Use at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damage done to your Minecraft worlds.
World Tools is a basic mod that adds new tools to help quicken the building process when building in creative. Sure, some commands exist in Minecraft that do this same thing, but they are not very practical and are a pain to use.
World Tools v2 is an upgrade that has mostly the same functionality as the original, but is completely redone to be much easier to use.
-complete remake of mod
-now actually works in multiplayer, finally
-added in-game hints for your convenience, press to open menu to toggle
-removed reliance on commands except for undo
-press [C] to toggle between floating and direct selection types
-hold [CTRL] and scroll mouse wheel to adjust floating selection distance
-cursor now uses left and right mouse buttons instead of alternating
-holding [ALT] with cursor can be used to nudge selection
-hammer left click will select block, right click will fill area with selected block
-copy and paste combined into single tool, right click to copy, left click to paste
-copy and paste will now also work with entities and tile entities
-left clicking with brush will now create sphere fit to selected area
-hold the sneak key while using the cursor to keep from alternating if the first or second position is selected
-"/wt tools" can now be used instantly put world tools directly into the player's inventory
-new copy and paste textures
-changed default floating selection type distance to 7
-[BUG] players without correct permissions can still use "/wt" commands
-[BUG] outline rendering issues
-new "Direct" and "Floating" selection types (see guide for details)
-added options for selection type to menu
-"/wt set" can now be used to set the first or second selected position to a specified coordinate
-rearranged menu layout
-[BUG] tools are able to be stacked
-added brush tool for making spheres
-if no block is being looked at by the player, the position 5 blocks in front of the player will be selected-removed eraser, eraser functionality added to hammer
-changed hammer behavior
-added fill, set, and give commands
-[BUG] world renders strangely while attempting to draw outline box in F1 mode
-added undo command
-selected area now outlined for better visualization
-new menu to customize outline (more options for the mod to be added here in the future)
-[BUG] major multiplayer issues
-added copy and paste tools
-initial release
[v2.0] Guide
Use the cursor tool to select the an area to start working with. Click in each of the opposite corners. Once an area is selected, an outline appear around it. This is the area that other tools will be working with.
The hammer is used to select the desired block to work with and also to fill the selected area with that block. All properties of that block will be copied. As of now, this does not work with tile entities (chests, furnaces, hoppers, etc.).
The copy tool is used to copy the selected area to the player's clipboard. The area is copied by using the copy tool on a block. The area is copied relative to the position of the block clicked. Once an area has been copied, click on a block to paste the copied area in the desired spot. A box will appear indicating where the area will be
pasted to relative to the position of the block the player is looking at.
The brush tool can be used to create spheres. Press [V] while holding the brush to open a menu which will allow you to change the size of the sphere. Simply right click to create the sphere. Left clicking will create a sphere that fits the area selected by the cursor. Warning: Getting trapped in the sphere is possible if the sphere covers the area the player is located. Breaking out may be necessary.
[v1.2] Screenshots
Area selected
Area filled with wooden planks
Area erased
Area copied
Area undone
Customization menu
Or, if you prefer a video, here is a
[v1.1.1] Mod Review by BloodveinHD
Basically, install this mod like every single other forge mod:
1) Install the latest recommended version of Forge for 1.8.
2) Place the downloaded worldtools.jar into the "%appdata% > Roaming > .minecraft > mods" folder. If it doesn't exist, create the folder manually.
3) Open the Minecraft launcher and select the "1.10-Forge" version.
4) Run Minecraft.
Ok, thanks!
Shift-right click (crouch-use)
Punny! xD
If you're on Windows, right click your volume button, hit Volume Mixer, and see if Minecraft *version* is there xD For me it's either not there, muted, on low volume, or says "Name Not Available" xD Restart your game (or just live with it) For me it's a 50-50 chance the volume will be correct and I often don't notice because I'm extremely hard of hearing and keep my sounds around 20% so I can hear people on Mumble
Oh, and there was a corruption glitch when there were too many blockstates in a chunk or something like that and they fixed it xD
Lol, which version? Iron Titan only works in 1.7 and lower, in 1.8 you have to use the basic one (the one with instructions outlined on the MC WIki) xD
It doesn't even matter if Optifine's installed or not. IRON TITAN DOES NOT WORK ON 1.8 OR 1.9. End of story.
It was the golem revamp thing Mojang did.
Love the outing xD
If it doesn't happen until you look at him with the biscuit/feed him the biscuit, then I feel like it's an issue with the dog tilting his head?
I love your mods in the pack BTW, good choice I'm kind of surprised a couple mods weren't in there (they weren't in the original Dogcraft though so I'm not too sad ;D)
Stacyplays had the same issue. Give them more biscuits until their tail wags, not until you name them.
I feel like I'm the only person who learned about this mod from Stacyplays xD This is an epic mod though and honestly, it's one of the few mods I would run without actually putting it in a pack (It does spice it up quite a bit, though...)
I read it on a modded support forum tbh. It could've easily been for other blocks.
(I do lag a lot more when using biome mods, which would probably be from the leaves as my game is unplayable if I spawn in/near a jungle.)
Believe me, my system is... not good. It's just plain... *shivers* I have a TABLET that can run PC Minecraft better than my computer (using the Boardwalk app... Loading is pretty slow though).