Hello! I'd like to invite you to join Terra, an in-development SMP network. This project was started July 15th, 2021, and development is expected to carry into 2026. I'm an experienced MC server administrator, having helped run servers from 2016 - 2021, and I've played MC since June 2011.
While the SMP server / network overall is still in-development, we're hosting handmade command block minigames on a self-hosted server in the meantime. Our current highlight is "Battling Bridges" designed as an alternative to Bed Wars / Egg Wars but primarily as its own kind of Red vs. Blue mode. As mentioned, it's powered almost entirely by command blocks, MC functions, and a dash of plugin magic. A 2.0 update is in the works as well!
My friends and I have a lot of fun in these events, and so I'd like to invite you to be a part of it all, too. I'm aiming to do at least a couple of these a month, with a new minigame in the works called Terra Tournament, essentially an attempt at a new take on a mix of UHC / Hunger Games.
So, while the larger project is worked on, why don't you join us for some fun, minigame testing, and chats?
You should add a new type of notification (like the bow / TNT / health / hunger alerts) that alerts the player when their shield has been disabled by an axe, this would be really useful! :>
Hey, quick question - I'm trying to teleport to a waypoint, but it's not working. It's the only waypoint of mine that isn't working, and there are no blocks in the way of it. It makes a villager sound and just doesn't teleport. Could it be because the Y coordinate is 3?
Hey Xaero! Amazing mod as always
I'd like to echo a suggestion of mine that I don't think was added but would still be really useful:
"I have a minor suggestion for the right click menu that was added, loving everything else! If you could add an option to copy the coordinates to clipboard when you right click somewhere on the map, that'd be awesome!"
Another suggestion I had in mind is something for space management, I'm currently going through a bunch of old files and directories, and I noticed that I have a lot of old world maps. Many of them are pretty big, dozens of MB in size, which really adds up.
A way to view these maps outside of MC (such as an external program or even a web-based version) would be really useful. Something that could also be in that and/or in MC would be something that shows the size of the world map on disk.
I have a minor suggestion for the right click menu that was added, loving everything else! If you could add an option to copy the coordinates when you right click somewhere on the map, that'd be awesome!
It also won't work on any version of Java other than 1.2.5-1.6.4 (with minor differences across those versions); world generation was completely changed in 1.7, and they may have also used the wrong seed if they actually used "123775873255737467" (as they posted) and not "-123775873255737467" (note the negative), and either way Bedrock only supports 32 bit seeds (within about +/- 2 billion) so it will be treated as a string and hashed to a valid numerical value (I presume, this is what Java does to numbers outside the 64 bit range).
Or in layman's terms, Bedrock edition is garbage. Legacy console was so much better ._.
What's your take on the proposed changes so far with 1.17's new caves? I think it'll bring much needed changes to mining, I very much agree that they ruined mining and caving after that update. Been a player since 2011, started in Beta 1.6. If I could choose one thing to cange about 1.17, I would increase amount and size of caves in the stone layer, and increase the amount of large caves in the deepslate layer.
Also, tree avatar, Tree Puncher title, checks out.
This has been my avatar on Minecraft Forum for as long as I can remember lol, didn't notice that coincidence until a few years ago. It works quite well, haha
i put the seed from your post, 123775873255737467, and playing 1.16.201 which comes up on my xbox. i come up in an ice world next to a normal world and a damp world with the lily pads, etc. i was wanting to try out your descriptions, etc. anyway, there is a village about 200 clicks or more from my base and i just go there in the day. the folks are still there ok. three farmers and i have been trading with them. wheat, beets and potatoes. when i look at the seed i have now its 1026295931. though i probably don't understand seeds. thank you for the help you have given me. chas
i am going to try and read all the messages on this thread. it is interesting and i might learn what i am not understanding. thanks, chas
Pretty sure all of this is on PC, Java Edition. The seeds won't work on Xbox, as it's a completely different version of the game. Also, 1 klick is 1 kilometer - you said that village is 200 klicks away from your base. 1 kilometer is 1,000 meters, a block in Minecraft is 1 meter, so you're saying you travel over 200,000 blocks to get to that village and back?
Hey, I have a quick question: Some servers disable certain features of the minimap, such as the entity radar. Do you know how they do this? Asking as I'd like to look into this for my own server. Thanks in advance!
Just stopping by to say that this is the best mod out of everything I use and I absolutely love it. Other worldmaps just don't cut it for me, and BetterPvP is the perfect compliment to it. I love the customization and I appreciate that you added features to manually pick which world map you're using if you're in a server with multiple worlds! (Or in my case, multiple local "servers" all with the world name being set to "world") - That addition came in extremely helpful as before, my world maps would reset and it was so frustrating. Now they don't because I can tell it which one I'm using!
Thanks, Xaero! I love your mods and you do great work!
+1! Am a video editor on board with this project, looks like it's gonna be fun as hell.
Here to vouch and say Dante is a friendly, skilled, and overall awesome guy. Go support the AstroMiner project! <3
bump :>
Oops, forgot to mention there'll be a Battling Bridges event on June 14th at 1:00 PM Eastern, for anyone interested! :>
Hello! I'd like to invite you to join Terra, an in-development SMP network. This project was started July 15th, 2021, and development is expected to carry into 2026. I'm an experienced MC server administrator, having helped run servers from 2016 - 2021, and I've played MC since June 2011.
While the SMP server / network overall is still in-development, we're hosting handmade command block minigames on a self-hosted server in the meantime. Our current highlight is "Battling Bridges" designed as an alternative to Bed Wars / Egg Wars but primarily as its own kind of Red vs. Blue mode. As mentioned, it's powered almost entirely by command blocks, MC functions, and a dash of plugin magic. A 2.0 update is in the works as well!
My friends and I have a lot of fun in these events, and so I'd like to invite you to be a part of it all, too. I'm aiming to do at least a couple of these a month, with a new minigame in the works called Terra Tournament, essentially an attempt at a new take on a mix of UHC / Hunger Games.
So, while the larger project is worked on, why don't you join us for some fun, minigame testing, and chats?
🌳 Terra's Discord
(There's a verification thing to stop bots and stuff, you only need to press a button.)
You should add a new type of notification (like the bow / TNT / health / hunger alerts) that alerts the player when their shield has been disabled by an axe, this would be really useful! :>
Hey, quick question - I'm trying to teleport to a waypoint, but it's not working. It's the only waypoint of mine that isn't working, and there are no blocks in the way of it. It makes a villager sound and just doesn't teleport. Could it be because the Y coordinate is 3?
Hey Xaero! Amazing mod as always
I'd like to echo a suggestion of mine that I don't think was added but would still be really useful:
"I have a minor suggestion for the right click menu that was added, loving everything else! If you could add an option to copy the coordinates to clipboard when you right click somewhere on the map, that'd be awesome!"
Another suggestion I had in mind is something for space management, I'm currently going through a bunch of old files and directories, and I noticed that I have a lot of old world maps. Many of them are pretty big, dozens of MB in size, which really adds up.
A way to view these maps outside of MC (such as an external program or even a web-based version) would be really useful. Something that could also be in that and/or in MC would be something that shows the size of the world map on disk.
Thank you! :>
Wow, loving this update already! Thanks, Xaero
I have a minor suggestion for the right click menu that was added, loving everything else! If you could add an option to copy the coordinates when you right click somewhere on the map, that'd be awesome!
Or in layman's terms, Bedrock edition is garbage. Legacy console was so much better ._.
What's your take on the proposed changes so far with 1.17's new caves? I think it'll bring much needed changes to mining, I very much agree that they ruined mining and caving after that update. Been a player since 2011, started in Beta 1.6. If I could choose one thing to cange about 1.17, I would increase amount and size of caves in the stone layer, and increase the amount of large caves in the deepslate layer.
This has been my avatar on Minecraft Forum for as long as I can remember lol, didn't notice that coincidence until a few years ago. It works quite well, haha
Pretty sure all of this is on PC, Java Edition. The seeds won't work on Xbox, as it's a completely different version of the game. Also, 1 klick is 1 kilometer - you said that village is 200 klicks away from your base. 1 kilometer is 1,000 meters, a block in Minecraft is 1 meter, so you're saying you travel over 200,000 blocks to get to that village and back?
Hey, I have a quick question: Some servers disable certain features of the minimap, such as the entity radar. Do you know how they do this? Asking as I'd like to look into this for my own server. Thanks in advance!
Just stopping by to say that this is the best mod out of everything I use and I absolutely love it. Other worldmaps just don't cut it for me, and BetterPvP is the perfect compliment to it. I love the customization and I appreciate that you added features to manually pick which world map you're using if you're in a server with multiple worlds! (Or in my case, multiple local "servers" all with the world name being set to "world") - That addition came in extremely helpful as before, my world maps would reset and it was so frustrating. Now they don't because I can tell it which one I'm using!
Thanks, Xaero! I love your mods and you do great work!
The next episode is out!
(Episode 4) Prosperity
Going to post to this thread each time a new episode is uploaded - and yes, there is no commentary aside from the occasional chat comment in-game.
Currently at:
Episode 1: Trial by Fire
Episode 2: Slowly but Surely
Episode 3: Struggle