitins, armor can be forged. A full set of armor confers a special ability. The cave Scorpion armor set allows night vision.
The nether armor set gives fire resistance. The frost armor set enables water breathing. The regular scorpion armor gives mild regeneration.-Kitties
Wild kitties will run from player. You can throw ('Q') cooked fish near them and once they eat it, they won't run away from the player. You can then give them a medallion to tame them. Once the medallion is given you can name them. The name and health bar can be toggled on/off individually by right clicking while holding a pickaxe or globally by using the in-game mod menu.
L = leather
G = Gold ingot
Once the cat is tamed, it will look for a Kitty bed with food or milk.
Kitty Bed:
P = wood plank
I = iron ingot
W = Wool (you can use dyed wool as well, it will give you beds of different colors)
You can place beds and litter boxes by right clicking, and pick them up by right clicking while holding a pickaxe.
You can transport a kitty bed or litter box in your head by right clicking on it without holding a pickaxe. You can transport kitties that are on lying on the bed or litter box that way. the kitties will want either milk or pet food poured into the kitty bed. While the cat is eating or drinking, you can see the milk/food level shrinking.
Pet Food:
any combination of Raw Pork + Raw fish
Once the kitty has eaten, it will look for an unused litter box.
Litter Box:
P = wood plank
S = sand
The litter box will become 'used'. This item is a powerful magnet for monsters. However ogres won't stomp and Creepers won't explode. Zombies will chase and push it whereas skeletons will throw arrows at it. It is quite a sight After a while, an used litter box will return to its empty state. You can also use sand on an used litter box to clean it.
A cat that has eaten and used a litter box, will roam freely, it can become hungry again and look for food in a kitty bed again, or it will fall sleep at night, or try to climb a tree.
IF you use a whip nearby cats, they will sit and won't move. You can also right click on a cat while wearing a whip to individually toggle sitting on/off
L = Leather
I = Iron Ingot
C = BigCat Claws
If the cat has decided to climb a tree, you can watch it climbing. A cat that climbs a tree, will get trapped on top and will need help to come down.
You can pick up a cat in three different ways: if it is a kitten, it will ride on top of your head. An adult cat will go on the player's shoulders. If you pick up a cat while holding a rope, you will carry it by its legs. Cats don't like to be carried that way and will be annoyed once you drop them.
S = Silk
Cats can also get annoyed if they don't find a litter box or a bed with food or milk, or if you attack them once they're tamed.
Once the cat is annoyed, it will chase the player and occasionally hurt him/her. After a while the cat temper will improve.
A cat will follow you if you have a wool ball on your hand
Wool Ball:
S= string
s s
If you give the cat the wool ball, it will play with it for a while chasing it and pushing it, until the cat gets bored.
You can breed cats by giving them cake. Once cake is given, the cat will look for another cat that is also in the mood (given cake). After a while one of them will become pregnant and will need to find a kitty bed.
After a short while in the kitty bed, the cat will give birth to 1-3 kittens. Kittens will be very playful and will chase any items (not only wool balls), will play with the player and will chase its mom.
If a kitten is attacked, its mom will defend them.
Cats will display emoticons to give you clues of what they're thinking. You can turn emoticons off using the in-game mod menu.-Mice
They will run away from everything. You can pick up a mouse by its tail. Mice drop seeds.-Rats
They will attack the player at night or in dark areas, if you attack one rat, all the nearby rats will attack you. They are not too strong and their health is low. They drop coal.
Watch this video from BlockDaddy O'Neal showcasing the rats
Deer will run away from anything bigger than a chicken. They're peaceful creatures. You can find female, males and fawn.
They drop pork meat-BigCats™
(Image Pending)
BigCats replace the lions that were part of the initial release of this mod.
Besides male and female lions, there are Tigers, Cheetahs, Panthers, Snow Leopards and White Tigers.
Female lions and Tigers will always attack the player if within range. Male lions, panthers and cheetahs will some times attack the player. BigCats will attack only when hungry. They will also eat raw pork or raw fish when hungry. Once they eat or kill a prey, they'll stop being hungry for a while.
BigCats of different breeds will fight amongst them. Bring on the catfight! Tamed BigCats won't fight amongst them.
Wild Cubs will seldom spawn. If you throw raw pork or raw fish near a small cub, and then you give it a medallion, you will tame it and it won't despawn or attack you. Once it grows to adult size, it will fight mobs on its own. Cubs will attack any other animal smaller than themselves. Bigger (almost adult) cubs won't be tamed.
Tamed BigCats will follow you and fight any mob that targets you.
BigCats will drop BigCat Claws when killed. You can use the BigCatClaws to craft a whip.
Horses and BigCats will stay put when a whip is used near them (whitin 12 blocks). Also If you right click on a tamed Horse or BigCat while holding a whip, you can toggle them between moving and staying.
If you use a rope on a tamed BigCat, it will follow you and fight your enemies
You can watch this video by Foxy1990, showing how to tame BigCats
-Lil' Fish
They have 10 different colors/patterns. Piranhas are red and will attack anything that falls in the water. You can deactivate piranhas with the in game menu
Fishbowls can be used to capture, transport and release fish. You can craft a fishbowl with four pieces of glass. an empty fishbowl can be filled with water
A fishbowl with water can be used to capture fish. The fishbowl can be placed in the world and carried around in your head. If you want to bring a fishbowl back to your inventory, just
right click on it while holding any pike.
Fish can also be tamed with fishnets
There are six different kind of dolphins (from common to rare): blue, green, purple, dark, pink and albino. The last two kinds are seen only rarely in the wild.
Taming dolphins:
You can tame dolphins by feeding them raw fish. the rarer the dolphin, the more raw fish it requires to be tamed. A blue dolphin requires 2 raw fish and an albino dolphin requires 12 raw fish. You can also tame dolphins by riding/breaking them. Rarer dolphins are noticeable faster than common ones.
Breeding dolphins:
Tamed adult dolphins can breed by feeding them cooked fish and keeping them apart from other creatures in a similar fashion than the horse breeding. Young dolphin can not breed or be tamed/ridden.
Two dolphins of the same color will always have offspring of such color. Dolphins have a 'genetic value' from 1-6. (blue = 1 and albino = 6) if you mix and match dolphins you have 1/3 chance of obtaining a purple or dark dolphin if the genetic value addition of the parents is 3 or 4, and you have a 1/10 chance of obtaining a pink or albino dolphin if the genetic value addition equals 5 or 6. i.e. A pink dolphin(5) can be obtained in 1/10 of cases by combining a blue(1) plus a dark(4) dolphin or a green (2) plus a purple (3) dolphin.
This video shows how to breed dolphins: (courtesy of Foxy1990)
The sharks will attack anything that falls in the water, except squids or other sharks. Sharks have different sizes, if you kill a big shark in easy difficulty or higher, you have a 10% chance of getting a shark egg. Right clicking on the shark eggs throws them. If the egg falls in water it will incubate and a tamed shark will hatch. Tamed sharks won't despawn and once they're big enough, will attack any other creature except sharks or the player.
The shark model was inspired by charle88's thread. He also shared his textures.-Werewolves
The first metamorphic and multi-stance mob for Minecraft! Don't be fooled by his appearance and sweet talk, they are ominous! He drops wood sticks or wood tools. At night it will transform into a vicious werewolf!
There are four kinds of werewolves, of special interest is the fiery werewolf who can set targets ablaze.
In daylight the werewolf will transform back into human form in no time. The best way to kill this beast is by using gold items (Think of it as the Minecraft silver). You have been warned, don't face one if you don't have a gold sword. It drops gold apples, stone or steel tools.
Werewolves sometimes will run on all fours, which makes them faster-Bears
There are four kind of bears in MoCreatures:
Black bears and Grizzly bears will attack back if provoked. Polar Bears, that spawn in cold biomes will hunt down the player on sight. Panda bears are peaceful creatures that are attracted to sugar cane.
You can tame a Panda bear by giving it reeds. Once tamed, a lazo can be used to make them follow you.
Spawns during the night time, only outdoors. It will attack you at night, and won't attack unless provoked during the day. Hunts small prey, and of course sheep!-Wraiths
-Flame Wraiths
spawns only in Hard difficulty. Will set you on fire for a short time. Drops redstone. You can see them from a distance because of flashing flames.-Ogres
The first mobs to destroy blocks! It destroys blocks sparing ore blocks and obsidian. The green ogre drops obsidian ore
The fire Ogre is rarer than the regular ogre. This mob destroys blocks and ignites the floor on impact. It is fire resistant. It drops 'fire' so you can craft your chainmail.
The Cave Ogre only spawns underground. It has the biggest area of damage. It drops diamonds.-Ducks
Nothing original, I used material already available, credits go to dorino1 quack sounds plus painterly pack's duck texture.-Boars
They attack smaller prey and if you get close to them, they can also attack you. Be warned-Bunnies
Birds add atmosphere to the game. There are six different kinds, and they have different sounds: Dove, Crow, BlueGrossBeak, Cardinal, Canary and Parrot. You can tame them by feeding them seeds. Once tamed, they won't be afraid of you and won't despawn.
If you pick up a bird, you can glide safely from heights-Foxes
They will attack only smaller creatures. Most of the work was done by Roundaround. I worked on the 3D modelFrequently Asked Questions
I apologize in advance, but any post in the forum or any private message with a question already answered here will be ignored. I just don't have the time to answer the same questions over and over again. Please don't PM me with requests or questions. Use the forum instead. I'm overwhelmed with PMs and I'm not reading them anymore.F.A.Q.
Q.: Can I include your mod in my modpack?
A.: Yes you can. No need to ask permission. Just go ahead!
Q.: How do I get off my mount?
A.: Press the 'F' key
Q.: I installed the mod but don't see any of the new creatures.
A.: perhaps the gamerule doMobSpawning is set to false. To fix it,open the world to LAN to allow cheats, then press 't', then type: /gamerule doMobSpawning true
Q.: I only want to have xxx mob and not the others, can I?
A.: Use the in-game menu to adjust the spawn rates for each individual mob. You can deactivate any mob by setting its frequency to 0
Q.: I can't tame/ride a horse
A.: Make sure you're using the right saddle and follow the previous instructions on how to tame horses
Q.: I get a black screen when installing the mod
A.: Did you forget to delete the META-INF folder?
Q.: Does this work for SMP?
A.: Yes
Q.: The lions and bears are bipeds!!
A.: You either did not install the Mod Loader or you installed another mod that conflicted with mine (i.e. a non Mod Loader mod)
Q.: Can you do xxxx mob for me?
A.: You're welcome to post your ideas/suggestions, I have a list of mobs to do...
Q.: Does this work for Mac computers?
A.: It does, the installation procedure is different.
Q.: What program do you use to make the mobs?
A.: I'm using Techne for models, for the textures, MCP plus Eclipse for the code
Previous versions
-MoCreatures v6.2.1 (for Minecraft 1.7.2)-Mo'Creatures v6.1.0 mirror (for Minecraft 1.6.4)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.5.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.5.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.5.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.5.1)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (MC 1.5.1)
-Mo'Creatures Mod v4.7.0 (MC 1.4.7) requires CustomSpawner 1.11.2
-Mo'Creatures Mod v4.6.0a (MC 1.4.7)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.4.7)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.4.7)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.4.6)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.4.5)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.4.5)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.4.5)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.4.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.4.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.4.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.4.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.3.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (Mirror) (MC 1.3.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (MC 1.3.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (MC 1.3.2)
-Mo'Creatures Mod (MC 1.2.5)
If you want to add a Mo'Creatures banner to your signature, you have different options:
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>
Thanks to Jibberlicious
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>
And if you survived the bunny infestation...
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>
Coding: DrZhark, Bloodshot
Modelling: Kent C Jensen (a.k.a. BlockDaddy O'Neal) and DrZhark
Textures, Icons: BlockDaddy and DrZhark
Sounds: DrZhark
special thanks to:
-ScottKillen: Extrabiomes XL compatibility coding
-AtomicStryker: SMP port for Minecraft 1.2.5
-Cojomax: adding custom sounds
-Freakstricth: Forge sprites
-Resuke: icons
-Vaprtek: initial Horse Model.
-Dorino1: quack sounds plus painterly pack's duck texture.
-Macaque: first boar texture.
-KodaichiZero: Bunnies!
-Rondaround: fox idea, AI, sounds and texture
-_303 and Risugami: help with ModLoader and AudioMod
-Corosus: optimization changes in the code
-charle88: shark's model inspiration
-cdrumer11: pink and white dolphin skins
-FireHazurd: first werewolf model and texture -
simo_415 posted a message on Single Player Commands [V4.9] - Official Download [SPC] [+NoClip]Posted in: Minecraft ModsSingle Player Commands (SPC)Version 4.9 for Minecraft 1.6.2
If you're looking for a server, or need to contact me, currently the best place is through this PvP survival server:
Download Automated Installation [COMING SOON]
for a video tutorial on how to use the installer
Download Manual Installation [Preferred] - [Link Removed]
Release Details
Command List
Item and Block codes
Installation Instructions
TroubleshootingMinecraft Coder Pack (MCP) Compatibility
Release Details
For Minecraft 1.6.2 - Download Here
Big thanks to q3hardcore for many of the new features
/killall and /butcher now work
/wand fixed
Compatability with Mod Loader, PlayerAPI and Forge
The current SPC installer is broken, a new one is being worked on which will be out in a few weeks (hopefully)
New installation instructions, below.
Many other things
How to install (Minecraft 1.6.2)
1. Close Minecraft launcher (if open)
2. Navigate to where minecraft is installed (eg: on Windows %appdata%/.minecraft)
3. Go to versions and copy the 1.6.2 directory and name it something else (eg: 1.6.2.mods). Alternatively, if you have done this for another mod already backup the Minecraft JAR.
4. Open the jar file (using an archive utility, such as 7zip) in the mod directory you created (eg: 1.6.2.jar) and copy all of the files into it except for WorldEdit.jar
5. Delete the files in the META-INF directory except for MANIFEST.MF
6. Close the jar file
7. Copy WorldEdit.jar into .minecraft/bin
8. Rename the jar file to the same name as the directory (eg: 1.6.2.mods.jar)
9. Rename the json file to the same name as the directory (eg: 1.6.2.mods.json)
10. Open the json file in a text editor and the line that contains the id (eg: "id": "1.6.2") change it to the same name as the directory (eg: "id": "1.6.2.mods")
11. Save and close the json file.
12. Start up the Minecraft launcher
13. Create a new profile
14. Select the version that you just created (eg: 1.6.2.mods)
15. Select the rest of your settings.
16. Launch the game.
Note: Using a 3rd party launcher such as Magic Launcher may save you a lot of time in managing mods.
Code is open source at:
For more information on commands use /help in game or visit
The Spotlight
Periodically I will put up a picture and video which I think are good representations as to what Single Player Commands is capable of. If you would like to get your picture or video featured here please send me a link (via PM or post) and if I like them they will get featured.
Note: Videos should focus on SPC and can be any length (preferably at least 30 seconds)
by drawingkid1313
Command List
Stuck on a command, confused or just looking for something new? Check out for a simple demo of most of the commands this mod provides.
To bring up the command "console" type 'T' then type in the command. Below is a brief run through of the command list:
ADMIN: Due to the number of youtube links here, this content has been removed.
WorldEdit Commands
For a list of WorldEdit commands please visit the WorldEdit wiki page:
Global Command
//limit - Set a maximum number of blocks to change at most for all operations. This only affects yourself. Use this to prevent catastrophic accidents. This command will not override the limit in the configuration if it is set.
//brush clipboard - Switch to the clipboard tool.
//brush cylinder [-h] [height] - Switch to the cylinder brush tool.
//brush smooth [iterations] - Smooth the region.
//brush sphere [-h] - Switch to the sphere brush tool.
//mask - Clear the mask
//mask - Set a mask
//mat - Change the material used by your current brush.
//size - Change the size of the current brushes
Chunk tools
//chunkinfo - Get the filename of the chunk that you are in.
//delchunks - Generate a shell script to delete chunks.
//listchunks - Print a list of used chunks.
//clearclipboard - Clear your clipboard.
//copy - Copies the currently selected region. Be aware that it stores your position relative to the selection when copying.
//cut - Cuts the currently selected region.
//flip [dir] - Flip the clipboard.
//load - Load .schematic into clipboard.
//paste [-ao] - Pastes the clipboard.
//rotate - Rotate the clipboard.
//save - Save clipboard to .schematic.
General commands
//search - Search for an item by its name.
//worldedit reload - Reloads WorldEdit's configuration.
//worldedit tz - Set your timezone. This is temporary.
//worldedit version - Gets WorldEdit's version.
//cyl [height] - Create a vertical cylinder.
//forestgen [type] [density] - Make a forest.
//hcyl [height] - Create a vertical hollow cylinder.
//hsphere [raised?] - Create a hollow sphere.
//pumpkins - Make a pumpkin forest
//sphere [raised?] - Create a sphere.
Getting around
//ascend - Go up one level.
//ceil [clearance] - Get to the ceiling.
//descend – Go down one level.
//jumpto - Jump to the block that you are looking at.
//thru - Go through the wall that you are looking at.
//unstuck - Go up to the first free spot.
//up [distance] - Go up some distance.
//clearhistory - Clear your history.
//redo [number of steps] - Redo your last (undo) action. This command replays back history and does not repeat the command.
//undo [number of steps (default – last)] - Undo your last action.
Region operations
//move [count] [direction] [leave-id] - Move the selection's contents. A block can be specified to fill in the left over area.
//overlay - Place a block on top of blocks inside the region.
//outline - Build walls, floor, and ceiling.
//regen - Regenerate the selection region.
//replace - Replace all non-air blocks blocks inside the region.
//replace - Replace all blocks of the specified block(s) with another block inside the region.
//set - Set all blocks inside the selection region to a specified block.
//smooth [iterations] - Smooth the selection's heightmap.
//stack [count] [direction] - Stacks the selection.
//walls - Build the walls of the region (not including ceiling and floor).
//cs -
kingbdogz posted a message on [1.7.3] Aether Collaboration Mod - V1.02 - NEW MOBS, FIXES, ITEMS AND FEATURES!The new Aether Thread is open for business.Posted in: Minecraft Mods
Mock-up "CD Case" for the Aether! Created by our talented artist, The5.
Hey guys! If anyone wants to come discuss the Aether mod, you can come over to the IRC channel #aethermod on Come chat with the dev's and other Aether-lovers!
If you do not have an IRC client here is how to join the channel with your web browser:
1. Go to
2. Click on "Chat now!" in the top right hand corner. This will go to another page with an input box which has "#" inside it.
3. Inside the input box, type in #aethermod and press connect.
4. The mibbit client will then request for your username, type it in.
5. Have fun chatting!
See you there!
Enjoy and stay tuned!
This mod has literally taken 4-5 months of SOLID development to come to fruition, and we have wasted thousands of hours of our free time to complete this mod. A good way of saying thank you to the developers is to not only download the mod and support the project, but donating a bit of spare money really helps motivate us. Like I said, this project has been developed for an insanely long time, the donations would be VERY much appreciated for our hard work. Thanks!
Hello everyone!
Sorry for the delay in the patch; the team has been very busy wrapping things up with the new mod version, and of course some of us have to attend to real life. However, we have finally finished the patch, and it is now available for download! Not only have we fixed a huge amount of bugs, but we've also added new features, tweaks and balance changes to freshen up your Aether experience. We've worked very hard on the patch, and so we hope you enjoy what it has to offer.
If you have yet to see the change list for Patch 1.02 of the Aether, you can see it below:
- Dungeon Rewards are now hidden in TooManyItems by default. However, if people would like to spawn them for any reason, you can now disable the hiding code for the rewards by changing "TMIhidden = true" to "TMIhidden = false" in mod_Aether.cfg file. This file can be found in your /.minecraft/config/ folder. DO NOT change "#TMIhidden (boolean:true)" as this will not actually affect the config file, and immediately resets upon opening Minecraft. Instead, change "TMIhidden = true".
- Completely restructured Sound files for the Aether.
- When riding a saddled Moa, a "Jump Meter" will now appear above your Armour defense. This Jump Meter will show you the amount of mid-air jumps your Moa can perform, and also how many are left before it can no longer jump. Thanks to Penumber for the idea.
- Saddled Moas no longer wander around. They stay on the spot when you are not mounted on them.
- Ambrosium Shards now only heal "half a heart". We felt that Ambrosium was too powerful for such a common ore, thus the decision to decrease it's healing powers.
- Gravitite Ore is now much more common.
- Zanite Ore is now slightly less common.
- You can now press "B" on your keyboard to gain a Book of Lore for free. You will gain one according to the dimension you are in (for example, if you are in the Aether dimension you will gain a Book of Lore: Volume 3).
- Placing Lava in the Aether now freezes it into Aerogel.
- Books of Lore no longer appear in Dungeon chests.
- Aerogel no longer appears in Dungeon chests.
- Carved Stone no longer appears in Dungeon chests.
- Lightning Knives no longer appear in Dungeon chests in stacks higher than 16. This is so stacking is no longer screwed up (as the max stack for Lightning Knives is 16).
- When first entering the Aether in Minecraft, you will now gain a Cloud Parachute for free.
- If you hit the Bronze Boss with something other than a Pickaxe, it will now show a message which says "Hmm. Perhaps I should attack this beast with a Pickaxe?" so that new people understand they cannot attack it with other weapons.
- Enchanted Gravitite texture now changed, so as to save Sprite ID's.
- The time taken for Baby Moas to digest their Aechor Petals has now been decreased.
- Life Shards now have a new sprite, to make them look more like "Shards" rather than heart containers.
- Blue Aerclouds have a slightly new colour. It uses a more cyan-like colour now.
Bug Fixes:
- Spawning issues have finally been fixed (Zephyrs and Aerwhales are now less common, and Aechor Plants more common. There are more adjustments, but too many to list).
- Cockatrices and Zephyrs now despawn when on Peaceful mode.
- Aerwhales and Zephyrs now despawn when stuck.
- Fixed the Glowstone Dust description in the Book of Lore: Volume 2.
- Fixed the Glowstone block description in the Book of Lore: Volume 2.
- Fixed the descriptions of some Obsidian items in the Book of Lore: Volume 3.
- Enchanting Golden Darts and Buckets of Poison now works as intended.
- Golden Swets now work correctly.
- Baby Moa's no longer lay eggs.
- You can now configure the spawn rate of Aether mobs in mod_Aether.cfg (/.minecraft/config/). 0 = no longer spawn.
- Aerwhales which were previously set on fire should no longer be in flames. They are also now immune to fire.
- Swets, Aerwhales and Zephyrs now despawn correctly, previously they would not despawn and prevent spawning of other creatures.
- Fixed a bug where Blue and Gold clouds were not generating into the world naturally. Newly explored areas or new Aether worlds will now generate with Blue and Gold clouds.
- Saddled Moas no longer despawn.
- From now on, beds which are placed in the Aether will not explode, and can be slept in as usual. Beds which have been placed prior to Patch V1.02 will still explode. To fix this, just recollect the bed and place it again.
- Bonemeal can now grow Skyroot saplings and Golden Oak saplings. You can also use it on Aether Grass to grow a group of White and Purple flowers.
- You can no longer move the Bronze Boss with the Hammer of Notch projectile.
- Fixed a bug where the initiating a fight with the Gold Boss would cause massive lag spikes.
- Fixed a bug where Black Moa's would only be able to perform 6 mid-air jumps instead of the intended 8 mid-air jumps.
- The Cloud Sentries which are spawned from the Cloud Staff dungeon reward no longer make human "hurt" sounds when damaged.
- Fixed an audio-related issue with Moas and Flying Pigs, where they would build up "step sounds" while flying, and would play them all at once when landing on the ground.
- Fixed a bug where Silver Dungeons were rarer than Gold Dungeons.
- Many more small bugs have been fixed, but there were too many for me to remember them or list them. I can assure you that the above fixes were the biggest.
- Added 3 new in-game soundtracks, all exclusive to the Aether. Thanks to our new composer, Emile, for creating these wonderful pieces! You can hear them in-game, just like any other Minecraft music.
- Unique "Victory" tunes have been added when defeating Bronze and Silver bosses.
- A small "Achievement" tune has been added when completing an Aether achievement.
- When initiating in a fight with a boss, a Health Bar will now appear on the top centre of your screen. The Boss will also have a randomly generated name. For example: "GeneratedName, the Valkyrie Queen".
- Added a new "Flying Cow" mob. While they are nothing too special, they do drop leather when killed. These creatures can be saddled and flown around.
- Added a new "Aerbunny" mob. These creatures are friendly, and will hop around the Aether peacefully. Aerbunnies drop string when killed. This means, with the combined additions of the Aerbunny and Flying Cow, you can now craft Saddles in the Aether without returning to the surface world.
- Added a new "Whirlwind" mob. These hostile entities will throw you into the air when you get too close.
- Added a new "Quicksoil Glass" block. Not only can it be used for building materials, but it also gives off a dim amount of light (and of course, speeds up mobs movement speed while in contact with them). They can be gained by enchanting Quicksoil.
- Added a new "Zanite Block". This is a purely aesthetic block, for the purpose of storage and building materials. It can be crafted with 4 Zanite Gemstones. You can also craft the Zanite Block back into 4 Zanite Gemstones if you would like to regain them.
- Added a new "White Flower" block. These are commonly generated flowers in the Aether. At the moment they are purely aesthetic, but will have crafting purposes in the future.
- Added a new "Purple Flower" block. These are slightly rarer than White Flowers, and can be crafted into 2 Purple Dye items.
- Added a new "Freezer" block. This new block was suggested by one of our fans on the Mantis bug/idea tracker. We thought it was a neat enough idea to implement. Basically, it works very similarly to the furnace in design. However, it uses Icestone as a fuel, and can be used to freeze various different items. For example: you can freeze water from water buckets into Ice blocks, or freeze Cold Aerclouds into Blue Aerclouds. Although there aren't many freezable items and blocks at this stage, the Freezer's use will be hugely expanded in future patches.
- Added a new "Ice Ring and Ice Pendant". When worn, these accessories will freeze all water and lava around the player. They slowly degrade while worn, so they do not last forever. These accessories can be obtained by freezing Gold or Iron accessories with the new Freezer block. You CANNOT freeze Zanite accessories into Ice accessories, only Gold and Iron.
- Added a new "Healing Stone" item. Heals 2 hearts of health, and is stackable. These items can be obtained by enchanting Holystone blocks with your Enchanter. This was implemented to balance out the issues with overpowered Ambrosium Shards.
- Added four new craftable capes: "White, Blue, Red and Yellow". These capes can be crafted with their respective wool colour. Blue Capes can be crafted with any type of blue wool. These capes are purely aesthetic.
- Added four new Dungeon Rewards. One of them is a Bronze Dungeon reward, and the other three are Silver Dungeon rewards.
- Added a completely new "Main Menu" which is interchangable in-game and with the mod_Aether.cfg file. This menu, by default, has an "Aether Theme", with Aether-styled buttons and logos. It will also preview the last point you were located at in your previously played world. All progress made in the menu (time of day, etc) is not actually saved, so when you re-enter the world it will still be at the last point you played. This menu is highly configurable, though, and has a few neat features. We've added three new buttons on the top right hand corner of the screen: "Q" for Quick Load, "T" for Toggle Theme, and "W" for Toggle World. The Quick Load feature allows you to instantly jump into the world that the menu is currently previewing, without ANY loading times. The Toggle Theme feature allows you to switch between the "Classic" style of buttons and logos (which includes the Minecraft logo, etc), or the "Aether" style of buttons and logos. The Toggle World feature allows you to turn world previewing on or off. While world previewing is off, it will display a menu very similar in structure to the normal menu in Minecraft, but you still have the option to use the "Aether" styled buttons and logos with the Toggle Theme feature. However, the only way to use a particular menu by default, you have to configure the menu with mod_Aether.cfg, which can be found in /.minecraft/config/. By default, "aetherMenu = true" means that Minecraft will always load with the Aether styled buttons and logo. If you change that to "aetherMenu = false", your game will always load with Minecraft styled buttons and logos. Additionally, the default "worldMenu = true" means that your game will always preview your previously played world on start up. However, if you change that to "worldMenu = false", your game will always start up with the classic Minecraft menu in normal Minecraft.
The Aether NO LONGER WORKS WITH SINGLE PLAYER COMMANDS. It uses an API called Player API, which basically allows several mods to edit the Entity Player. However, Single Player Commands has not used this new API yet, so you cannot run the two mods at the same time or else it will CRASH. I expect a patch/quick fix will be up shortly!
ADDITIONALLY: The Aether DOES NOT WORK with ShockAhPI r5 and r6, since it directly overwrites Player API (similarly to SPC). However, we have created a new version of ShockAhPI which utilizes Player API. Even though Shockah is currently on holidays, he has given us permission to distribute this version of the API with (as he is one of the Aether team members). The new download link for this fixed version will be below. IF YOU HAVE V1.01 CURRENTLY IN YOUR JAR FILE, YOU MUST USE A FRESH JAR OTHERWISE IT WILL CRASH. THE PATCH DOES NOT WORK WHEN SIMPLY PASTING OVER V1.01.
There is also one known bug with the current menu: it seems that, because of the way we load the menu music, it has a 2-4 second stall upon opening Minecraft. It's not a huge delay, but sometimes it may be confused with a blackscreen. It actually isn't, you just need to wait a few seconds for the menu to do its thing.
We've been working quite hard on this patch, and would appreciate any donations from our fans. Anything helps; it's the thought that counts!
The Aether mod V1.02 requires ModLoader, AudioMod, PlayerAPI, and ShockAhPI r5.1.
New SinglePlayerCommands Patch out!
To use SPC with the Aether mod V1.02, first install SPC then use this patch by meiska_:
Stay Tuned
HOW TO INSTALL VIDEO - STEP BY STEP (V1.01, these videos are outdated!):
Thanks to DirtyMoDz7s for the video!
Thanks to RZGamez for the video!
It's finally here...
One of the biggest projects in Minecraft Modding history is now completed. Five very well-known and talented modders (Kingbdogz, Kodaichi, Shockah, Flan and 303) have joined forces to develop the Aether, a celestial realm found in outer limits of the atmosphere. The Aether is what you could call the "antipole" of the Nether. The Nether is a network of desolate, fiery caverns filled with bloodstained Cobblestone and sticky Soulsand; it lies beneath the very soil of our Minecraft world. The Aether, on the other hand, is a collection of floating plains and islands, all connected together to create a breathtaking dimension of the skies. Even during the night, the Aether is still quite peaceful, and a normal day in the Aether is the equivalent of three days on the surface.
Aerwhales, the gentle giants of the Aether, can be found floating in the horizon, munching on Golden Oaks and strips of Blue Aerclouds as the sun climbs higher in the sky. When the sun falls, Cockatrices crawl away from their well-hidden nests, ready to attack. Peaceful as they may seem, these deadly birds shoot poisonous needles at you when provoked. They are one of the few hostile mobs in the Aether.
The Aether isn't always fun and games though; elaborate dungeons are protected by powerful Guardians and sleeping sentries which await watchfully. They can be found in the sides of massive floating islands, containing locked loot chests with otherwise unobtainable singular items and blocks worth the effort of slaying their key bearing protectors.
Dungeons have three levels of difficulty. Bronze, Silver and Gold; Bronze being the easiest, and Gold being the hardest. This means that the Bronze Dungeon will be easier to handle, but the Dungeon will only yield "good" items. Silver Dungeons are slightly harder, and reward you with much better unique items. Gold Dungeons are extremely hard, but you will be rewarded with incredibly powerful items. These unique rewards CANNOT be obtained any other way.
Moas, peaceful and majestic giant birds, populate the Aether in three different colours: Blue, White and Black. Wild Moas cannot be tamed, but they do occasionally drop eggs of their respective colour. These eggs can be incubated with the Incubator block (using Ambrosium Torches). Once incubated, they can be fed with the Aechor Petals of Aechor Plants. They require 8 petals in total to grow, but are not always hungry and will occasionally refuse your offer (which can be done by right clicking them with the Aechor Petal). When grown, you have now completely tamed the Moa, and a saddle can be placed on their backs to ride. Blue Moas can perform 3 mid-air jumps, White Moas can perform 4 mid-air jumps, and Black Moas can perform 8 mid-air jumps.
Flying Pigs can also be found wandering around the Aether, and occasionally flying freely through the air. These creatures can be saddled with a Saddle, and flown around without having to deal with a taming process. This allows players to quickly hop into the action. However, Flying Pigs can only jump once, and do not have the privilege of mid-air jumps like the powerful flying Moas.
The Portal to the Aether is made out of a Glowstone Frame, and can be activated with a Bucket of Water!
New Accessory System:
We've implemented an entirely new "Accessories System" for the mod. This will include 8 entirely new slots to customize your character. Items such as Pendants, Rings, Gloves, Capes and even special Shields can be worn. Various "Miscellaneous Accessories" can also be worn in the two blank slots.
Above is an example of Accessory items being worn.
Description: Pendants can be worn on your character with the new Accessory System. They are worn over the top of the players skin, so when Armour is worn it will be hidden. Gold and Iron Pendants are simply decorative accessories, but Zanite Pendants will increase your mining speed when worn. Zanite accessories slowly degrade when worn, and the more damage it takes, the faster your mining speed with increase. Zanite accessories also slightly increase your armour.
Description: Rings can be worn on your character with the new Accessory System. Gold and Iron Rings are simply decorative accessories, but Zanite Rings (like the Pendants) will increase your mining speed when worn.
Description: Capes can be worn on your character with the new Accessory System. They are worn on your back and can be seen very clearly when in third person mode. Normal "Swet Capes" (image above) are simply decorative, but one particular Dungeon Reward (which is a cape) has a very useful ability.
Description: Gloves can be worn on your character with the new Accessory System. They are worn on your hands and can also be seen in first-person view. These provide extra protection for the player, and with some special armour sets, are required to activate the "Set Ability".
New Blocks:
Aether Dirt
Description: Aether dirt is the basic dirt in the Aether, and will grow into Aether Grass when exposed to sun light. It is much easier to mine than normal dirt found on the surface.
Skyroot Logs
Description: Skyroot Logs are the main base of Skyroot Trees. They provide the basic essential for your Aether adventures, and can be crafted into four Skyroot Planks.
Skyroot Leaves
Description: Skyroot Leaves are the "Leaf" blocks of Skyroot Trees. On chance, they will drop a Skyroot Sapling to replant.
Golden Oak Logs
Description: Golden Oak Logs make up the base of Golden Oak trees. They are embedded with Golden Amber, which can be used to craft very powerful Golden Darts.
Golden Oak Leaves
Description: Golden Oak Leaves are the "Leaf" blocks of Golden Oak trees. They occasionally drop Golden Oak Saplings and Golden Apples.
Skyroot Sapling
Description: Skyroot Saplings allow you to replant Skyroot Trees.
Golden Oak Sapling
Description: Golden Oak Saplings are occasionally dropped from Golden Oak Leaves. They can be replanted into Aether Dirt to regrow a Golden Oak tree.
Skyroot Planks
Description: Skyroot Planks can be crafted from Skyroot Logs. They can be used to craft Skyroot Sticks and from there, Skyroot Tools.
Description: Holystone is the common stone block in the Aether, and can be used to craft Holystone Tools.
Mossy Holystone
Description: Mossy Holystone is a rare Holystone block that can be found at the base of an Aether Dungeon entrance.
Cold Aercloud
Description: Cold Aercloud is a very common type of Aercloud found in the Aether. Long strips of them can be found in the formations of clouds. They have very strange properties; while sometimes they will prevent fall damage, other times they will not. Use them wisely, but be wary when falling from large heights. They can also be crafted into Cloud Parachutes.
Blue Aerclouds
Description: Blue Aerclouds are slightly rare than Cold Aerclouds, and bounce mobs when coming into contact.
Gold Aerclouds
Description: Gold Aerclouds are the rarest type of Aercloud. Alone they do not have any special properties from normal Cold Aerclouds, but they can be crafted into Golden Parachutes which have 20 uses rather than the normal 1.
Description: Quicksoil can be found on the sides of islands. When mobs walk on it, their movement speed is increased. However, it takes a while to build up speed. These can be both a good block to abuse its speed, but also a dangerous block to come into contact with.
Description: Icestone can be found in large chunks, usually on the sides of islands. One placement, they will freeze all water and lava sources around it.
Ambrosium Ore
Description: Ambrosium Ore is a common block found in the Aether. It drops Ambrosium Shards, which can be used for Torches, fueling Enchanters, and even healing.
Zanite Ore
Description: Zanite Ore is slightly rarer than Ambrosium Ore, and can be found on the sides of islands. Zanite Gemstones are dropped from these ore blocks, and can be used for a variety of recipes (including Zanite Tools and Zanite Armour).
Gravitite Ore - Enchanted Gravitite
Description: Gravitite Ore is the rarest ore-type in the Aether, and can be enchanted into "Enchanted Gravitite" blocks. Gravitite Ore, by default, will float up into the air. However, Enchanted Gravitite only floats up into the air when powered with redstone. Enchanted Gravitite is required to craft powerful Gravitite Tools and Armour.
Description: A decorative Pillar block found on the outside of Silver Dungeons.
Pillar Top
Description: A decorative Pillar Top block found on the outside of Silver Dungeons.
Ambrosium Torch
Description: Ambrosium Torches are like regular torches, just crafted with Skyroot Sticks and Ambrosium Shards instead.
Description: Enchanters are a new type of tile entity which can be crafted. They require Holystone blocks and one Zanite Gemstone to craft. By default, it uses Ambrosium Shards as fuel, and can repair damaged tools or items; the more damaged the tool is, the more fuel it requires. It can also enchant a few existing items into more powerful versions.
Description: Incubators are a new type of tile entity which can be crafted. They require Holystone blocks and one Ambrosium Torch. By default, it used Ambrosium Torches as fuel, and can incubate Moa Eggs into Baby Moas.
Locked Chest
Description: Locked Chests are found in Dungeons, and cannot be broken. To acquire their rare lot within, you must obtain a key from the Dungeon Boss.
Dungeon Stones
Description: Decorative blocks found within the Aether Dungeons.
Dungeon Lightstones
Description: Decorative blocks found within the Aether Dungeons which radiate a small amount of light.
Description: A slightly transparent block which is resistant to all explosions.
New Items:
Skyroot Stick
Description: Skyroot Sticks are used for several different crafting recipes. They are crafted with Skyroot Planks.
Ambrosium Shard
Description: Ambrosium Shards can be obtained from Ambrosium Ore blocks. Not only are they used for crafting torches and fueling Enchanters, they can be used as healing items as well.
Zanite Gemstone
Description: Zanite Gemstones are found from the Zanite Ore blocks. They can be used to craft a wide variety of items and blocks (including Enchanters, Zanite Toolsets, and Zanite Armour).
Cloud Parachutes - Golden Parachutes
Description: Clouds Parachutes are items which can be used to safely fall from the Aether. When you transition from the Aether to the Surface (upon falling) the Parachute will automatically activate and drift you down safely. These parachutes are a one use only, and can be manually activated as well. Golden Parachutes do the same, except have twenty uses.
Moa Eggs
Description: Moas, peaceful and majestic giant birds, populate the Aether in three different colours: Blue, White and Black. Wild Moas cannot be tamed, but they do occasionally drop eggs of their respective colour. These eggs can be incubated with the Incubator block (using Ambrosium Torches). Once incubated, they can be fed with the Aechor Petals of Aechor Plants. They require 8 petals in total to grow, but are not always hungry and will occasionally refuse your offer (which can be done by right clicking them with the Aechor Petal). When grown, you have now completely tamed the Moa, and a saddle can be placed on their backs to ride. Blue Moas can perform 3 mid-air jumps, White Moas can perform 4 mid-air jumps, and Black Moas can perform 8 mid-air jumps.
Golden Amber
Description: Golden Amber is used to craft Golden Darts, and can be obtained by harvesting logs from a Golden Oak tree.
Aechor Petal
Description: Aechor Petals can be obtained from poisonous, purple Aechor Plants, and are used to create Poison Dart Shooters and feed Baby Moas.
Dungeon Keys
Description: Dungeon Keys can be obtained by their respective Bosses. They are used to open the locked chest, which contains the Dungeon's rare loot.
Blue Music Disk
Description: Blue Music Disks can be obtained by enchanting a Green or Gold Music Disk. It will play a new song by author Noisestorm.
Description: Golden Darts can be crafted with Golden Amber, Skyroot Sticks, and Feathers. Additionally, you can enchant and poison these Golden Darts. Poison Darts are not affected by gravity, making it great for sniping down far-distance enemies.
Dart Shooters
Description: Dart Shooters can be crafted with Skyroot Planks and a Zanite Gemstone. They can also be enchanted to shoot Enchanted Darts, and combined with an Aechor Petal to shoot Poison Darts.
Skyroot Toolset
Description: The Skyroot Toolset is the weakest Toolset in the Aether. However, it has one of the best side-abilities, which is to gain double-drops from the blocks they mine and the enemies they kill. The double-drops cannot be abused though, as the Toolset will only return double drops from Generated blocks that have already existed in the world. You cannot place a dirt block and then mine it to get double drops, as it is NOT a generated block, it is placed by the player.
Holystone Toolset
Description: The Holystone toolset is slightly more powerful than the Skyroot Toolset in terms of strength, and occasionally drops an extra Ambrosium Shard upon mining a block or attacking a mob.
Zanite Toolset
Description: The Zanite Toolset is the second most powerful toolset, and has the side-ability of getting stronger the more you use it.
Gravitite Toolset
Description: The Gravitite Toolset is the strongest toolset. Normal harvesting tools can right click their respective blocks to make them float up, while the Gravitite Sword can launch mobs in the air when attacking.
Skyroot Buckets
Description: Skyroot Buckets can be crafted with three Skyroot Planks. They can collect Milk and Water, but not Lava. They can also collect poison from Aechor Plants, and those Poison Buckets can be enchanted into Remedy Buckets to heal your poison side-effects.
Lore Books
Description: Lore Books can be used to reveal more information about an item or block. Just right click while you have one in hand, and place an item or block in the slot. There are three volumes: One for the Surface, Nether and Aether. The Aether volume can be obtained when you first join the Aether. The rest can be obtained in Dungeon chests.
Victory Medal
Description: Victory Medals are items which can be obtained by defeating Valkyries, protectors of the Silver Dungeon. They are used to prove your skills in fighting to the Silver boss.
Zanite Armour
Description: Zanite Armour has the strength of Iron, but gets stronger the more it is damaged.
Gravitite Armour
Description: Gravitite Armour, when fully worn (with Gloves as well), will give you very high jumps. It will also prevent all fall damage. It are as strong as Diamond Armour.
Dungeon Rewards
Description: Above are all the Dungeon Rewards you can get. For the sake of surprise, I will not name or describe any of the rewards, so that you can get the best experience possible when looting Dungeons. You will get better rewards depending on what type of Dungeon you conquer. The blocks which make up a dungeon cannot be mined until the boss within is defeated.
Bronze Dungeon
Description: Bronze Dungeons are the easiest of the Dungeons to defeat, but are still challenging and yield very powerful rewards. The Boss within cannot be harmed with swords or projectiles, but instead requires a PICKAXE to defeat.
Silver Dungeon
Description: Silver Dungeons are slightly harder than the Bronze Dungeon, and contain slightly more powerful rewards. These Dungeons are found in the skies as great temples, and are guarded by the humble natives of the Aether; the Valkyries. They will not fight you unless provoked, and honor a fair fight. Beware: not every chest is as it seems.
Gold Dungeon
Description: Gold Dungeons are the hardest Dungeons to defeat, and contain the most powerful rewards and items in the mod. Unlike other Dungeons, the Gold Dungeon does not have any defenders leading up to the Boss; the Boss greets you as soon as you enter the Dungeon. This Dungeon can be found in giant floating mountains with a collection of Golden Oaks on the mountain's top. This Boss in particular cannot be harmed with any item in the game; you must figure out a way to defeat it once you confront it.
Example Recipes:
Skyroot Planks
Skyroot Sticks
Cloud Parachute
Golden Parachute
Ambrosium Torch
Dart Shooter
Poison Dart Shooter
Golden Dart
Poison Dart
Gravitite Pickaxe
Gravitite Shovel
Gravitite Axe
Gravitite Sword
Enchanting - Blue Music Disk
Enchanting - Repairing Damaged Tools
Enchanting - Gravitite Ore
Support the Aether Mod!
Just copy the code below and insert it into your signature.
Alternative Banners (Credits to Kanza and Divinux!):
- Hozz (for helping me with some Sprites)
- Firehazurd (for the idea of flying whales and moas)
- GreyAcumen + Community (for the idea of the Aether!)
- Kanza and Divinux for the alternate support banners.
~ Stay Tuned ~ -
Marglyph posted a message on TooManyItems, the inventory editor and more (1.8 Forge is here!)Marglyph's TooManyItemsPosted in: Minecraft Mods
Create & customize items, including those not available even in creative mode. Save and load entire inventories. Switch game modes and control time, weather, and more.
Download TMI for Minecraft 1.8 (Forge mod) (2/14 bugfix update)
Download TMI for Minecraft 1.8 (jar mod)
Installing: Put the Forge version of TMI into your Forge mods folder. The non-Forge version may be used with a custom launcher or by installing as a jar mod.
TMI for 1.8 new features:
- The new 1.8 items
- Enhanced enchantment, potion, and firework panels
- All-new custom items: colored leather, player heads, signs with text, filled flower pots, preselected note blocks
- New fuzzy search! You don't have to type all the letters (e.g. rcmp for redstone comparator)
- Press enter in the search box to spawn the top item! Get items quicker than ever
- Everything now fits in a sidebar; no more overlap with potion effects etc.
- Easier My Items (favorites) editing with helpful tooltips
- Rename save states
- Unlimited stacks is now a global setting, along with keep items on death, prevent rain and more
- Unlimited stacks refresh without ModLoader/Forge as long as you've opened the inventory
- Switch to spectator mode
- Improved multiplayer custom item spawning (still only if within chat length limit)
- Fixed some bugs, possibly added new ones
- Removed Herobrine spawner
More download versions
Download links have ads on them to provide some support for modding Minecraft. You are not required to click on the ads to download TMI; there is a skip button in the top right corner. You do not need to download any installers or download managers.
For 1.7.10 non-Forge version
For 1.7.10 Forge version
For 1.7.9 non-Forge version
For 1.7.2 Forge version
(Note: 1.6.4 version has a problem with the newest Forge that did not exist with the original 1.6.4 Forge release. Unless I have time to go back and fix this, only use 1.6.4F with an older Forge release.)
Older: 1.7.6, 1.7.5, 1.7.4, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.4F, 13w48b, 13w47e, 13w42b, 13w41b, 13w39b, 13w38c, 1.6.3 NF, 1.6.2NF, 1.6.2F, 13w38a, 13w37b, 1.6.1 NF, 1.6.1 F
Pre-1.6 release: 1.5.2, 1.5.1, 1.5, 1.4.7, 1.4.6, 1.4.5 or 1.4.4, 1.4.2, 1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.2.5, 1.2.4, 1.2.2/1.2.3, 1.1, 1.0.0
Minecraft Beta: RC2, 1.8.1 / 1.8, 1.9pre6, 1.9pre5, 1.9pre4, 1.9pre3, 1.9pre2,1.9pre1, 1.7.3/1.7.2/1.7_01, 1.6.6 and 1.6.5, 1.6.4, 1.5_01
Documentation for old (pre-1.8) TMI
Better documentation for 1.8+ will be up shortly.
Turn On/Off: Press the "o" key while in the inventory screen. You can change this key by editing the configuration file.
Add items: Left-click on items in the right sidebar to add full stacks, or right-click to add one at a time.
Configuration file: Find the directory in which your minecraft saves folder and options.txt are, and once you have used TMI at least once you will also find TooManyItems.txt there. This contains options that you can change, not all of which are documented yet.
Spawners: In some previous versions, to create different kinds of spawners, edit the "spawner" line in the configuration file. Use at your own risk; in some (older) versions of Minecraft, spawners of non-mob entities such as boats can crash the game and wreck your save.
Unlimited stacks/tools (single-player only): Shift-left-click on items in the right sidebar to add unlimited stacks OR unlimited-use tools or flint and steel. ModLoader is required for "true" unlimited stacks. Without ModLoader the quantity of >64 stacks will refresh when you open your inventory.
Tabs: Use the chest, star, and book icons to change between the item, favorites, and enchant tabs.
Favorites: This allows you to save commonly used items. ADD to the favorites panel by: (1) clicking an item on the favorites panel, (2) alt-clicking an item in the items panel, or (3) clicking the Favorite button in the enchant panel. REMOVE an item from the favorites panel by alt-clicking it.
Enchanting: (in SP, or may work on some Bukkit servers) Click an item on the enchanting panel to switch to that type of item. Use the + and - buttons to change the levels of individual enchantments. Click the Create button to make the enchanted item once, or the Favorite button to add it to the favorites panel.
Trash (single-player only): Drop an item stack on the item sidebar or the trash icon to delete it. Click the trash icon to turn "delete mode" on and off (in "delete mode" you will delete any item you click on -- useful for selectively deleting a lot of items). Shift-click thee trash icon to wipe out your inventory.
Game mode: Click the "S", "C", and "A" icons on the toolbar for survival, creative, and adventure mode, respectively.
Time: Click the sun and moon icons to set the time to sunrise, noon, sunset, or midnight.
Difficulty: Click the creeper icon to toggle the difficulty without having to go into game preferences.
Health/hunger: Click the heart icon to set health and hunger to max.
Save states (single-player only): Several slots are available for you to save your entire inventory and restore it later. (The "x" button next to a saved state will remove it.) This can be used to save your "real" inventory before editing, save a blank inventory to clear out everything you're holding, save a full inventory of materials, share inventories between characters, etc.
Multiplayer: You need to be a server op. Also, every non-vanilla server works a little differently. The command issued to the server to give you items is configured in TooManyItems.txt as "give-command". In this command, you should put {0} for the player's username, {1} for the item ID, {2} for the quantity, and {3} for the damage value. If {3} isn't in the command, items with damage values other than 0 won't show up.
Vanilla server command: /give {0} {1} {2} {3}
* Since the vanilla server used to not support item damage with the give command, TMI may still have /give {0} {1} {2} by default. You can now add {3} to the end. The default will be updated in a future TMI version.
Bukkit with the Essentials mod command: /item {1}:{3} {2}
Fast crafting: Right-click on the output square when crafting to craft the maximum possible amount. (Works while the inventory overlay is disabled).
Crashes show an error report on a purple and white screen, and you can copy and paste the report into a post. With the latest version of TMI, most errors that would have crashed should instead show a chat message that says a report has been saved to a file in your minecraft folder, and you can copy and paste from that file into a post.
Black screens are caused primarily by: not deleting META-INF from your minecraft.jar, mod conflicts, wrong versions of mods, and improperly installing mods. Please check these things and, if necessary, start fresh from a new minecraft.jar as an old installation problem may still be causing errors.
"TMI doesn't show up": Press the "o" key in your inventory screen to turn TMI on and off. (Unless you have already changed this in your config file.) Your preference about whether TMI should be displayed is separate in single- and multi-player. If this still doesn't work, you probably did not install TMI correctly.
Notes: TMI's code does not run until you open your inventory. Problems creating games are something else. TMI does not change any crafting recipes. You are not forced to use fast crafting: just left click like normal instead of right clicking. Yes, TMI does work in multiplayer, but read the instructions. No, it is not a server mod. Finally, the number of pages of items depends on your Minecraft window size, so, you are not missing items because it doesn't have the same pages as in the screenshot.
Uninstalling: If you manually installed a mod, the only way to uninstall is to either restore your backup copy of minecraft.jar (you did make a backup, right?) or delete minecraft.jar and run the game launcher so it downloads a new minecraft.jar. If you used a mod manager, refer to its instructions.
KodaichiZero posted a message on [1.0.0] Clay Soldiers ClassicThis thread is discontinued.Posted in: Minecraft Mods
For Mincraft 1.1 and later, go to this thread.
I have given Infiniti324 permission to post a topic for the 1.1 version of this mod on Planet Minecraft.
If you want to check out my new mod, go here.
Small enough to hold in your hand, strong enough to rule the land!
Clay Soldier Mod V4 by KodaichiZero
Special thanks to VikomMedia for helping me a lot with preparing for the release of 3.5 and 3.6, mDiyo and SmallDeadGuy for helping me test V4
Quick Links:
- Version 1 Stuff
- Version 2 Stuff
- Version 3 Stuff
- Version 3.5 Stuff
- Version 3.6 Stuff
- Version 4 Stuff
- Other Info
- Downloads
An awesome trailer by cherchell58!
A very lengthy showcase/demonstration video by ShaftHandlers!
An installation video for CSM and TMI, by Dannybtwproductions.
An installation video for MAC OSX by kristo123321.
Hall of fame:
A great showcase video for version 3.5 by MutantNoodles :smile.gif:
Fantastic spotlight video for V2 by Captain Sparklez!
This guy actually manages to pronounce my name properly!
Awesome mod trailer by ThePhail!
Cool spotlight video by Jamie1051!
Nice video by SilentSwords.
~ Version 1 Features ~
So you're probably wondering to yourself "A mod involving clay? No Way! I need all the grey goop I can get for my brick castle!" Well put those tried, burnt hands to rest for a second and think about this: What if you could create your own miniature army out of clay and stage the most epic battles imaginable in a space small enough to be your backyard? Now before you accuse me of being a madman, take a look at this mod. Read ahead through the pages, and you'll see just what kind of violent mayhem you can cause with just a few simple materials plucked right from the ground.
- - - - -
Here's how it works: A clay soldier is an item you can hold in your hand. It is crafted using a clay block (for substance) and soulsand (for sustaining intelligent life). Specifically, one block of clay and one block of soulsand can be used to create four soldiers. Once you have a nice little pile in your hands (up to 16), right-click to place them all at once. They will quickly spread out and begin to roam the landscape. They walk slow and don't jump very high, but they have enough arm strength to climb up a single block. Unfortunately, since they lack a decent skeletal support structure (or even skin, for that matter), their delicate figures can be horribly mutilated by even the weakest of blows. A player can cripple a clay soldier in just a single punch. So naturally, they aren't hostile towards anything bigger than themselves. So, what in the world are they qualified to fight against? ...Other clay soldiers, of course!
Clay soldiers have a team-based mentality. They respect similar colors of their race, and treat their identical equals as brothers. But when colors other than grey come into play, things start to get a little bit more exciting! You can use red dye, blue dye, green dye, yellow dye, orange dye or purple dye to change the color of your soldiers, and then set them loose to start a fight! Grey soldiers are peaceful unless attacked, but all other colors will rush in for the kill without mercy! Their natural hatred towards members of a different spectrum allows for a lot of exciting events to take place in your Minecraft world. Build giant battlefields, arm your fortresses to the teeth, and let your soldiers transform the earth into a sea of crumbled clay!
...But then again, it's just a bunch of identical clay men, right? And there's nothing interesting about that, is there? If only there were some way to make things more interesting... OH WAIT, there is!
Of course it's not just clay! there's MUCH more you can do with your miniature armies! Choose from a variety of equipment, arm your men to the teeth, and have a showdown to see which type of assistance is more beneficial to survival! All you need to do is press q to drop an item on the ground for them. You can even drop a large pile, and the clay men will split it amongst themselves.
Since clay soldiers are so small, most conventional weapons such as swords and bows become unwieldy. So the most obvious thing to do is to start from the basics. A simple stick can easily be held by a clay soldier, and is their fundamental source of offensive power. It will randomly increase their attack by half a heart, or a full heart for 15 uses before it breaks.
Another thing to worry about is protection. Because they're so small, how could any kind of armor fit onto them? Well, it turns out that just one piece of leather can be easily folded into a handy chestplate, reducing every blow from a fellow soldier by 50% for 15 hits in total. Simple and classy.
As for the issue of health recovery, clay soldiers have the intrinsic ability to digest and break apart the atoms within carbon-based food products to produce raw element compunds that can repair their weakened molecular bonds. In short, they can eat food to gain health. Since one piece of food is too much for them, they will divide it into four meals and eat them correspondingly when their health gets low. Combining all four meals, any food item is enough to recover their entire health bar. This will work for any item of food (and for mushroom stew, they'll even eat the bowl). The only exception is cake - it's way too large for a clay soldier to carry all at once, so they won't accept it.
Moving onto more interesting things, clay soldiers seem to have the ability to recognize a monarch among their ranks. Gold is a symbol of power, so using their incredible metalsmithing skills they will craft a gold ingot into a crown and wear it. Each team will only have one king, unless the kings are so far away from each other that they can be considered as rulers of different regions. When one clay man becomes a king, the rest of the nearby team members will follow it diligently and stay very close. Some may wander due to the fact they technically have no eyes and cannot see their leader, but for the most part, they become a very tightly-knit society.
Everyone knows that anything can be made at least 5 times cooler if it glows in the dark. With lightstone dust, you can turn your soldiers into living glowsticks, and any night time battlefield into a raving disco dance floor! Keep track of your troops by using lightstone dust at night. Best of all, it lasts forever, just like our current torches :smile.gif:
As if a gigantic clay war wasn't awesome enough, now you can add explosions into the mix! A clay man will instinctively incorporate sulfur into their basic body composition to make themselves appear "creepier" to their opponents. But those black specks aren't just for show! When a besulfured clay soldier meets his demise, a small explosion will bring his enemies along for the ride. It will also destroy three or four adjacent dirt blocks, but it's nothing to worry about.
For what they lack in cake-consuming ability, they make up for in their ability to eat sugar. Just one lump of it will send any soldier into a frenzied craze for a whole minute, making them more agile and greatly increasing their walking speed. They tend to be responsible though, and they won't eat another lump of sugar before the effect wears off.
In times of great despair, teammates fall and great armies die, leaving the tired souls of each individual fighter with nothing to do but rest for eternity. That's only the case for humans, though! Clay soldiers only become incapacitated when their bodies are too mangled to even bend a single joint. With a simple lump of clay, any soldier can patch up a fallen comrade's wounds and send him right back to the battlefield, effectively causing a full revival. One clay lump is enough to revive four fallen soldiers. Just don't expect any ressurecting to take place in the middle of a fierce battle.
Well, that information was all fine and dandy. But something just doesn't seem right... don't some soldiers ride mounts onto the battlefield so that they can really get the drop onto opponents? I mean, no army can truly be threatening unless it has the ability to harness the raw power and energy of one of nature's finest beasts. And well... oh, never mind. This mod does have mounts after all.
Indeed it is true, any clay soldier can be given the ultimate gift in times of war: something to sit on. Using dirt and soulsand, you can craft a few horses for your personal armies to use and enjoy. Horses have no team alleigance, so any soldier can use any horse. While a soldier rides a horse, he will experience greatly increased speed. Also, 50% of all incoming attacks directed at the soldier will instead affect the horse. The horse has 50% more health than the soldier, so in most cases, the horse will be taken as a prize for winning the fight.
When a clay soldier dies, his body will always be dropped on the ground in the form of a doll, so you can ressurect him again immediately if you just pick him up. You'll never lose a single soldier (unless you've given him gunpowder and he explodes), so you can keep the battles going for as long as you want! Make videos, post pictures, tell your friends, and heck, go outside and make some real clay soldiers or something. Just don't forget to download the mod, because you'll be missing out on one of the best things that ever got dug out of the sand!
~ Version 2 Additions and Changes ~
For those looking to make even tougher soldiers, look no further than your nearest arts and crafts store. With simple materials like flint and cloth, your soldiers can enhance the equipment they already have! If a soldier has a stick and there is a piece of flint nearby, he'll use the flint to sharpen his stick for additional attack power! And if there is a block of wool nearby, an armored soldier can grab a handful and make some padding to lessen damage even further. The flint and cloth won't be consumed in the process, so they can be used infinitely! Remember, a cozier soldier with a sharper stick is a happier soldier.
As if sharper sticks wasn't enough, now there's an even better way to fight dirty! Redstone dust is good for mainly two things - nerding out your Minecraft world, and making people's eyes sting worse than a snail in a salt factory. If you give your soldiers a handful of redstone dust, they'll throw it in their opponents eyes to temporarily blind them. And while blind, a soldier is completely defenseless and unable to attack! It works for up to 2 uses, but if I were you, I'd bring a pair of goggles just in case any dust gets thrown astray.
For those stubborn opponents who seem to walk around everywhere when all you want them to do is stand still, there's slime. If you give your soldiers a slime ball, they'll make like Dr. Scholls and apply that green goo directly to the feet of their opponents. One slime ball is enough for two counts of adhesive. While a soldier's feet are stuck, they cannot move an inch. They can't be pushed or knocked back, and will only get free after about five seconds - or if the block underneath them is destroyed. Until then, they're just sitting ducks, so you might as well get out the bread crumbs.
You'll discover as you experiment with the clay soldiers that it's unfortunately very easy to get carried away. If you spawn too many of the soldiers, they have a propensity to find their way out of their battle arenas and into just about every nook and cranny in your world. When worse turns to worst, there's the Clay Disruptor. A handy little device made of 2/3 clay, 1/6 redstone and 1/6 stick, it's incredibly powerful when in the right hands. Pressing the shiny red button on the front causes the device to emit incredibly powerful radioactive waves that are capable of instantly killing nearby clay soldiers and causing cancer in small butterflies. Every time you use it, all soldiers in a 16 block radius are as good as toast. It lasts for 16 uses before it implodes upon itself and ceases to exist in our universe. And for some mysterious reason, it seems to work on dirt horses too. So if you're looking to cause some clay genocide, this is the right tool for the job.
~ Version 3 Additions and Changes ~
So you've got a military force armed to the teeth with everything you can possibly give them. One problem: they are still made of clay, so when you talk about their guts... well, they don't really have a whole lot to talk about. That's where iron ingots come in handy. When you give a soldier an iron ingot, they will use it to craft themself a skeletal core, making them stronger and heavier. And as a result of this, the knockback of their strikes will be greatly increased! In turn, they will also fly back a much shorter distance when struck by someone else. Two ironed-up soldiers will cancel out each other, however. The downside to this powerup is that the poor old dirt horses can only handle so much weight, so a soldier with an iron core will not be able to ride one.
Woah, settle down there Mister Piggy. Let me explain. Clay soldiers can use a gravel block to create a supply of throwable rocks. One gravel block is enough for 15 shots. The clay soldiers will hold these rocks in their left hands, and throw the rocks when their enemies are within range. They will back off and try to play defensively, but if an enemy gets too close then they will resort to physical attacks. Also, do you remember those attack-enhancing powerups, like the slime and the redstone dust? Well those powers still apply to the rocks. With the right combination of powers, even just a few rock-throwing soldiers can be an unstoppable force.
Here's a little something I cooked up special for all of you. I'd like to thank a special fellow named "Popular Demand" for making this possible. Here's the thing: a ton of you seem to think this mod is about building a clay civilization with lots of pretty houses rather than fighting. You're incorrect of course, but I decided to do something for you anyway. And this is what you get: A clay soldier is now able to pick up STACKS OF AT LEAST 5 LOGS. Hear that? Not one log, and not two logs. A stack of at least five logs or greater and up to a maximum of 20 logs. What do they do with said logs? They build houses, of course! There are three different random kinds of houses they can build. 5 logs builds a small abode, 10 logs creates a lavish livingspace, and a full 20 logs will fabricate a fabulous fortress (with a bonus chest of sticks inside!). To build these houses however, they will need a good deal of space and no other clay dudes around. Unfortunately, a clay soldier who is holding logs will basically forfeit their ability to fight, climb walls and even ride horses. But if they are attacked, they will drop their logs and defend themselves.
Another largely demanded feature was a better way to manage clay soldier equipment. Well, here it is. A clay soldier near a chest may look inside of it and see if there is any equipment they need. It may take a little while for them to notice a chest, but they will see it eventually. They'll take what they need instantly and leave the rest for everyone else. And if a soldier has clay, they can even bring teammates to life if their bodies are stored within a chest.
And yet another largely demanded feature was the ability to control soldiers. Well, this is pretty much the best I can do! Use a fishing rod to guide a group of soldiers to a central location. I won't get into it, but adding the ability to control a soldier is both VERY difficult to do and causes LOTS of problems, mainly incompatibility with other mods. So, I had to compromise. As an alternate to this, you can also use a dye that is the same color as their team and they'll swarm around it.
Last but not least, it's everyone's favorite dimension-warping handheld tool again! This time, its power has been increased significantly. Not only can it instantly kill all clay-based lifeforms in the near area, but it can also instantly destroy all clay blocks in a 12-meter radius! This opens up a ton of possibilities for fun clay-based projects. Just make sure not to build a stadium out of clay blocks - you'll most likely regret it.
~ Version 3.5 Additions and Changes ~
As promised, this update brings you four new colors of soldiers! There's nothing too special about pink and brown soldiers. In fact, they fight exactly the same way as all the other colors. But if you really want to go through the trouble of getting cocoa beans just to have an additional color, then you have my sympathy! And of course, I didn't stop there. The other two new colors have some very special properties that could quite possibly change they way you think about clay wars...
That's right! White soldiers are completely peaceful. So if a band of ruffians shows up at their doorstep, they'll have no choice but to sit back and take the hurt! They spawn with slightly lower HP (15) than normal, and they won't pick up offensive items. What use are they then? Well, you could have a race to see which team can kill clay soldiers the fastest! And being peaceful makes them the only team which doesn't attack hostile mobs. Now, as for the other team...
Brawler is really the only suitable word for these furious fighters. Black brawlers are so full of rage and fighting spirit, that they will even fight each other! They will also avoid picking up team-based items, such as golden crowns and revival clay. And since they spawn with higher HP (30), there's no telling which one will be the last one standing! And as if that wasn't enough, the boundaries of war have been expanded even further with new items...
What's lighter than a feather? Not a clay soldier! But even so, troops can take advantage of a feather's marvelous air-resisting properties to parachute down from great heights. Once a clay soldier detects that it is falling from a high location and is at the risk of receiving fall damage, it will automatically deploy its carefully-hidden feather and glide down safely. But be careful! Any soldier which has a mount, a heavy iron core, or is carrying logs will not be able to use their feather.
It's the answer to two problems in one simple item! soldiers can't see far enough? Get goggles! Soldiers aren't cool enough? Get goggles!! This convenient piece of headgear extends a clay soldiers's sight range by 5 blocks and also functions as a stylish set of imitation eyes. And to make things even better, all you need is one glass block to make a set of goggles for your whole army! Just make sure to drop it on the ground with q.
Here's a feature that everyone's been waiting for. Well, most people. At least half the people in my forum inbox. Anyway, it's the new Snow Pegasus Mount! A soldier will treat a pegasus mount just like a regular dirt horse, except this one will hover above the ground as its rider traverses the landscape! The snow pegasus can also survive more hits than a regular dirt horse, but at the same time, is just a little bit slower. This new mount is craftable using snow blocks, soulsand and a feather. For more info on crafting, see the summary section.
Unless there's something terribly wrong with you, you probably don't like seeing horse and pegasus carcasses littering the battlefield during an all-out clay war. For those who do have compassion for our miniature equine friends, a new feature has been added! Clay soldiers now have the ability to revive horses, just the same as they would normally revive their friends. And they still use the same material to do so, which is clay lumps. It's hard to tell why that would actually work, but I'm not asking questions.
We're getting closer and closer to the end of our V3 features, so don't give up yet! This handly little addition enables any clay soldier to access a chest within a minecart! It even works as a unit shipment vehichle - load it up with clay dolls and clay lumps, then send it down the road! One cart could change the tide of any battle - and you decide who gets it!
And now, the secret feature! It is a secret so secret that not even the best secret-keepers know about it! It's so great, it's reason to celebrate! It's the ClayCam!
This incredible new feature allows you to view the action close-up! Just right-click a soldier and see the action from over his shoulders! Pressing shift will disable the ClayCam. The smooth and quick camera movement allows you to see the detail of a war like you've never seen it before - until the unit dies, of course!
~ Version 3.6 Additions and Changes ~
Despite the amount of clothes that clay soldiers are able to procure, there has never been a simple material for them to make a cape with. Well, now there finally is. Using a diamond, a clay soldier will not only craft himself a very flashy blue cape, but his abilities as a fighter will increase massively as a result! His health will be multiplies by twenty (20), his weapons and armor will last much longer, he will be able to use food and weapon add-ons for longer, and he will even have a permanent speed-boost effect! Just one super soldier can take down an entire army of foes! But exactly how long will one super soldier last? It's your job to find out!
And just when you thought the mod couldn't get any more intense... There's ZOMBIES! ...or VAMPIRES! ...or ALIENS! In fact, I don't really know what they are, but they're corrupted and evil! When a clay soldier grabs ahold of an enderman pearl, it gets infected with corruption. And suddenly, nothing else matters except spreading it. When a corrupted soldier attacks and kills another innocent soldier, it doesn't die... It gets all of its health back, becomes evil, and joins the corrupted horde! It doesn't matter what team he's on. A non-corrupted soldier is an enemy. And by the time you realize their piercing cries of agony, they'll already be gone. And they'll start coming... for YOU!!!
...And no matter what happens, don't let a super soldier get corrupted... or else you will have quite a problem on your hands.
Other Things that were Fixed:
- - the claycam now works with everything and is compatible with ALL mods.
- soldiers now respond quicker to chests in the nearby area.
~ Version 4 Bugfixes ~
- - the old stairs bug is now fixed.
- behaviour regarding picking up items during battle is slightly improved.
- the glowing is now working again.
- mod will be going open source shortly.
- - - - -
~ Summary of all Crafting Recipes ~
Pink, Brown, Black and White colors are created the same way.
~ Planned Features for Future Updates ~
* Will be going open source soon.
This mod will work with any other mod (even The Aether, I know because I'm a developer). You do however need ModLoader to run this mod.
You must first install Risugami's Mod Loader before this mod will work. Please do not attempt to install old versions of the mod loader into the 1.0.0 client.
If you are using a Mac computer, search for a special Mac installation tutorial if you have problems installing the mod. "Minecrafter" or something like that might work.
Once you've successfully install the three requirements above, simply drag all the files included in the zip into the jar. Remember to leave the image files in the clayman folder, and drag the folder itself into the jar.
Support The Mod:
Here's a custom signature banner that you can use if you don't already have one.
Risugami's ModLoader - Required to run the mod.
- Links -
CSM V4 - for 1.0.0
Optional Pack - Don't install this unless you are using Risugami's Spawner GUI.
- Links -
CSM V4 - for 1.0.0
Optional Pack - Don't install this unless you are using Risugami's Spawner GUI.
- Old Versions -
CSM V3.6 - for beta 1.8.1
Donate: ...only if you want to! Added by request.
Also, This mod seems to have been featured on some site I'm not familiar with. I saw a cool Kenshiro mod on there. They asked me to post this image here, so here you go:
Despite the overwhelming amount of demand for the ability to control clay soldiers, I will not be adding this feature. The requirements for such a thing to be possible involve massive amounts of edits to the original game files, a lot of custom code from scratch and more time than I have available. It would take a miracle for the mod to actually be compatible with anything else as a result. Therefore I shall not be making this feature and instead will focus my efforts on SMP and other creative additions.
Coupon22 posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.yay.Posted in: Minecraft Mods -
Kahr posted a message on [1.8.7 / 1.7.10 and earlier][update 4/23] MCPatcher HD fix 5.0.3Posted in: Resource Packs
Custom item textures!
Better Glass! More transparency options for glass textures.
Better Skies. Add your own textures to the day and night skies. Many options for fading and blending.
Connected Textures.
Custom Colors mod. Texture pack authors can now customize many colors in the game including swamps, lighting, and more. See Misa's texture pack for examples.
Balthichou's RandomMobs mod.
Extended animation, mipmapping, and font support.
Ability to load other mods like ModLoader. See "Installing other Mods" for details.
Ability to save and load mod profiles and switch between them easily. Also organize your mods by the Minecraft version they go with.
Notes and Recent Changes:
Updated to 1.8.4. Note: Some features such as Better Glass are not yet implemented in 1.8.
New biome colormap format.
Custom item textures. Show different textures based on item damage, stack size, and NBT data. Custom enchanments and armor model textures are also supported.
Compatible with Forge, FML standalone, and LiteLoader.
Ad links are available for those who wish to support this project. Or you may donate via paypal:
MCPatcher for the new launcher:
Windows only:
Alternate download
md5sum: 06f828cbfee2cc826c0f42a72f7f6787
All other platforms:
Alternate download
md5sum: 9ef73b0e69ecfecfd69714dd57d8906b
Basic Instructions:[list=1] [list]
Download the correct version of the patcher for your OS.Double-click the patcher. You should see this:
If the wrong Minecraft version is shown (1.6.1 instead of 1.6.2 for example), use the right-hand dropdown box to select the proper version.If you would like Better Grass (full grass texture on the sides of grass blocks next to other grass blocks), select the Options tab, scroll down to Connected Textures, and check the box next to Better Grass.Click Patch.Close MCPatcher and start the game normally. Ensure that the patched profile (e.g., MCPatcher, not your username) is selected in the game's launcher. Or click Test Minecraft to run Minecraft without logging in (single-player only).[/list]
Installing non-Forge Mods with MCPatcher:NOTE: Some of the screenshots below are out of date. The process remains the same, however.
Use MCPatcher to manage other mods as well. This is not only more convenient, it ensures maximum compatibility between MCPatcher's features and other mods. Note that mods must still be compatible with the version of Minecraft you are running. MCPatcher does not and cannot do anything to make mods work with any version of the game other than the one they were written for.[list=1]
In the main patcher window, click the Add (+) button.Select the zip file containing the mod you wish to apply. In this example, we'll use ModLoader.
Click Ok.Next a window showing the list of files that will be added will appear. This is mainly informational. Confirm that the right files are listed and click Ok.
The main patcher window should look like this now:
Now we're going to add a second mod, Better Than Wolves. This will illustrate two important things: How to add just a subfolder from a mod and how to resolve mod conflicts.Click the Add (+) button again.Choose the BTW zip.
Since there are multiple subfolders to choose from, the subfolder window appears. If you blindly add everything from the zip, it will not work. Instead, select the MINECRAFT-JAR folder and click Ok.
Next the list of files to be added is shown. Notice this time how files are being copied from the MINECRAFT-JAR folder into the root of minecraft.jar.
Now we have a slight problem. Both ModLoader and BTW contain vl.class. If you try to patch at this point, you will get a warning about the conflict.
You can ignore this warning and patch anyway. Or you can fix it by removing vl.class from ModLoader. Double-click ModLoader and the list of files will appear again. Select vl.class and click the Remove (-) button. Note: Doing this does not change the original file, only the list of files that will be copied from it.The file list should now look like this. Click Ok.
The main patcher window should look like this:
Click Patch and run the game![/list]
(New) Installing Forge, FML, and/or LiteLoader with MCPatcher:The process for installing Forge/FML/LiteLoader is different.
Close MCPatcher for these first steps.Download the Forge/FML/LiteLoader installer for the corresponding version of Minecraft.Run the installer as usual. If using LiteLoader and you want to chain to Forge, select the appropriate option in the LiteLoader installer.Start the launcher and run the game once with the Forge/LiteLoader profile just created. This will ensure the necessary libraries are downloaded.Close the game and start MCPatcher.From the Game Version drop-down menu, choose the Forge/LiteLoader version that was just created. For example, 1.6.2-Forge9.10.0.804 or LiteLoader1.6.2.For Forge or FML, an extra entry will appear in the MCPatcher mods tab, but nothing extra will be added for LiteLoader. This is normal.Click Patch.Click Test Minecraft, or close MCPatcher and run the launcher, making sure that the correct profile (e.g., MCPatcher) and version (e.g., 1.6.2-Forge9.10.0.804-mcpatcher) are selected.[/list]
NOTE: FML will produce many errors during startup complaining about binary discrepancies. These are due to the fact that FML and MCPatcher modify the same classes and can be safely ignored.
FAQ / TroubleshootingMy virus scanner says the patcher has a virus!
Some scanners detect WS.Reputation.1. It is a false positive that can be ignored. WS.Reputation.1 isn't so much a virus as it is the scanner saying "This file is new, so I don't trust it." See this post by shinji257 for more information.
Extended HD or one of the other mods is greyed out.
If you install mods by hand before running the patcher, you may run into this problem. Start from a clean minecraft.jar instead and this shouldn't happen. Delete the bin folder in .minecraft and redownload it. Try patching again first without any mods. If that works, then add mods one at a time using the patcher as described above.
I want to use a texture pack created for Minecraft 1.5 with Minecraft 1.6.
Use the Convert Texture Pack options in the main menu to convert a texture pack to the new format. This replaces Mojang's TextureEnder.jar and converts MCPatcher-specific features like CTM to the new format. The converted texture pack will be in the resourcepacks folder.
I installed XXX Mod using the patcher and now the game crashes.
Try using the Up/Down arrows in the patcher to apply mods in a different order. In my experience, putting other mods before Extended HD, etc., (which is the default behavior) works better, but you can also try moving them after.
I tried installing XXX Mod both above and below the built-in mods, and it didn't work.
If you tried installing both ways and it didn't work, then you're out of luck. You'll have to choose between MCPatcher and the other mod. Unless the source code for the mod is available, I probably won't be able to fix the incompatibility.
All this patching, repatching, installing, and uninstalling mods has made a mess of things. Now I just want to start fresh.
Open the .minecraft/versions folder and delete the -mcpatcher folder.
The "Open Resource Packs Folder" button in the game doesn't work. / Where do I put my resource packs?
Navigate to the appropriate folder for your OS. The resource folder will be in there.
Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\.minecraftWindows Vista/7 - C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\.minecraftMacOS - From your home directory, go to Library -> Application Support -> minecraftLinux - ~/.minecraft[/list]
As a shortcut, in Windows, you can also press Windows key+R, then type %APPDATA%\.minecraft\resourcepacks and hit Enter.
Multiplayer does not work / Achievements are not saved / I get the "Unlicensed copy or logged in from another location" message when using the Test Minecraft button.
That's because the Test Minecraft button does not log in. It is useful for testing that the patcher worked, but if you want multiplayer or achievements, use the normal game launcher.
Does this work with version x.y.z of Minecraft?
Unlike most mods, MCPatcher is designed to be version-independent. It should work across multiple versions of the game, only breaking compatibility when there is a major change. MCPatcher 4.x should work with any 1.6-or-newer release. MCPatcher 3.x is for 1.5, and 2.x is for earlier versions. Before breathlessly posting to ask when MCPatcher will be updated, just try running the version you have. Most of the time it will work as-is and you'll save yourself some unnecessary waiting.
I have a different problem not mentioned here.
Before posting, please Google for "mcpatcher other keywords" to see if your question has already been answered. If you do post, please include the log in your post as well. The Copy To Clipboard button puts code tags around it so all you have to do is paste it into your post.
Information for Texture Pack Authors
NOTE: The information in this section is being moved to the MCPatcher wiki on bitbucket.
Custom Animations
See and
HD Font
Random Mobs
See and
Custom Colors
Connected Textures (sample ctm .properties)
MCPatcher offers a greatly enhanced version of the Connected Textures Mod. In addition to connecting blocks to their neighbors in various ways, MCPatcher supports random, repeat, and fixed methods. Any of these methods can be applied conditionally by block ID, tile name, metadata, face, biome, or height.
CTM properties files and supporting textures are in the ~/ctm folder. Each properties file represents one block or tile override and contains a method, some supporting textures, and optional conditions like metadata or face. Multiple properties files can affect the same block or tile, but only the first matching one (in alphabetical order by filename) will be used. Files in ~/ctm can be organized into subfolders any depth. The subfolders are simply to make organization easier; MCPatcher doesn't care about their names.
A simple connected glass block requires a properties file and 47 separate textures:
~/ctm/myglass/<br> method=ctm<br> tiles=0-46<br>
The tiles must be separate png files in the /ctm/myglass directory following this pattern:
The image above shows the pattern of the 47 tiles. In your texture pack you must provide 47 separate image files, not just a single tilesheet.
Horizontally-connected CTM follows this pattern. Again, use 4 separate images, not a tilesheet.
Vertically-connected CTM follows this pattern:
Horizontal+vertical and Vertical+horizontal (method=h+v and v+h respectively) combine the two, favoring one over the other. Each requires 7 tiles. Template, courtesy of Misa, here.
See the sample file for more information.
A CTM rule can act on the output of another CTM rule. Just use the full path of the first CTM tile in the second's matchTiles property. Here's how to create randomized horizontally-connected bookshelves:
# Main top-level bookshelf CTM<br>~/ctm/bookshelf/<br> method=horizontal<br> tiles=0-3<br># One additional CTM matching each output tile of the previous CTM<br># Tiles 4.png and 5.png will be used in place of 0.png, etc.<br>~/ctm/bookshelf/<br> matchTiles=~/ctm/bookshelf/0.png<br> method=random<br> tiles=4 5<br>~/ctm/bookshelf/<br> matchTiles=~/ctm/bookshelf/1.png<br> method=random<br> tiles=6 7<br>~/ctm/bookshelf/<br> matchTiles=~/ctm/bookshelf/2.png<br> method=random<br> tiles=8 9<br>~/ctm/bookshelf/<br> matchTiles=~/ctm/bookshelf/3.png<br> method=random<br> tiles=10 11<br>
Better Glass (sample, sample texture pack)
The Better Glass mod extends Connected Textures to add full alpha channel support to glass blocks and panes.
Colored glass is made with two textures, one for the frame and another for the glass part. Due to a limitation of the game's renderer, the glass part will disappear when it is behind another translucent texture like water or ice. However the frame will remain visible, which is a decent compromise.
~/ctm/myglass/<br> method=ctm<br> tiles=0-46<br> renderPass=2<br><br>~/ctm/myglass/<br> method=ctm<br> tiles=47-93<br> renderPass=3<br><br>~/ctm/myglass/<br> method=ctm<br> tiles=0-46<br><br>~/ctm/myglass/<br> method=ctm<br> tiles=47-93<br> renderPass=3<br>
The renderPass property specifies when the block should be rendered. Each render pass has different properties:
0: Normal, solid blocks. Virtually all blocks use this rendering pass. Only on/off transparency is supported.1: Existing translucent blocks (water, ice, etc.).[/list]
Better Glass adds two new rendering passes:
2: Same as pass #0 but with backface culling disabled. Again, only on/off transparency is supported. If you find it unsettling to see only the front faces of a supposedly transparent glass block, use this render pass to make all six visible.3: Extra pass with full alpha support. Will be hidden when rendered behind water, etc., from pass #1. The blending method can be changed in[/list]
The rendering passes happen in this order: 0, 2, 1, 3. Note that the glass block uses render pass 2 for its frame but the glass pane does not. If you use 2 with the glass pane you will see z-fighting because the game puts the two sides of the pane at the same coordinates.
As you may have guessed, Better Glass can be used with any block that supports CTM by adding the appropriate entries to their properties files. One limitation is that the properties must be based on block ID rather than tile name. Also keep in mind that the render pass is applied to all blocks with the same block ID. Render pass 2 replaces render pass 0, so if you assign, for example, stone slabs to render pass 2, then you must have CTM rules covering all slabs (block ID 44) for render pass 2. Otherwise the other slabs will be invisible.
Better Skies (sample, skybox template)
Tired of the default starfield? MCPatcher supports fully customizable skyboxes! Multiple skyboxes can be layered together using several blending methods and set to fade in and out at certain times of the day.
Each "layer" of custom sky must have a .properties file located at ~/sky/world0/ In it you specify a texture (default: ~/sky/world0/sky.png), the time of day the texture should fade in and out, and a blending method (default: add). Various blending methods are available: add, subtract, multiply, dodge, burn, screen, and replace. See the sample file for more options.
The skybox texture is mapped onto a rotating cube around the game world. The texture can be any size but must have 2 rows of 3 tiles. The template shows how the six tiles on the texture map to faces of the skybox. This orientation is taken at noon in game time, so the sun is drawn in the center of the top face and the moon in the center of the bottom face. This means that a custom starfield should have whatever you want to be directly overhead on the bottom face.
Better Skies works only in the overworld. The Nether and The End are not supported.
Custom Item Textures (sample, sample
What CTM does for terrain, CIT does for items. Customize item appearance by damage value, stack size, and NBT data. Create different effects for different enchantments.
All files related to CIT are in the ~/cit folder. Like CTM, files can be further organized into subfolders. An optional file specifies global behavior of CIT, particularly with how multiple custom enchantment effects are handled.
The bulk of CIT behavior is defined in multiple properties files within the ~/cit folder. Each properties file lists a type (item, enchantment, armor); some criteria for when the replacement should happen based on item ID, damage, etc.; and one or more replacement textures. If multiple files match the same item, the one with the highest weight property takes priority.
type=<item | enchantment | armor><br>items=<item IDs><br>damage=<damage values><br>stackSize=<stack sizes><br>enchantmentIDs=<list of enchantment IDs><br>enchantmentLevels=<list of enchantment levels><br>nbt.<expression>=<NBT value><br>weight=<priority relative to other CIT files><br>texture=<replacement texture><br>
(Most of these properties are optional.)
CIT type=item defines a simple texture replacement. The game uses a custom texture instead instead of the default one in textures/items. Replacement textures can be animated using Mojang's .mcmeta format. For items with more than one texture (bows, potions, spawner eggs), specify all the replacement textures in a single properties file:
# Wrong - will show the same texture when the bow is pulled back<br>texture=my_special_bow_standby<br># Correct - separate textures for each bow state<br>texture.bow_standby=my_special_bow_standby<br>texture.bow_pulling_0=my_special_bow_pulling_0<br>texture.bow_pulling_1=my_special_bow_pulling_1<br>texture.bow_pulling_2=my_special_bow_pulling_2<br>
CIT type=enchantment replaces the default glint effect. Different enchantments can be given different textures based on enchantment type or level or both. If an item has multiple enchantments, the effects can be blended together or cycled. If no custom enchantment is found for an enchanted item, the default enchanted_item_glint.png is used. This can be disabled by setting useGlint=false in the global file.
CIT type=armor replaces the armor texture shown in third-person view and on other players. Each armor type has two textures except for leather which has four. Use the same syntax as with the bow example to replace multiple textures:
# Diamond<br>texture.diamond_layer_1=...<br>texture.diamond_layer_2=...<br># Leather<br>texture.leather_layer_1=...<br>texture.leather_layer_1_overlay=...<br>texture.leather_layer_2=...<br>texture.leather_layer_2_overlay=...<br>
There is an alternate method for replacement textures for potions. Rather than dealing with the complexities of damage values for potion types, there is a simpler filename-based method you can use instead. No properties files are needed to use this method, only a png file with the proper path. See the section at the bottom of the template file for details.
Other InformationOther links:
Java source code - includes a project for the IntelliJ IDEA IDE.Older versions: Bitbucket githubxau's original MCPatcher thread is available here. The old patcher (1.1.12_02) no longer works as of Beta 1.5_01.[/list]
Settings, including the list of enabled mods and files to include, are saved to mcpatcher.json in the .minecraft folder. The format should be self-explanatory for those familiar with json.
From the main patcher window, you can also
enable or disable individual mods by checking/unchecking them,edit a mod by double-clicking it,remove altogether a mod you previously added by selecting it and clicking the Remove (-) button, andchange the order in which mods will be applied using the up and down arrows.[/list]
If you are curious about the actual bytecode changes MCPatcher makes, use MCP to decompile a patched minecraft.jar.
Version History4/18/2015 5.0.3 release
Updated for 1.8.4.Fixed Forge detection for newer versions.Sync with recent launcher changes.2/21/2015 5.0.2 release
Updated for 1.8.3.Support for custom underlava overlay color via colormap/underlava.png.Ability to turn off clouds entirely via clouds=none in[/list]
11/24/2014 5.0.0_02 release
Updated for 1.8.1.Fixed error rendering enderman held blocks.[/list]
11/4/2014 5.0.0_01 release
Fixed missing "preRenderHeld" method crash.Fixed incorrect mooshroom overlay rendering.[/list]
11/2/2014 5.0.0 release
Updated to 1.8.1.Backported current features to 1.5.2.Too many other changes to list.[/list]
6/26/2014 4.3.2_03 release
Updated for 1.7.10.[/list]
4/1/2014 4.3.2_02 release
Fixed vertical ctm with certain block types.Fixed Better Grass coloring issues.Fixed potential crash with null blockAccess object.[/list]
3/20/2014 4.3.2_01 release
Updated to 14w11b.Fixed extra render pass issues with forge.Fixed glass panes connecting incorrectly.Reset custom redstone colors when switching packs.Less strict checking of neighbor metadata for CTM.[/list]
2/27/2014 4.3.2 release
Updated for 1.7.5 / 14w08a.Fixed launcher incompatibility with Test Minecraft button.Replaced min/maxHeight properties with "heights" in CTM and Random Mobs.Fixed useGlint=false not applying to armor models.Fixed conflict with Forge texture loading.Fixed problem rendering a custom compass in item frames.Various CTM and custom colormap fixes.[/list]
1/1/2014 4.3.1_01 release
Do not render top and bottom edges between connected glass panes.Use new URL for downloading libraries.Use gson 2.2.4 for older Minecraft versions.Handle newer Forge versions named 'forge', not 'minecraftforge'.[/list]
Benimatic posted a message on The Twilight Forest (v2.3.5: Wrecking Block)Posted in: Minecraft ModsImagine stepping through a portal into a twilight realm, filled with trees as far as they eye can see. Breathtaking vistas and amazing discoveries await you around every corner. But beware! Not all denizens of the forest respond to your intrusion lightly.
Updated March 29th to version 2.3.5. This version supports Minecraft 1.7.10. New in this version, the Snow Queen rules over the Aurora Palace high atop the glacier, while trolls inhabit caves deep in the rock of the highlands. In addition to these new areas to explore, this version also revises the progression system to feature very visible weather effects in "locked" biomes, instead of less-visible magic effects. Version 2.3.4 adds a /tfprogress command to advance a player's progress, as well as hint monsters that may appear if you're struggling with the progression system. Version 2.3.5 fixes bugs, adds the knightmetal block-and-chain tool and adds a bit of new swamp scenery.
If you haven't played one of the 2.0 versions, there is a new progression system. See the details on the wiki page.
Support this mod on
Follow me on Twitter: @benimatic.
Old Versions:Download v2.3.3 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 2/7/14
Download v2.3.2 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 9/22/14
Download v2.3.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 9/18/14
Download v2.2.3 (mirror)- universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Also supports 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 7/17/14
Download v2.2.1(mirror)- universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Also supports 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 7/12/14
Download v2.2.0(mirror)- universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Also supports 1.7.10. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 6/29/14
Download v2.1.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 6/14/14
Download v2.1.0 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 6/8/14
Download v2.0.3 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/10/14
Download v2.0.2 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/6/14
Download v2.0.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.7.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/4/14
Download v1.20.4 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.4. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/15/14
Download v1.20.3 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.4. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 11/26/13
Download v1.20.2 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.4. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 11/11/13
Download v1.20.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.4. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 10/7/13
Download v1.20.0 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.4. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 9/22/13
Download v1.19.3 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 9/8/13
Download v1.19.0 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.6.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 8/4/13
Download v1.18.2 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 6/30/13
Download v1.18.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 5/27/13
Download v1.18.0 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 5/11/13
Download v1.17.2 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.1 or 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 4/30/13
Download v1.17.1 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.1 or 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/30/13
Download v1.17.0 - universal mod package for Minecraft 1.5.1 or 1.5.2. Requires Minecraft Forge or higher. Uploaded 3/21/13
Download v1.16.3 - universal package for Minecraft 1.5.0. Requires Minecraft Forge 7.7. Uploaded 3/20/13
Download v1.16.2 - universal package for Minecraft 1.5.0. Requires Minecraft Forge 7.7. Uploaded 3/18/13
Download v1.15.4 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.7. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.6. Uploaded 3/2/13
Download v1.15.3 ( link) - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.7. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.6. Uploaded 2/16/13
Download v1.15.2 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.7. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.6. Uploaded 2/10/13
Download v1.15.1 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.7. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.6. Uploaded 1/19/13
Download v1.15.1 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.7. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.6. Uploaded 1/12/13
Download v1.14.0 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.6. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.5. Uploaded 12/21/12
Download v1.13.2 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.5. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.4. Uploaded 12/16/12
Download v1.13.1 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.5. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.4. Uploaded 11/26/12
Download v1.13.0 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.4 or Minecraft 1.4.5. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.3 (for 1,4,4) or Forge 6.4 (for 1.4.5). Uploaded 11/14/12
Download v1.12.3 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.2. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.0.1.whatever. Uploaded 11/14/12
Download v1.12.2 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.2. Requires Minecraft Forge 6.0.1.whatever. Uploaded 11/5/12
Download v1.12.0 - universal package for Minecraft 1.4.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 10/25/12
Download v1.11.11 - package for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 10/19/12
Download v1.11.10 - package for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 10/6/12
Download v1.11.8 - package for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 9/27/12
Download v1.11.5 - package for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 9/11/12
Download v1.11.4 - universal files for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 9/3/12
Download v1.11.3 - universal files for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 8/26/12
Download v1.11.1 - universal files for Minecraft 1.3.2. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 8/20/12
Download v1.10.1 - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 6/8/12
Download v1.10.1 - server - server files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 6/8/12
Download v1.10.0 - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 6/5/12
Download v1.9.1 - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 6/3/12
Download v1.9.1 - server - server files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 6/3/12
Download v1.9.0 - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 5/1/12
]Download v1.9.0 - server - server files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 5/1/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 4/19/12 Updated 4/22 - fixed a few stray pixels on the items and armors.
Link Removed - server files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. It is highly recommended that you update your forge to or newer. Uploaded 4/19/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 4/8/12
Link Removed - server files for Minecraft 1.2.5. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 4/8/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.2.4. Requires Minecraft Forge (& ModLoader & ModloaderMp). Uploaded 4/1/12 (Re-uploaded on 4/3 to fix a bug causing more-than-usual lag in SMP. Download the file again if you're having that problem.)
Link Removed - server files for Minecraft 1.2.4. Requires Minecraft Forge (& ModloaderMp). Uploaded 4/1/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.2.3. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 3/13/12
Link Removed - server files for Minecraft 1.2.3. Requires Minecraft Forge. Uploaded 3/13/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.2.3. Uploaded 3/8/12
Link Removed - client files for Minecraft 1.1. Uploaded 1/26/12
Link Removed - server files for Minecraft 1.1. Only needed for a multiplayer server, of course. Uploaded 1/26/12
Link Removed - for Minecraft 1.1. Uploaded 1/20/12
Link Removed - for Minecraft 1.0. Uploaded 11/29/11
Link Removed - for Minecraft 1.8.1. Uploaded 11/02/11
Link Removed - for Minecraft 1.8.1. Uploaded 10/04/11
Link Removed - for Minecraft 1.8.1. Uploaded 9/27/11
Download v0.1p4 -updated 08/22 - for Minecraft 1.7.3. Note that saves from previous updates are not fully compatible so you will have to start a new game.
Download server mod 0.1p4 - for Minecraft 1.7.3. Only needed if you are running an SMP server. To install, drop files into the minecraft_server.jar. Note that it replaces the normal world, so you will need to generate a new world to use this.Change Log:
View the change log on the wiki.
View the FAQ on the wiki.
Installation Instructions:
View the installation instructions on the wiki.
Getting There:
To make a portal to the Twilight Forest, make a 2 x 2 shallow pool (4 squares) of water in a grassy area, and surround it entirely with natural stuff. Flowers, mushrooms or tall grass. Then throw a diamond in (with the "Q" key, by default) and stand back!
It should look a little like this:
Videos:Loooks has a great video showing some scenes from the mod here. Very tranquil.
Direwolf20's wonderful mod spotlight video should whet your appetite for some exploration:
The Yogscast explores the Twilight Forest, Part 1:
Yogscast Part 2:
Yogscast Part 3:
Lots more videos in this spoiler tag here! Some installation guides and some more mod showcases.
Paulsoaresjr takes on the Twilight Forest in his Man vs. Minecraft series. Episode 1 below, but check out the whole series.
Loooks has a great video spotlighting some of the new features here. Very tranquil.
Minecraftmoe shows you some views of the Twilight Forest with some epic music.
GameChap and Bertie are always entertaining. Here is their video showcasing the latest version:
Installation guide by SCMowns:
RoosterInASuit does a nice install guide/spotlight:
Runemaster96 does a very nice job with a mod showcase here:
Piedudeaus's Mod Spotlight:
GeraldoCockerhan fights the naga and wins!
Elliothawk has an in-depth exploration video:
MinecraftScorpion does a Mod Showcase:
Spelunkstar has a two-part video:
Older (but still good) Videos
Etalyx's Mod Spotlight:
Mod Pack Policy:
Please note that I don't usually have the time to respond to mod pack requests (or private messages in general).
You have permission to include the Twilight Forest mod in any mod pack, as long as the following conditions are met:
- Provide a link to this forum post
- Properly credit the author, Benimatic
- You cannot make any money off of the mod pack
- Remove the mod from your pack if I specifically request it
The Twilight Forest is fully supported in the Zekocraft texture pack. I love it!
Also there's the strange and wonderful Ruinex texture pack has textures for this mod.
Please let me know about other texture packs.
KensuleNL made a great banner for your signature:
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>
- To post a comment, please login.
I have... enough TNT as it is. If thats possible :tongue.gif:
I already explained this but I'll go over it again. TO go to a stronghold and open up the End you need the Eye of Ender. They Eye of Ender is made with Ender Pearls and Blaze Powder. Blaze rods, the base of a blaze powder, is found in a Nethe rFortress which, yet again, I will explain to you that I have LITERALLY searched within 5,000 blocks in ever ydirection of my Nethe rPOrtal and there are no Fortresses making beating the game impossible :sad.gif:. On the other hand I do have Terraria but it doesn't seem to last as long for me. :sad.gif:. And yes I could learn to build but that is not a skill that is easily acquired. People need to learn how to read.
You obviously haven't tried to beat Minecraft yet. You need to find a Nether Fortress so you can get Blaze Rods and make the Eye of Ender than you can go to The End and fight the annoying little dragon.
Best in my opinion Has very few blank spots and the chances that that blank spot would be an elusive diamond are around 1/1056. Also very easy to dig out.