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    posted a message on Piston Light Glitch??
    Quote from onlyonec

    interesting. i'll test it out.

    edit: i cant reproduce it. hmm in fact pistons are transparent as far as i can tell.

    not to be rude but transparent means to be able to see through like glass...unless im a fail at english too...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Piston Light Glitch??
    oops turns out I suck at using the forums sory i really cant post images properly
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Piston Light Glitch??
    Well I found this out when it was getting dark and I was thinking of pistons so hey why not make a piston house even though that doesn't make sense. Anyway before I went to sleep I noticed the light levels where the same even though it was all blocked up and when i woke up, the light levels changed to day. I don't know if this was intentional but I guess they really wouldn't have expected for someone to make a house out of pistons :P I've taken the liberty of taking a few screenshots for you guys, tell me what you think!

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Semi-Automatic Mining operation.
    Huh interesting! It seems that slimes aren't such of a nuisense!
    But you would tun out of tools so its not completely automatic
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How to make a piston elevator
    Wow thanks I just tried this with the pistons mod. I've always wanted an elavator in minecraft. Thanks!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on musics disks
    Quote from jwong98

    i wonder am i the first one but does anyone thin each music disks that a creeper drops should have more than one song on it?

    They are adding more soundtracks to minecraft in a few patches. so far only CAT and C418 or something or other
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.4.6] Pig Grinder [Updated]
    64 DIAMONDS FOR U!!!!!! :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [16x][1.7.2]RelaxCraft v1.2(Simple)
    Looks a bit like cw_guy's Pixel Pack...but still very nice! :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Apple Trees?
    Quote from azzanine

    Seems like a no brainer really.

    Srsly what possessed notch to make an apple of all things a dungeon reward.

    I like this idea.

    Thanks! Hopefully we can get this idea implemented.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Cocoa Beans
    Quote from GobbieMarauder

    If memory serves, Notch intends to make Cocoa Beans farmable eventually.

    To be honest, Mossy Cobble, Apples, Cocoa Beans, I wish they were all common. Of course, I dunno what they'd put in the dungeons instead. You know, besides the random bits of crap they have now. "Oh, good, a long-dead civilization had the sense to preserve and guard a bunch of string."

    True, maybe they could make dungeons have gold, diamonds, armour etc
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Cocoa Beans
    Quote from Spaceboot1

    I think there should be a very small chance of leaf blocks dropping cocoa beans when they are destroyed. Instead of saplings. Same thing for apples.

    Thats a good idea. There really should be an easier way to get cocoa beans then having to find dungeons, which half the time dont have cocoa beans in them
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Cocoa Beans
    Quote from MINNYMINNER

    coco beans are real they grow on trees

    I know I was talking about cocoastone
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Cocoa Beans
    Quote from cw_guy

    you should get it out of ghasts because everyone knows that ghasts LOVE chocolate !

    Really? ...well even if they did, it'd just fall in lava :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Cocoa Beans
    Quote from MINNYMINNER

    im making a mode call cocostone and when its mined it drops coco beans

    Interesting. I guess its not entirely ridiculous because even though it not real, redstone isnt real either. I like your suggestion! :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Cocoa Beans
    Would there be a sensible way of getting cocoa beans? or do you guys think it should remain part of dungeon loot?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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