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    posted a message on I ran out of things to do.
    Did you have any purpose for directly quoting me? :Skeleton:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I ran out of things to do.
    Quote from redjay17

    Farm creepers and sand to make tnt.
    Tnt makes everything fun.

    I have... enough TNT as it is. If thats possible :tongue.gif:
    Quote from Pyrographics

    Find a stronghold, explore it, and if it has a portal, go to the End and actually "beat the game". There's quite a lot of adventure in Minecraft, and a good amount of stuff to do. And if you get REALLY bored, buy Terraria.
    Terraria is for people who like to explore more than build. :wink.gif:

    EDIT - Try to earn every achievement, and also (as suggested), learn how to build, it would make the game last so much more! Maybe build a tree house in the jungle if you have the new snapshot, because those trees NEED to have treehouses! :laugh.gif:

    I already explained this but I'll go over it again. TO go to a stronghold and open up the End you need the Eye of Ender. They Eye of Ender is made with Ender Pearls and Blaze Powder. Blaze rods, the base of a blaze powder, is found in a Nethe rFortress which, yet again, I will explain to you that I have LITERALLY searched within 5,000 blocks in ever ydirection of my Nethe rPOrtal and there are no Fortresses making beating the game impossible :sad.gif:. On the other hand I do have Terraria but it doesn't seem to last as long for me. :sad.gif:. And yes I could learn to build but that is not a skill that is easily acquired. People need to learn how to read.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I ran out of things to do.
    Quote from hqt99

    If you think you have to go to a nether fortress to find the ender dragons then you have not done everything because your wrong on that. The end portal is found in the over world in a strong hold.

    You obviously haven't tried to beat Minecraft yet. You need to find a Nether Fortress so you can get Blaze Rods and make the Eye of Ender than you can go to The End and fight the annoying little dragon.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Best mining method?

    Best in my opinion Has very few blank spots and the chances that that blank spot would be an elusive diamond are around 1/1056. Also very easy to dig out.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Hunger: A poorly thought out rant
    I don't like it because you heal incredibly slowly, if your hungry you don't heal until you're full and if your fighting something you have to stop for 2 seconds to eat which gives a skeleton enough time to shoot you three times or a creeper enough time to blow you to hell.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Found this awesome pic on tumblr about 1.8
    Die hard Spongebob fans like me remember this great episode and I found it hilarious! Good old Alaskan Bull Worm!
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Finger Hurts While Mining
    I can hold down my mouse for a number of hours and feel no pain. What kind of mouse do you have?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How 1.8 has affect my views of Mojang
    I have a few things to say. First off lets look at Call of Duty for our first example and Halo for our second one. These have to do with Minecraft because COD is pushed out every year and because of that in every COD game there are things hat can be exploited that ultimately ruin the game and make it nothing but a rage fest. Now lets also look at Halo. They have only made a handful of games since the first one came out in 2001. I'm not really a big Halo fan but i do know that since they have a long time to work on games and the games a re great for that reason. The same thing with Battlefield. They have only made 3 games and each one is arguably one of the best FPS games. Now I'm getting kind of of topic but you can see what I mean where great games take a while. And Minecraft is doing something truly unique and amazing that not a lot of people do. They let you play their games in Beta. Usually games are tested by specific people who are high up in that company or go to some super expensive event as opposed to Minecraft which lets any one with $20 beta test a great game and get the full version for free. Now I think thats pretty cool and in my opinion you're just extremely inpatient. Also you're saying that Notch is being greedy by working on multiple games at once and just getting more money by the second. First off hes trying to please his fans by making them games that they may like. What you're saying is that big companies like Valve or Treyarch should all just shut down and stop making games because they've made their fortunes. Notch is in love with his job and his job is making good games. You're telling this man to just stop one of the worlds best jobs because you think he has enough money. You sound more greedy than any big game developer! :angry.gif: Also think about this. 1.9 will take a long time coming and if you want it to be with 1.8 then fine. If you want you can keep 1.7 until 1.9 is out then fine. Ignore the fact that Notch is compensating for the long wait by giving us half the update to make his fans happy. If you want to be extremely ignorant and ignore all the things that he is doing for you and all his fans then go ahead but don't go and publicly yell at him and his company if you're not getting YOU'RE way! And are you seriously saying he doesn't care about his fans enough to respond to them? ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Okay go ahead show that me that day by day you can respond to the greater part of 13,045,934 peoples emails while trying to make three games. Please do. There I think I've made my point. This took about 45 minutes to write and if you read the whole thing then you can have a cookie. Thank you and good night.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The Pyromaniac mod!
    This would very much go with my name :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Beta 1.8 Discoveries
    Why is everyone getting pissy about the pistons only update? Notch asked the community if we wanted Pistons early. We said yes so hes putting them in an update for us on Thursday. In no part of this did he say that the new update would back up 1.8's release date another month. Also a lot of people are saying that he is hurrying the full game along. Even if he is that doesn't mean there will never be another update again. He said himself that when the full game is out he won't stop adding updates and items. And just because he is adding another update that doesn't mean hes hurrying the game along. The number 1.7 is NOT A DECIMAL! Its possible for a product to go into Betas like 1.100. The only thing that the Piston update is doing is adding to the game! If you don't like pistons no one said you have to use them or you'll never be able to play Minecraft again! Honestly its ONLY an improvement!
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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